
Knight and Death

This is the era of Knight and Death. Ancient virtues are buried in the dust of history, and civilizations and traditions are burned to ashes. Struggle and slaughter are everywhere, the old order is buried in blood. But Maetos, a man riding a dark horse, and he said, 'I came not to send peace, but a sword.'. A new immortality begins here.

leede_belatia · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Squire listened to the children's constant arguments day after day, feeling very comfortable. At present, only these innocent children can make him comfortable.

Around a few streets, Squire arrived at the Central Stone House. This stone house occupies the largest building in Manor, with a width of over 100 feet on both sides and a spacing of over 30 feet between the front and back. There is not only a restaurant inside, but also a storage room for weapons and equipment, as well as a room that can accommodate enough Squires and Squire servants.

Pushing open the central wooden door, the Squire walked in, and a ray of sunlight shone through the door, making the somewhat dim hall much brighter.

In the center of the hall is a long table, directly facing the door. There is only one chair at the northernmost end, with six on each side.

Bald Squire chose the first chair on his right hand and sat down, which is his position in this room. Above him is the seat of Manor's master, the old knight.

Leaning against the hard high back chair, Squire's gaze tightly fixed on the chair covered in white bear skin above. He knew that whoever sat in that chair represented who controlled the manor. He has sat in that chair countless times from his sleep, giving orders to his squires on both sides.

His gaze fell on it for a long time, then turned to the quaint long table in front of him.

He remembered when he first came here, the old knight proudly told him that this table was made by his grandfather after he became a knight.

On this table, not only did the old knight's grandfather issue orders and reprimand Squires, but also his father, and himself issued orders and reprimanded Squires.

"Three hundred and eighty-nine Squires once sat at this table, of which fifteen Squires became knights, and finally eight obtained their own manor. "Squire's mind occasionally recalled the words spoken by the old knight back then.

"When I was a child, those knights used to come here for gatherings, but now they haven't been here for a long time."

"A knight family, perhaps it's just gone down like this. "Bald Squire reached out his thick fingers from his cloak and gently caressed the table in front of him. The smooth tabletop made him feel as if powerful knights were holding their jorums and toasting their masters. The silver jorum rubbed against the tabletop, the thick animal skin paper polished the wooden thorns on top, and each medal was neatly placed on top for the owner and others to appreciate.

Just as the Squire was pondering, footsteps echoed from the passage on the right side of the living room. Soon, the small door on the wall opened and several tall knights Squire walked out of it. They are dressed in neat and erect robes, with long swords, sabre, axes, and short spears hanging from their waists.

Among them, the lowest height is over six cubits, and the highest is seven cubits. However, if they stand with the bald Squire, they must be at least one cubit shorter.

A cubit in this world is equivalent to thirty centimeters, and he is over eight cubits tall, equivalent to about 2.4 meters.

"Standing in front of these dwarfs, a finger flicked on their forehead can knock them to the ground. " Of course, this is just a wishful thinking of the bald Squire. Among these squires, even the weakest one can fight against him for a while before losing.

Ten brave men emerged from the small gate, all of whom were the Squires of the Old Knight. Like the bald Squires, they followed the rules of the Empire and prepared their own armor, war horses, weapons, and servants to serve the Old Knight and obey his orders. In order to receive guidance from the old knight and become a true knight. Even fantasizing about using the connections left by the old knight's father or grandfather to obtain a manor.

Ten Squires will be seated left and right, and a total of eleven Squires will be added with a bald Squire. According to the rules of the empire, a knight with a manor can cultivate twelve knights at the same time. And those knights without Manor can only cultivate three Squires. The gap is caused by the presence or absence of Manor.

"Perhaps the old knight wouldn't be able to make up for twelve knights Squire at the same time in his lifetime. Unfortunately, all three of his sons lost their lives while training with other knights, otherwise he wouldn't be like this. "With the last empty chair, the bald Squire couldn't help but think of two years ago when the old knight learned that his youngest son was killed in battle with the mob, and suddenly fell ill, Until now, he has not recovered.

According to the regulations of the Latour Empire, the offspring of a knight who wants to become a knight must go to other knights for training, and cannot follow their own father for training.

The Empire did this only to allow the knights to exchange skills with each other, thereby further increasing the strength of the knights. Unexpectedly, the old knight lost three sons for this.

