
Chapter 7 is the same

During the afternoon class time, the classroom became noisy again, and there was some expectation mixed with it. Everyone stared at the door of the classroom. After a while, Yin Luka walked in and started to call out group by group. Mu Ke, Yamashiro Miyan, and Shiranui Ya sat together and talked softly. Although they knew each other before, they didn't know each other deeply, so the chat was a bit unfamiliar and reserved.

"When the eighth group comes out, your guide, Shangnin, will be waiting for you at the No. 3 playground." Hearing that, the three of Muke immediately got up and walked out of the classroom and walked towards the No. 3 playground.

Konoha Ninja School has a total of nine playgrounds, which wrap the school building in a circle. The No. 3 playground is at the left rear of the school building, which is a small playground.

When the three of Mu Ke walked to the No. 3 playground, they saw a ninja standing in the open space with his back to the three of them. When the three of Mu Ke were about to speak out, the man said: "I am your guide, Junin, and I am very similar. I am good at taijutsu and black-blade swords. Please introduce yourself." After speaking, he turned around. Come, short brown hair, wearing a blue combat uniform with a green johnin mail on the outside. There is a scar on the left face, and several huge scars run through the bridge of the nose to the chin on the right face.

It is the same, as one of the guards of the four generations of Hokage, it is a powerful special Jōnin. Because of the death of the fourth generation of Namikaze Minato, the members of the four generations of the Hokage guards were disbanded. In the past few years, he has been performing tasks outside the village as a special jounin. This time he returned to the village to guide him, which proved that he has won the trust of the three generations of Hokage again, and he will continue to serve as the guard of the three generations of Hokage after a transition.

"Teacher Tongzu Lei, what is the self-introduction about? Do you want to talk about dreams and preferences?" Yamashiro asked, raising his hand.

"What do you like, what do you hate, what are your dreams? The most important thing is what skills you are good at."

"Then let me come first. My name is Yamashiro Miyan. I like crows and hate eating green vegetables! My dream is to be like my uncle Yamashiro Aoba and become the bodyguard of Lord Hokage!" Yamashiro Miyan spoke first.

After listening to Shancheng Miyan's words, Mu Ke glanced at Shiranuiya, and seeing that she didn't intend to answer, he said, "My name is Mu Ke, I like a lot of things, and I hate a lot of things, I'm good at physique. "

"Hey! Mu Ke, you are too cunning, you didn't say anything!" Yamashiro Miyan yelled.

"My name is Shiranui Ya, I'm good at throwing ninjas, especially Qianben. I don't want to say what I like and hate, my dream is to make a lot of money." Shiranui's personality seems to be the opposite of her hot body, unexpectedly cold.

Although Mu Ke doesn't play with the little ghosts in the class very much, as the top two students in theoretical study and actual combat, he has a strong sense of presence in the class. He is as cold as Uchiha Zuosuke and is also the object of girls' admiration. . The most important thing for students in school is to study, so students who study well in the class are naturally concerned.

As the middle classmates in the class, Yamashiro Miyan and Shiranui Ya don't have much sense of existence, especially Shiranui Ya deliberately hides her hot figure, usually covered by wide clothes and wide pants. Today, because of the assessment, I wear clothes suitable for battle. These kinds of clothes are more closed, and the figure is exposed.

Yamashiro Miyan is also a little transparent in the class. He belongs to the type who does not say a word when he speaks by name, but chats with his colleagues at the same table below. His grades are medium and high, and it seems that he has a family secret technique inheritance.

Looking at the three students with different personalities, he felt a little regretful that he took this task. The taciturn and the same was a good assassin in assassination. He led the team to carry out many tasks, but it was the first time to lead a student.

"Everyone has introduced themselves. In order to learn more about your strengths, I will conduct a small assessment. If you fail my approval, I will send you all back to the Ninja School for retraining, or even fail to graduate. Yes! I hope you take it seriously!"

"Konoha has a traditional assessment, which is to grab the bell. I will have two bells tied to my ninja bag. You need to take the bell from my hand to pass." said the bell.

"Teacher Peizu, why did you get three bells?" Yamashiro Miyan shouted. He Zulei glanced at his left hand subconsciously, and a thousand copies suddenly shot at He Zulei's face.

"Little trick!" Pei Zusui sideways dodged Qianben, and a group of crows suddenly appeared on Pei Zushen's back.

He continued to dodge in the same way. Since he still had a bell in his left hand, he could only use his right hand to draw out the kunai to drive away the crows. A kunai appeared among a group of crows. He quickly blocked it, and Mu Ke followed. Kuai's back was posted.

"The cooperation is quite tacit, the combat IQ is good, these are good seedlings." And Zulei was not panic about Mu Ke's melee. As a master of playing knives, the speed of these little ghosts is still too slow. If needed, he could subdue Mu Ke in an instant.

Mu Ke's Kuwu was blocked by the same foot, and the shuriken clasped in his left hand was immediately thrown out. Facing the shuriken at such a close distance, although the power was not strong enough, it was also helpful to cooperate with Mu Ke's Kuwu piercing. And enough to cause trouble.

And Zulei opened the distance with a big jump, and Chinobu Shiranui aimed at him and shot him again. At this time, they were completely in the air, unable to dodge, and Qianbenqun hit the target.


It was like a piece of wood, and the substitute technique was used very quickly.

Not far away, Peizu looked at the three of them in the same way, and said, "The cooperation of the three of you is beyond my expectations, but it will take more effort to get the bell."

The three of Mu Ke did not pursue, but Yamashiro Miyan shouted to Peizu, "Teacher Peizu, have we passed the test?" The bell shook his hand, "Teacher, we grabbed the bell! Hee hee"


He looked at the empty left hand in the same way, recalling the battle just now.

"Crow! When the crow and Mu Ke were attacking at the same time, Shiranui Qianben quietly cut the string of the bell." He sighed in the same way and clapped his hands, "I approve of you. Tactics can be used to make up for the gap in strength, who came up with this tactic?"

Yamashiro Miyan and Shiranui looked at Mu Ke, and Mu Ke said, "It's a tactic that everyone came up with during the lunch break. This tactic combines the characteristics of the three of us, and can be used by the enemy when the enemy has insufficient information on us. An unexpected blow."

"You are qualified, but how do you divide the two bells, those who don't have bells will be sent back to school!"

"Teacher Peizu, the purpose of Konoha's snatch the bell is not only to test the foundation of the students, but also to test the spirit of the team. Since we already know the information, there will be no team disagreement. Do you think it is? Teacher Peizu."

A group of clever little devils, ninjas just want to jump out of the rules set by the enemy for you. I have to say that they have done it very beautifully, and they have a rare smile.

"I announce the official establishment of the eighth class!


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