
Chapter 5 The Sealed Book

"Naruto, the difference between the multi-shadow avatar technique and the avatar technique is how to evenly distribute Chakra's shadow avatar and the main body, so that the avatar technique will not be seen instantly as long as it faces a perception ninja, Cover up for the main body's escape or the next move of the attack. Its focus is on the fineness of Chakra's control, you should memorize this technique first, and we will demonstrate it outside."

Mu Ke looked at Naruto's hard-working memory. He took the opportunity to open all the book of seals at this time. After a cursory glance, it was full of high-level ninjutsu. What surprised Mu Ke most was that it contained the most records. It is the sealing technique of the country of vortex, no wonder the three generations of Hokage are so relieved to let Naruto steal it.

To a certain extent, the sealing technique does not greatly improve the combat power. As the name suggests, it is mainly used for various enchantment or sealing ninjutsu. If the sealing technique can really make the ninja stronger, the country of vortex will not be a small country. It is even more impossible to easily destroy the country, especially the Vortex clan is famous for possessing the physique of Chatonla. After destroying the country, he can only be a gypsy in the ninja world.

Another famous thing about seal art is that it is very difficult to learn. It is like high arithmetic. Even if you steal the book of seals, you will not be able to learn it without a very smart brain. Orochimaru, as the proud disciple of the three generations of Hokage, is regarded as the successor of the mantle, almost all ninjutsu can be touched, he has not learned much seal art. In the end, he was almost killed by the third Hokage with the ghoul seal. Finally, I have to go to Tsunade for treatment, to prove that his sealing technique is really not good.

In just ten minutes of Naruto's recitation, Mu Ke remembered the spells in the book of seals. The six years of tireless memorization habits came into play at this time. In order to strengthen the memory, Mu Ke deliberately turned back and forth. read it three times.

Memorizing this kind of thing, if it is a series of meaningless and irregular numbers, it is really difficult to memorize, but if it is a regular thing, the difficulty will plummet, especially many of them are invented by the second generation Hokage, for the second generation. Naruto's ninjutsu thinking, Mu Ke can be said to be very profound research.

After confirming that he remembered correctly, Mu Ke rolled up the book of seals. At this time, Naruto hadn't completely memorized the ninjutsu gestures, and he had to say that Naruto's head inherited his mother, not his father. It is estimated that if Namikaze Minato is here, just take a look and remember that as a genius born as a civilian ninja, it is really ranked high.

Mu Ke and Naruto came to the woods, and Mu Ke began to teach Naruto the technique of multiple shadows. After a few teachings, Naruto mastered it. Naruto's learning ability may not be enough, but he is diligent enough. Diligence can really bridge a lot of gaps, plus Naruto is slow in learning, he learns deeply, he can rub the balls and get the finale, not afraid that you will know more, just that you will be deep. In this respect, two The third-generation Hokage is definitely a counter-example. If the second-generation Hokage's flying thunder god technique is strong enough, how can it be beaten to death by people, and a flying thunder god takes everyone away, it's simple.

Just when the two were addicted to teaching, they found someone approaching quickly. In a breath, they appeared in front of the two people.

"Naruto! Asshole, I've been looking for you for a long time, Mu Ke, are you also with Naruto?" Teacher Yin Luka ran to them, "Where did the scroll on your back come from?" Yin Luka tried Naruto.

"Well, I learned about this scroll from Mr. Mizuki." Naruto pointed to the book of seals behind him and said, "He told me that as long as I get this scroll, I will definitely graduate..."

rest~ rest~

A few kunai flew out of the forest, and Yin Luka immediately pushed Naruto away. Mu Ke jumped away and buckled a Kuwu in his hand from behind.

Teacher Yin Luka was stabbed with a few kunai, but was blocked by the ninja vest and did not suffer any serious injuries.

Mizuki's figure appeared on the treetops not far away, with several large shurikens on his back. Said to Naruto: "Naruto, give me the scroll."

"What the hell is going on here!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto! You can't give him the scroll! The reason why this scroll was sealed is because it contains a lot of dangerous ninjutsu! To get it, Mizuki used you!" Yin Luka reminded Naruto

"Naruto! It's useless for you to hold it, just let me tell you the truth, you heard the rumor about sealing the demon fox twelve years ago! After that, there was a rule in the village, and only you don't know this rule. That is to say that you must not be mentioned as a demon fox!" Shuimu showed a disgusted look, "Don't you feel strange since you were a child? Why do everyone hate you, because you are the nine-tailed demon fox that destroyed our village. It was sealed in your In the body, you are the most respected Hokage!"

"Yin Luka's parents also died in the hands of the demon fox. He hated you for a long time!" Mizuki turned the big shuriken into a windmill and threw it at Naruto.

Naruto stood there and didn't respond at all. Seeing that he was about to be cut by the big shuriken, Yin Luka stood in front of Naruto and protected Naruto with his body, and the big shuriken inserted deeply. in Yin Luka's body.


"After my parents passed away, I have never been recognized or praised by others. I am very lonely. I was like an idiot when I was in school. I did a lot of stupid things to attract others' attention. Naruto, so are you. It's so hard for you to suffer! I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I didn't do well enough for you to have so many unpleasant pasts!"

"It's really touching teacher-student relationship. It's a pity that you are all going to die here. Let me send you on your way, Fengmo Shuriken!" Mizuki charged towards Naruto and Yin Luka while spinning the big shuriken.


Shuimu was kicked to the other side, "Teacher Shuimu, did you forget that I'm here!" Mu Ke looked at Shuimu who was lying beside the roots of the tree and said solemnly.

"Naruto! Don't be influenced by Mizuki-sensei's words. I hate this kind of thing. If it's someone you don't care about, how can there be more! It's time to test your learning achievements, just use the ninjutsu you just learned Defeat this ninja with a bad mind!" Mu Ke reminded Naruto.

"It's a joke! I can kill you two brats with one punch! I'm not ashamed here!" Shuimu stood up and sneered, killing Yin Luka.

"Then let the horses come over! I want to pay back a thousand times a hundred times! Multiple shadow avatars!" Naruto used both hands to make fingerprints.


A thousand Naruto appeared around Mizuki!

"So good~~!" Mizuki couldn't believe his eyes.

Mizuki quickly drowned in Naruto's shadow clone and was beaten into a pig's head.


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