
Knight's Tale : the Dark Knight

Ari is a farmer who has been orphaned by his parents and siblings. Despite this, he decides to continue his life as a farmer and becomes quite successful. However, a memory suddenly emerges in his mind about a child playing a video game. The child idolizes a knight character who is the final enemy of the character he is playing. The sense of wonder and admiration in that memory then becomes a driving force for Ari to change his life path, leaving the farm behind and enrolling in the Knight Academy. But, did Ari make the right decision? Should he just continue his life as a farmer? And what should he do if he not only wants to become just a knight, but desires to become an evil knight suitable to be the Final Boss like in the game?

Northsouth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

ch 15. Bullies (translated)

Name : Ari

level : 7

Power Seed : STR CON +0,5 Multiplier


(Lv X 1) + Add. Stat) + (Lv X Multiplier)


Str 19 (+ 12)

Agi 9 (+ 2)

Dex 11 (+ 4)

Con 23 (+ 16)

Mag 7 (+ 0)

Ari was overjoyed to see a significant improvement in his status. Str and Con status got the most improvement, followed by Dex and Agi status. Ari regretted that his Mag status didn't have a significant increase but she couldn't do anything to change it.

Another thing Ari realized was that she got an increase in level. based on the strange memory that appeared in her mind, the level could only increase after Ari collected experience points. those points Ari could get from defeating or killing opponents as well as exterminating magic creatures and the like.

as far as Ari knew, the only thing closest to fighting that she had done lately was when Ari attended Master Joe's class. even then, the conditions Ari experienced were more accurately referred to as one-sided torture than experience. Ari can only hope that this topic will be discussed in class someday so that Ari can adjust and find ways to increase her level.


After getting his status results, Ari continued the day by practicing the Technique Book in the training room. Armed with his training with Teacher Lee in class, Ari enthusiastically tried the techniques he got from the Technique Book.

Ari tried to perform the first technique that previously made his arms tired quickly, namely the Vertical Front Attack.

With the light wooden sword in his right hand, Ari swings his sword vigorously.




Ari performed the vertical slash three times and again questioned his own ability. Ari's hand did not feel as painful or achy as before, even now Ari felt that his hand was still in good and normal condition. What confused Ari was why he felt like something was missing. He felt that he was doing the basic movements incorrectly even though he had practiced with Teacher Lee and learned how to use the sword from him.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

Ari decided to sit down for a moment, trying to think of what she could do to fix his problem.

Ari sat pensively, staring blankly at the weapons rack full of wooden weapons. Some looked thick, solid, and heavy even though Ari had never touched the weapons.

Then Ari's brain seemed to get a click!


The weapons Ari used for training were one-handed swords and shields that were extremely light by Ari's standards. Perhaps even too light, especially when compared to the value of Ari's Str status which had impressed Teacher Putree.

Ari then decided to try a heavier weapon. Ari walked towards the weapon rack and started looking for a weapon that was heavy enough for herself.

It took Ari a few minutes until he finally found a pair of weapons that she found suitable. Ari pulled out a thick sword, with a sharp wooden edge and a hilt made of wood while the main body was made of iron. The sword was about a bit over a meter long and about twenty centimeters wide.

A sword like this is commonly referred to as a GreatSword and is more often used as a two-handed weapon. Its large size and above-average weight made this type of sword very ineffective in fights that required speed.

Ari put GreatSword aside and took another weapon from the shelf. This weapon was called the Tower Shield, with a height of about one hundred and twenty centimeters and a width of fifty centimeters. This Tower Shield seemed to be a special weapon for knights with absolute defense specialization so they would focus on using the large shield to become a living wall for their comrades.

Both weapons weighed an incredible amount, much heavier than Ari had expected. Ari needed both hands and all his strength just to lift one of these weapons. let alone if he had to lift both together, Ari was still unable to do so.

It's just that Ari was very happy to see these two weapons because these two weapons seemed to give him additional motivation. The two weapons at first glance looked like the type of weapon used by the knight in black armor that Ari had seen in his memory.

"You two are going to be my go-to weapons someday. Hehehe!"

After returning the two training weapons that were too heavy for himself, Ari then searched for another weapon and pulled out a long sword with blades on both sides. this sword was about a meter long and had a strong blade. to replace the kite shield that Ari was using, he picked up a round shield that looked thicker than usual with a large round protrusion in the middle.

both of these weapons are heavier than the weapons Ari used before. the long sword is also a type of sword that should be used with two hands at once, while the shield is a type of combat shield that is also used as a striking weapon.

Ari again tried the Vertical Front Strike technique, this time using a new sword that felt heavier in Ari's hands. As Ari lifted the sword, he could feel his muscles tighten slightly, giving Ari a sense of satisfaction that he was finally using his muscles well. Ari continued with a vertical forward slash, letting the weight of the sword pull his hand down while maintaining the balance and direction of the sword. As the momentum began to pull the sword down, Ari added power to his hand to deal more fatal damage to the imaginary opponent in front of him.



A single vertical sword stroke flowed smoothly, from the top of Ari's head to the floor of the training room. Ari, who still did not have full control of his muscle power, accidentally slammed the tip of the sword into the reinforced floor of the training room. Immediately, the floor of the training room was slightly cracked while the long sword Ari was using was cracked, almost split in two.

Ari looked at the training sword and the floor that was cracked by her sword swing. He didn't expect that his sword swing could be that powerful, breaking the sword and cracking the training room floor. Ari tried swinging his practice sword but it seemed that it was no longer able to do its job, so Ari was forced to look for another sword to practice with.