Everyone sat quietly on the chairs without speaking. After a quarter of an hour, an old man dressed as a butler walked in from outside.

After standing next to the first chair, the old butler trembled and took out a piece of animal skin paper from his arms to lay it flat on the table. He hoarsely read, "From today on, Squire Maetos will be in charge of patrolling Manor territory."

As he read, the old butler paused for a moment and turned his gaze to Squire, who was bald on the side.

"Obey the orders of the Lord. "The bald Squire stood up straight and followed Squire's etiquette. After the old butler nodded with satisfaction, he sat down. Maetos is the name of a bald man.

Subsequently, the old butler announced another ten appointments, each corresponding to the other ten knights Squires. These squires have skills in defense, internal patrols, and weapons and armor conservation. After a series of appointments, except for being controlled by the old butler in finance, all important matters in Manor were controlled by eleven Squires.

"The Knight Lord is very uneasy with you, but in order to give you early exercise, he still decided to temporarily entrust these matters to your control. He hopes that you can put aside your prejudices and work together to maintain the Knight Manor. "The old butler trembled in his voice and after completing all the appointments, narrowed his eyes and looked at the eleven Knights Squires.

"We will complete the appointment of Lord and will never disappoint his hope."

For most of the past two years, the old butler has come to the living room to announce things to everyone, so they do not doubt whether the appointment of the old butler is incorrect. It's really not possible. Everyone can ask the old knight in person.

The old butler nodded with satisfaction and signaled Squires to go for a meal. He then shook his body and headed towards a courtyard behind the stone house. There is a place where the old knight recovers from illness, and Squires generally does not go there to disturb the old knight unless there is an important matter.

Silent all the way, the relationship between bald Squire Maetos and several other Squires was not very good, and the other Squires were also unfriendly to each other. In this manor, squires rarely talk to each other unless necessary.

Entering the restaurant along the stone house corridor, there were twelve long tables arranged in the spacious restaurant. Each table can accommodate five people for dinner.

Maetos sat at the table by the window, where he was alone because he had no servants in this manor to help him wear armor and take care of the horses. And the other knights, Squire, were all followed by four servants. However, those servants dare not dine with their masters, but wait for their masters to dine before they eat some leftovers.

More than three pounds of meat, ten pieces of palm sized white bread, two one cubits long thick hams, a turkey, and a small bucket of milk. These are all Maetos' breakfast.

Throwing aside the knives and forks placed on the table, he reached out and grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it in large gulps. The huge palm of his hand made the normal bread look a bit small in his hands.

With one hand, he grabbed the bread and meat pieces, and with the other hand, he grabbed a small wooden bucket that could hold three pounds of milk and ate it in large gulps. Occasionally, he stop and tear at the meat pieces on the turkey, which is also convenient to eat.

Although it was winter, Maetos's fierce eating still caused sweat to roll down his cheeks from his bald head. He didn't care about these either, grabbed a soft cloth and wiped it, then continued to fight with the food in front of him.

Some of the other Squires are extremely elegant in cutting food with knives and forks, while others, like Maetos, deal with the food in front of them with extreme roughness and lack of any knightly etiquette. No one mocked, No servants dared to show a disdainful expression.

Maetos ate half of the food more than other squires, and even the plate containing the turkey had no bones, all of which were eaten up by him.

"The food is still not enough, order the kitchen to make more tomorrow. "Licking the grease around his big mouth, Maetos stood up satisfied and walked outside.

"Maetos, you should control your appetite, otherwise the women in the kitchen will think you've increased their workload and complain about you. "A blonde Squire gracefully lowered his knife and fork and wiped the corners of his mouth with a soft cloth before whispering.

Maetos glared at him, he doesn't want to pay attention to the blonde Squire, because since the blonde Squire discovered that he ate a lot more food than others, he often said so.

After closing the restaurant door heavily, Maetos walked towards the stable with an angry expression on his face. He wants to mount a warhorse and practice his knightly skills outside Manor.

"Son of bitch, according to the rules, you have been in this Manor for four and a half years. In the next six months, whether you become a knight or not, you must leave Manor. The day you leave Manor, will be the day of your death."

Maetos gave his bald head a hard slap, and he really disliked the Squire. However, the his skills was similar to him, and he had little confidence in defeating and killing him head-on.

Therefore, he came up with the idea of using his happy or sad to spend the least effort to kill him after the five-year Squire deadline has ended.