
Knowing you changed me

Daoistr1ScVT · Fantasy
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21 Chs

20: Stomach upset

Have you gotten everything you need for school. yes Anut thanks I am ready to go back to school tomorrow just that i will miss you all Natacha said. awwwn we will miss you too and we will always keep in touch okay so let's go home it is late so you could prepare yourself okay Jacob said. okay i need to go get something but Uncle Jacob and Excel you guys could go but i and Anut Maya will go get something we are coming right Anut Maya. oh yes you guys go get the car we are coming bye Anut Maya said. don't worry we will wait for you too Jacob said. no Jacob you go and we will follow bye and the left. thank God the left Anut now let's go get ice cream and chocolates Natacha said. yes good idea let's go miss we need ice cream different flavours and please be fast. okay Ms here is your ice cream and chocolates. thanks Anut Maya let's go thank goodness we got this I will take some to school tomorrow. no Tacha you will get an upset stomach and it will be bad for traveling let's walk a bit faster we have spent a lot of time here. yes Anut i think you are right i won't take some to school i will finish it at home hahahaha Anut Maya look at Uncle Jacob and Excel's face we should at like we don't know why they are angry Natacha said. great idea Tacha that is why i call you my partner in crime time to show our acting skills Anut Maya said. Uncle Jacob sorry for taking so long let's go i am so tired please. yes baby let's go i am also tired and Excel why are you guys looking at us like that what happened. Tacha and Maya you two should not pretend you know what you did wrong Jacob said. sorry Uncle Jacob but we do not understand what did we do Natacha said. sister you are a good actress but we caught you two so stop acting Excel said. don't worry since you guys want to act i can also act baby give me your shopping bags you both must be tired so let's help you out Jacob said. no don't worry we can carry it honey see let's go she left and went into the car. um Uncle Jacob get in i want to go home Tasha said.

Wow Anut Maya this is so tasty I just can't get enough of this Natacha said. yes the ice cream is tasty Excel here try it out and you too Jacob Maya said. awwwn such a caring girlfriend thanks Maya but no thanks i don't want to spend an extra hour in the gym. okay then suit yourself Excel what about you? Maya asked. no Anut Maya I had enough for today. okay thank goodness so we can have it all to ourselves Natacha said.


Um Anut i am coming i need to use the restroom Natacha said. I also want to use the restroom Maya said and left. look now the have an upset stomach and Natacha is going back to school tomorrow how will she handle it Excel said. i will try calling your mum she might know of some remedy for there stomach i need to go freshen up see yah Jacob said. okay i need to go see Tasha. oh my goodness how will I go to school like this yes come in oh Excel you are here I thought you should be resting. Tacha i came to see you and how you are coping with your stomach Excel said. i am... I'm coming. hahahaha you were busy enjoying your ice cream and chocolates now bear with it sorry sis i will call mum to ask her about a remedy.

few hours later

OMG thanks mummy i am okay now I thought I won't be okay till tomorrow but mummy helped me Natacha said. yes dear Ms Catherine helped us Maya said. baby do you want more ice cream and chocolates. yes Jacob I want more but first I want to finish my food then we can go get another one Maya said. no way no one will have ice cream this night Jacob said. hahahaha Uncle Jacob she was just joking thanks everyone i am done eating I need to go to bed goodnight everyone. okay Tacha have you prepared for school. yes Anut Maya I am ready and there was no need for more provision i still have in school but still thanks I need to retire to bed goodnight everyone once more love you all. same Tacha Excel said.


Okay Anut Maya and Excel bye i will talk to you when I get back to school okay I need to get going Bye Natacha said. looks like you are eager to leave us okay go Tacha bye. oh my dear lovely cute brother I don't want to go but I don't have any choice you see but i will call you okay and we will talk later I need to get going to see what I can read for my test on Monday. okay promise you will call me i will miss you sister I love you so much. oh my don't cry and i love you too so much don't worry no one will bully you again i have handled it Tacha said. okay but still i will miss you, don't allow those girls to bully you and my regards to your friends especially all of them hehehehe Excel said. oh my you were crying and professing your love to me now you are talking about my friends not fair. oops someone is jealous but don't worry we all love you and Tacha take care of yourself and call us whenever you get the chance okay but i will miss you Maya said. awwwn I will miss you too I will miss everyone okay I need to get going and i since i spoke to mummy and daddy then there is nothing left that I need to do okay Uncle Jacob let's go Bye guys love you all Natacha said. see you soon Maya and Excel Jacob said. i will truly miss her Anut Maya said. yes Anut Maya we will miss her let's go inside Anut Maya since we can't see there car again Excel said.