Ari was lucky to find another sword with a similar shape and weight, so he could continue his training. then Ari spent the time until lunchtime practicing the Vertical Front Attack technique. repeating it over and over again until his arms felt like they were going to fall off from fatigue.


Ari finished the day's training quite satisfactorily and took the time to go back to his room for a while, intending to clean himself from sweat and dirt before heading to the dining room to enjoy a lunch with a portion that was too much for normal humans.

Sometimes the portions made Ari wonder if he had crossed the boundaries of a normal human and started to enter the monster level, given the absurd amount of portions he had eaten. Luckily for Ari, such thoughts disappeared as soon as he finished eating because Ari didn't have time to think about such trivial things.

Ari rushed to the bathroom and immediately cleaned himself up. He made sure all the folds of his body were washed with water and scrubbed with fragrant soap before rinsing his whole body and getting out of the bathroom in a hurry. Ari quickly put on his clothes, eager to eat a delicious lunch, and rushed out of his dorm room at a brisk pace that was unfortunately blocked by a woman with an arrogant look full of emotion.

That woman was Flowy, who was already standing waiting right in front of the door along with four people who appeared to be senior cadets. Flowy immediately pushed Ari hard, forcing Ari to step back and re-enter his dorm room. Meanwhile, the four senior cadets also entered the dorm room with arrogant faces as if whatever they were about to do was the right and commendable thing to do.

"Flowy, what's the meaning of this?"

"It's nothing, Big Ari.

I just wanted to leave a little message for your friends."

"Message? What message do you want to leave with four senior cadets?"

"Do your job."

Flowy then left Ari with the four senior cadets who seemed happy to do her bidding. The four senior cadets had similar builds, with large muscles and fat bodies, as if they were trying to outdo Ari in size.

Ari remembered the words of the academy head on the first day he joined, where he said that junior cadets were allowed to beat senior cadets as long as they were capable of doing so.

"Are you sure you can do this, senior cadets?"

"Shut up you village boy.

Enjoy our fists and go back to the rotten hole you came from."

One of the senior cadets to Ari's right was the first to start the attack. He ran quickly, crossed the distance between them in an instant, and aimed his huge fist at Ari's face.


Ari managed to dodge the senior cadet's fist, but he wasn't able to counterattack yet as the senior cadet immediately took a step back when he saw his fist missed. the other three senior cadets immediately came forward together, planning to hold Ari back so that they could freely hit him without fear of retaliation.

Ari was a little late in responding to the senior cadets. They managed to grab both of Ari's hands almost at the same time and held them tightly, while one of the other senior cadets kicked Ari's knee to make him kneel down.


The senior cadet kicked Ari's knee quite hard but only managed to make Ari's leg bend slightly. meanwhile, Ari started to feel annoyed with the treatment of his seniors. but at the same time, Ari also felt very excited. Ari felt that his current condition was quite similar to the video game he saw in his memory. along with that excitement, Ari decided to dive into the character of the final boss and act like an arrogant villain.

"Are you satisfied? It's my turn!"

Simultaneously, Ari pulled both of his hands along with the two seniors holding him. Quickly and with all his might, Ari slammed the two seniors right on their heads.


both seniors immediately fell to the floor while holding their heads. Ari then immediately turned around and grabbed the collar of the senior who had kicked his knee. Ari pulled the senior and then slammed him on top of the two seniors he had just dropped.


owww! aawww! ouuch!

The three seniors had fallen on top of each other. They looked in pain but Ari was still not satisfied. Ari wants to be an evil character like the black knight in the video game, for that, he must be able to do evil actions. at least in battle.

Without hesitation, Ari grabbed the neck of the senior he had just slammed and then smashed his head several times on the floor.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

The senior was already unconscious by the second blow, but Ari continued to smash him to the floor until he saw blood starting to drip from the senior's head. Ari then threw the senior cadet to the side, letting the senior cadet's body hit the wall hard before finally falling limply unconscious.

Ari then looked at the two seniors who were still lying on the floor holding their heads. Ari grabbed the hair of the two seniors and slammed their heads into the floor repeatedly.

bam! bam! bam! bam!

the heads of the two seniors immediately spurted blood that pooled on the floor. Ari let go of the two unconscious seniors and left them lying unconscious. Ari then stared blankly at the last senior cadet, who was currently looking at Ari with a gaze full of horror.

"g.. ge... get away... get away from me! I'm a senior!!! RESPECT ME DAMN IT!"

"Senior brother is so noisy. Do you want me to slam your head the floor too?"

"Hiiiiikkk!! Die you little brat!"

In a panic, the senior cadet jumped at Ari with his right fist pointing straight at Ari's face. Ari let the fist hit his cheek, but it couldn't make him budge from his spot.

"Your fists are weak senior. how about you try mine?"

Ari put all his strength into his left fist, aiming it at the left chest of the senior cadet who stood rigidly, not expecting to be hit back.

Bugh! Krakk!

Ari's fist managed to crack the senior cadet's ribs, the force of his fist moved through the ribs and hit his heart. making the senior's heart stop beating for a few seconds. the senior cadet could only fall to his knees limply, not daring to do anything. Ari, who saw that his opponent had fallen, immediately took the final step to finish the fight.


With the palm of his hand, Ari pushed and dragged the senior cadet's face until it hit the wall. the force Ari used to hit the senior cadet's head was enough to shake his brain and make him fall instantly. 

four senior cadets fell in front of Ari, who was currently feeling very proud of his extraordinary physical strength. the sense of pride in Ari's heart was so overwhelming that Ari could not help but laugh contentedly at his four victims.



status page on ch 5 is edited to match this chapter status page.

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