
Knight and Death

This is the era of Knight and Death. Ancient virtues are buried in the dust of history, and civilizations and traditions are burned to ashes. Struggle and slaughter are everywhere, the old order is buried in blood. But Maetos, a man riding a dark horse, and he said, 'I came not to send peace, but a sword.'. A new immortality begins here.

leede_belatia · Fantasy
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14 Chs


The stable is located in the northeast corner of the manor, where over a hundred war horses are domesticated, occupying a full tenth of the area of the Old Knight's manor.

More than ten servants carefully took care of the horses day and night, afraid to let them suffer. It is no exaggeration to say that the daily cost of each warhorse is three to five times or even more than that of a servant.

Before going to the stable, Maetos returned to his room where he wore Squire's unique armor.

A helmet with face armor, half body armor, iron leg guards, iron gloves, an Oxhorn axe, and an Oxhorn shield.

These armors weighs over 80 pounds, with the heaviest being the Oxhorn axe and Oxhorn shield.

The Oxhorn shield is also very famous in the Castro region as it belongs to the one-handed shield, and only Squires and Knight are eligible to use it. It weighs over twenty pounds and is elliptical in shape, with two seven or eight inch long horns on top and bottom. The horns are extremely sharp, even sharper than regular spears. The knights could grab the shield and easily pierce the log.

After putting on these Squire armors, Maetos weighs almost three hundred pounds. The heavy boots thumped on the stone slab, and the servants in the stable saw Maetos from afar, and pulled out his horse as quickly as possible to prepare everything.

The servants all knew that the fierce Squire in front of them not only had a hot temper, but also had extremely cruel personality. In just three years, seven or eight servants in the stable have been killed by Maetos due to not taking good care of his mounts.

Shadowmere is the name of Maetos' horse. This majestic warhorse was just purchased by the old knight at the beginning of this spring, because Maetos was too lazy to name it, so he inherited its predecessor's name. Maetos has replaced four or five war horses in the past three years, and each one is named Shadowmere.

Unlike other Squires, Maetos flipped over on his horse alone. The bald Squire carried a shield in one hand and a battleaxe in the other, and roared fiercely, "Go! Shadowmere! "

The black war horse hissed and ran swiftly towards the outside of the manor. Maetos, on the other hand, lowered his cover and repeatedly struck the shield with his axe handle, emitting strange noises. "Charge, knight! Charge! "

"It seems that Sir Maetos has no chance of becoming a knight in the short term, "said a servant, wiping his sweat and turning his head carefully around.

"I can say that if Sir Maetos hears your words, he will definitely give you an Oxhorn axe, and then prepare armor and horses for you to comment on whether you are right in a man's way. "A servant secretly grabbed a small handful of soybeans from the feed and stuffed them into his pants legs. He wants to take these soybeans back for his son to eat.

The servants continued to be busy with their own affairs, and Squire Maetos also rushed out of the manor and arrived at a hill to the north to start practicing his knightly skills.

Dozens of thick logs stood irregularly on a flat ground, while more than ten logs of varying lengths were thrown onto the ground as obstacles. Seven or eight servants arrived here early, holding more than ten cubits of white wax poles scattered among these logs, lazily leaning against the wooden stakes and waiting for the arrival of the knight.

"Charge, knight! "Maetos roared, his shield tilted forward for piercing, his axe swung, and he used it for chopping. The target is a servant standing in front of a log.

The servant dared not resist directly and threw the wax stick, rolling over behind the log. The other servants took the opportunity to wave the wax stick and thrust it at Maetos.

The horse roared, and Maetos, with his outstanding horsemanship, swung left and right, dodging seven or eight white wax poles and taking the opportunity to charge towards the next servant.

The servants not only avoided Maetos' attack, but also took advantage of the opportunity to move logs on the ground and throw them randomly, in order to block Squire's impact.

After training for a while, Maetos ordered his servants to stop and rest, while he jumped off his horse, picked up his axe and shield, and began chopping at a log.

He is training to chop the log, but the axe in hand will stop whenever it is about to strike the logs. It took him a full hour of repetition before he stopped.

The horse had already rested, and bald Maetos jumped onto it again and began to ride the horse when chopping of logs, while the servants wandered around, constantly poking Maetos' body with white wax sticks. What Maetos did was to constantly evade those attacks and not let the wax stick hit him.

For a whole morning, Maetos and these servants trained between the wooden pillar, until noon when the servants brought a large amount of food and water, and the crowd temporarily rested.

The servants gathered together and whispered and laughed, while Maetos secretly thought about his thoughts.

According to the rules, after lunch, Maetos jumped onto the horse and said to the servants, "Take a break here and get ready for the rest. I'll go and inspect the manor."

The servants quickly nodded and agreed that. This rule had been in place for over three years, and it had been in place since Maetos arrived at this manor.

It's called to be a tour of the manor, but in fact, Maetos is extremely idle and bored, practicing riding alone on the hills. Since he came to this manor as a Squire, there have been no more mobs rushing here to destroy crops or demand food from the manor. Because all the rioters who set foot on the manor were beheaded by the bloody and cruel Maetos, even if the rioters surrendered, this Squire would not let them go. He would tie them up with strong hemp ropes and then drive them through some heavy labor such as building manors, reclaiming wasteland, and building underground chambers.

