
Knowing you changed me

Daoistr1ScVT · Fantasy
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21 Chs

2: Natacha meets rude and arrogant Gerald

Gosh are you blind

i am so sorry Mister did i hurt you I am so sorry. Miss are you blind is this the way you guys behave here you guys go about bumping into strangers and later you women suck up to him well Miss i am not that type of man go find someone else who will your for this. Excuse me Mister do i look like your girlfriend or those girls you meet i was being polite and apologizing for what was clearly not my fault you were the one not watching because you were busy typing away on your phone so you should be the one apologizing. are you nuts miss and what are you looking at i am talking to you.

well i am looking at a mistake cause i can see your family made a mistake in raising you.how dare you drag my family into this Miss perfect since you know better then make me. Well your parents already made that mistake and if you would excuse me I have someone to pick up.

Shut up.Well show me an example of shutting up.youuuu

hey Miss you are constituting nusiance here so please stop.hey officer I did nothing I was standing here waiting for someone by name Mr Gerald Wilson whom I am supposed to pick up and he is 30 minutes late and.wait you said you are supposed to pick me up wow could Anut Maya not find anyone with brains to pick me up.And a fool is talking wow.

Ma am pls leave sir please can I take a picture and get an autograph.sure sir.wow sir you are his fan no wonder you sided him well that's okay i am leaving now. Miss why are you so pained. Natasha that's my name and i am not pained and if you are done making a noise you can come with me or else stay here and bark bye.

hey Miss whatever your name is i am done listening to your nonsense take my bag with you. Umm i have an advice for you why don't you sit here and wait for me to carry your suitcase with me okay bye.hey wait for me crazy woman.