Few hours later

Okay Uncle Jacob bye and i will miss you so much. i will miss you too okay always be a good girl and if you are facing any problem we am just a call away. okay Uncle Jacob i will do that. Tacha is here voices are heard. Oh my goodness Khosi, Gift, Nelisa and Lucas how are you guys doing. Tacha we have missed you so much Lucas said. i have missed you all too well i am back. um Natacha who is this he looks like Jacob Vincent the celebrity but he can't be the one you can't be acquainted with him because you are from a poor home Nelisa said. well he is.... Natacha said. Nelisa how rude Gift said. it is fine i am used to it Uncle Jacob my friends Khosi Gift Nelisa and Lucas friends my crush and Uncle Natasha said. oh so you are her friends Tacha has said alot of good things about you guys and thanks for standing up for her Jacob said. um is it okay if we call you Uncle Jacob because we see Tacha as family so you too are family too and Tacha is a strong, smart and intelligent so she does everything herself Khosi said. still thanks and please do take care of yourselves i need to get going bye and Tacha take care of yourself here are your stuffs bye love you and i will miss you do call us okay. okay Uncle Jacob and i love you too also I will miss you too my regards to everyone Bye. Bye guys take care of yourselves Jacob said and left. wow Tacha your Uncle looks like Jacob Vincent the richest actor and he owns so many companies. enough of the chit chat can you guys help me with my luggage and i need to know how far you guys have gone in three weeks Natacha said. oh look who is back the school belly is back i thought you won't be back again thank God you are back cause all our stuffs are dirty and needs cleaning Vivian said. hey back off she is not your house help so go do it yourself come on Tasha let's go Nelisa said. oops not so fast we are just talking so let's finish what we are saying right Linda Lilian said. yes we need to talk and i will start the conversation and what i want to say is move aside I have to go arrange my stuffs Natacha said. if you go close to her Linda i will report you guys to the school Nelisa said.

Two weeks later

Thanks God we are done with all the tests i thought i won't meet up since i came back late. yes Tacha you are right not to mention that you had bullies to attend too Lucas said. don't worry guys i will handle it myself so don't worry okay Gift said. like seriously i don't say it that way and i do not make those faces Natasha said. hey Natasha come here Linda said. please let's go back to class the sun is too much Natacha said. are you deaf i am calling you come here and clean my shoes how you work out on me you daughter of a prostitute Linda said. what did you just call me Tacha said. oh i thought you were deaf just like your family Linda said. hahahaha girl you are right Linda's friends laughed. how dare you say that about her family Khosi said. no one should interfere I will handle it Natacha said. what can daughter of a prostitute do Linda said. Take those words back by apologizing Natacha said. and if i don't what will you do infact I will call you more not only your mum everyone in your family are cheap Linda said. slap slap slap how dare you say such things about my family i will kill you Linda and no one will save you Natacha said. ouch ouch leave me now i will make you pay for this Linda said. get off her or else we will deal with you okay watch what we do to you Lilian and Vivian said. [Natacha drags them both to the floor and beats the three together]. what did you say you will teach me a lesson right now teach me a lesson no one will interfere so teach me a lesson *slap slap slap punch punch punch slap slap slap punch punch punch*. ahhh leave us alone or you will regret it. [the students outside were shouting slogans fight fight fight fight]. what is going on here Natacha leave them Natacha's classmates said. if any of you interfere we will teach them a lesson Tacha beat them till you are tired no one will interfere Lucas said. oh Tacha's brother is calling let's me answer and know what is the problem or should i say tell them they news and thank God the called hey Excel. fight fight fight the students said. good afternoon sorry what's that noise Ms Catherine asked. good afternoon ma oh the noise nothing serious just that Natacha is fighting and the students are chanting slogans that's all Nelisa said. what Tacha is fighting what happened can we talk to her Anut Maya said. sorry ma she said we should not interfere but we can make a video and send to you. dear it's me Tacha's Uncle do make the video we want to talk to her.