It can be said that the old knight's manor can have its current appearance, in addition to the management of its predecessors, it is also due to the contributions of the slaves under Maetos. Of course, due to those slaves, other Squires despised the bald Maetos and believed that he violated the rules of a knight. However, the old knight never scolded him, so Maetos continued to capture the mobs as slaves.

Hills are only tens miles away, and Maetos completed his inspection in just two hours. He was somewhat disappointed that the mobs had not come to Knight's Manor, otherwise he would have captured another group of slaves to build the granary in the manor.

It should be noted that with some guidance from Maetos, the servants in the manor have improved some planting techniques, resulting in a significant increase in grain production. Almost every season, a large amount of grain is discarded outside due to insufficient warehouses and left to be eaten by rats.

After the boring inspection, Maetos returned to his training ground, where he had enough rest and the servants were already ready for the next training.

Maetos take off his armor and wear only a pair of cowhide shorts during this cold winter. A servant carefully applied ointment mixed with essential oils to every corner of Maetos' body, even the area wrapped in his leather pants.

Seven or eight servants thrust more than ten elbow long white wax poles fiercely at Maetos. Chest, back, neck, head, legs, abdomen, arms, etc.

These servants were tall and sturdy, with bodies seven elbows high, and their strong muscles made them very powerful when they got up. White wax sticks stabbed at Maetos one by one, and Maetos only felt the burning pain spreading from his body to his brain.

A servant's wax stick stabbed the wrong position, and Maetos angrily scolded him loudly, "Damn it, do i have to draw circles on those special positions for you to hit? Don't stop, hurry!"

A group of servants were frightened and panicked, but their movements did not stop at all. They used all their strength to stab Maetos's body, and with every stab, they felt a numbness in their wrists. That's how Maetos used his knight training methods to mobilize his muscles for a counterattack.

"This training method can only stimulate a certain part of the human body, but cannot stimulate the whole body to break the body extreme limit. Damn it, if there were a training method that stimulates the whole body, perhaps I would have already break the body extreme limit and become a true knight. "

Feeling his muscles trembling, he seemed to feel some heats gradually released at the impact point. But he knew that those heats were just his illusions.

The servants almost stabbed every muscle and joint on Maetos's body, which took an hour. After this stab, it was considered the end of the knight's training. However, Maetos did not stop, but instead asked the servants to change their tools. They only saw these servants carrying sticks and hitting him for a while, but they did not exert too much force, but carefully controlled their strength, so that there was no danger in training.

The sky darkened, and the cold wind, as usual, roared over from afar. With the help of his servants, Maetos applied a large amount of ointment mixed with special essential oils on his body before wearing armor.

"When I go back tonight, choose the strongest one from those slaves for me to use tomorrow. "

Maetos twisted his neck, which was about the size of an ordinary person's thigh, from side to side, only to hear a crunch coming from his neck. The servant on the side quickly nodded and agreed, afraid to look at Maetos in armor.

"All go back! "After wearing his armor, Maetos jumped onto his horse and go towards the manor.

It wasn't long before he returned to the manor, which happened to be dinner time. After a habitual argument with other Squires, he returned to his own room.

The thick armor was hung on the wooden frame, and the sharp Oxhorn axe was smeared with liquid for maintenance. A clean white soft cloth was constantly wiping on it.

After finishing the maintenance of the weapon, Maetos stripped off his clothes and lay on the stone bed preparing for his next training.

The iron chain at the bedside was pulled down by him, and after a creaking sound, a crack opened in the ceiling above him, and a stone slab slowly fell from inside.

This stone slab weighed over two hundred pounds, with eight chains tied to it, and was gradually lowered downwards. Finally, it slowly landed on Maetos' chest.

The heavy slate pressed against his chest, making Maetos's breathing a bit difficult. Fortunately, he was already accustomed to this kind of cultivation and quickly adapted to it after using special breathing methods.

Under the special breathing mode, Maetos' muscles began to tremble slightly, and the muscles continued to wriggle, causing slight turbulence on the stone slab weighing over two hundred pounds. However, there are eight chains pulling, so there is no need to worry about falling down.

As his muscles wriggled, Maetos felt a slight tingling pain passing from his body to his head, which had been present for a long time.

Accompanied by the increasing intensity of the piercing pain, heats emerged from his body. However, as soon as these heats flows were born, they dissipated again and again, and so repeatedly, except for the increasing pain, there was no other change.

Although there is some pain in the body, it is only a minor issue for Maetos, not enough to make him scream out. Of course, it is also a minor issue for other Squires. Because of this exercise method, they have already started from the day they became Squire, and over the years, they have also become accustomed to it.

In this way, about three hours later, Maetos pulled the bedside chain again, thus pulling the huge stone up. After finishing these, he jumped out of bed and ate some meat and honey to replenish his previous consumption.

The next morning, Maetos woke up early and put on a simple outfit. He also put on the black cloak in his wardrobe. He only realized when his cloak covered his body.

"Damn it, I didn't have to go to the town to buy food anymore. Now the task of purchasing food has been handed over to the other Squire. Hmm! What can I do? I haven't read for a long time, maybe I should go check out the old knight's library."

Maetos tickle his head hard, and years of work came to an end, which made him feel a bit uncomfortable. But this is also considered a good thing, at least he has more time to enrich himself.