
Chapter 6 Classification

In the early morning, the sun shines on Mu Ke's face through the thin white gauze curtain. Mu Ke rubbed his eyes and yawned. It was a brand new day. This kind of peaceful day is really rare in this troubled world. No wonder so many people are willing to sacrifice in order to protect it.

Politics is dirty everywhere. We pay everything for it not because of politics, not because of some big man, but because of the protection of the beauty and tranquility of life. Humans are always so selfish and great.

Today is Monday, a big day. Today, I have to go back to school for class classification and decide the days of teammates for a long time in the future. A good teammate can save your life, while a bad teammate will drag the entire team into the abyss.

It is a pity that Mu Ke and his classmates do not have the right to choose, they can only accept. Mu Ke is very uneasy about being divided into classes. From the perspective of Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang, each class has its own specific meaning.

For example, Hinata Hinata's class is clearly the reconnaissance class that perceives ninjas, the classic tactical class of Hogachi Butterfly where Nara Shikamaru is located, the Taiju class where Neji Hyuga is in, and Naruto's class is obviously a bond class, one he likes. A girl, an old enemy who loves and kills each other.

Mu Ke doesn't know what his image is in the eyes of the teacher. When your self-positioning is not clear, the teacher will not know how to arrange you, and he will be thrown into a few students who are not clear. The variables will be very large.

Looking back on my performance in the past six years, plus my identity as a civilian ninja, Mohu is difficult to locate, and there is no family secret in Taijutsu, and he is not as specialized as Xiaoli. Ninjutsu is only taught in school for three body skills. Out of the gap, they did not show the talent of perceiving ninjas, but perceiving ninjas generally have family secrets, and the commoners are really at a disadvantage. Namikaze Minato is really strong in the early stage, and during school, he has shown the same crushing effect as other classmates.

Alas, bad luck, San Ren ran away, three generations are old, four generations have passed away, White Fang left early, and Kakashi is the only one who can survive the scene, and it is difficult to find a good teacher.

As a disciple of the fourth generation, Kakashi must have instructed Naruto. With a wheel-shattering eye and Lei Dun specialization, he taught Zuo Assistant, which is a perfect match for Mung Bean, and Naruto is not a match. The guide of Zhuludie must be the Sarutobi clan, alas, it is a feudal society with a monopoly on knowledge, and the ascending channel can't be said to be blocked.

"The seventh group, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Naruto and Zuosuke Uchiha..."

. . .

"The eighth group, Mu Ke, Yamashiro Miyan and Shiranui Ya..."

The three Mu Ke, who heard the group's name, looked at each other. As classmates of six years, they knew each other well even if they didn't communicate with each other.

Mu Ke was quite pleasantly surprised when he knew the team members. As Shiranui Xuanma's niece, Shiranui has a unique technique called a thousand books. The attack range can be far or near, and the thousand books that bite on the mouth can even be fired instantly. Very good ninjutsu.

Yamashiro Miyan is a clan of Yamashiro Aoba. Their family also likes to play crows and illusions. I don't know if it has anything to do with Uchiha Itachi.

It seemed that the teacher regarded me as a taijutsu ninja, and Mu Ke immediately understood the position of this class. As a civilian ninja, it is a certainty that he can enter the sphere of influence of the two small ninjas.

"Everyone's groupings have been determined, rest at noon, and there will be a guide to meet you in the afternoon. Disband now!" As soon as Yin Luka's voice fell, the class began to become noisy.

"Mu Ke, come with me." Teacher Yin Luka stopped him, "Lord Hokage, I have something to ask you."

Mu Ke followed Mr. Yin Luka to the Hokage office, knocked on the door and went in, and saw the three generations of Hokage sitting behind a pile of documents.

The three generations of Hokage saw that Mr. Yin Luka came with Mu Ke, stood up, and walked in front of the two people. The pipe he was holding was also placed on the table. It has to be said that the three generations of Hokage, as the leader who has been in power for decades, have Treating a little ninja with kindness and good purpose does give people a feeling like a spring breeze, which can make his subordinates have the urge to be devastated.

It's a pity that Mu Ke has been a human being in two generations. He has seen too much of this kind of big leader's style. He knows very well that the more senior people are, the more approachable they need to be. This is just a performance, and Mu Ke is immune to this.

"Student Mu Ke, the main reason for calling you here this time is to ask the book of seals that Naruto brought to your house last time. Have you read the contents?" The third Hokage put his hand on Mu Ke's left shoulder. "Don't be afraid, just simply ask, Naruto has already told the story, and now it's a simple record to avoid any omissions."

Advanced questioning skills, Mu Ke thought to himself, you haven't read all of your telescope skills, and you even come to tell the words of two children, ask questions separately, and tell your companions that you have said everything, don't hide it any more.

"Lord Naruto, what happened was..., and then Naruto defeated Mr. Mizuki with the newly learned multi-shadow avatar technique." Mu Ke briefly introduced the incident, "Naruto gave me the book of seals. Look, he asked me to teach him the technique of multiple shadows, but he failed the technique, so he came to ask me, I opened the book of seals and read..."

"Besides the multi-shadow avatar technique, have you seen other forbidden techniques? Because the forbidden techniques inside are very dangerous, and practicing without guidance will hurt the body." Three generations of Hokage then asked.

"I read a little about other arts, but I couldn't understand them. I didn't learn many symbols, so I didn't read it." Mu Ke felt that it was impossible to say that he didn't read it at all, "and Naruto urged me to teach how much. Shadow Clone Technique, I mainly watched the first technique, and not long after I went to practice in the woods with Naruto, Yin Luka teacher came over, and then Mizuki teacher came to snatch the book of seals, the above is what happened."

"Okay, Yin Luka, you can bring Mu Ke back to the classroom. Isn't there Shangin to guide you in the afternoon? Pay more attention to Naruto, this time Naruto's instructor is Hatake Kakashi, he is Very strict, many groups failed his test, remind Naruto to be careful. Otherwise, it will not look good if you are instructed to return to school."

"Yes, Hokage-sama! But I believe that Naruto can pass Kakashi's test. I have great confidence in Naruto. Just like I have great confidence in Mu Ke!" Yin Luka replied loudly to the three generations of Hokage.

"The sprouts of Konoha are finally growing, and we good guys are looking forward to their growth!" The third Hokage Sarutobi Hizan picked up his pipe and took a sip.

"Yes! We must live up to Hokage-sama's expectations!" Yin Luka and Mu Ke responded loudly.


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