
20: "My name is Keith-I'm so emo."

Keith's POV:

So, maybe Keith had a small little problem. Did he have a gremlin chasing after him? Yes, he did. Was he chasing someone? Yes, he was. That bitch of a jock! He was the one who hurt Lance! That bastard wasn't getting off so easily. Not on Keith's watch. "KEITH, GET YOU'RE STUPID ASS BACK HERE!!!" Uh-oh. Pidge was catching up to him. Not good. "No! This jerk needs to be-" But he didn't get to finish his sentence, since ai many things happened at once. First, Keith was tackled to the ground by Pidge and the jock. Then, the sound of sirens could be heard somewhere off in the distance. And someone was shouting. He couldn't make it out, what words were said, but from the tone, he was probably getting cussed out. "Alright, get OFF!" He tried shoving the jock away. But the guy punched him. Or, tried to, anyway. Keith caught his fist, now an inch from his face, unfazed. And he squeezed, smirking at the satisfying crunch that was heard a minute later. The other buy sucked air through his teeth. "Dammit, let me go!" "No." Keith said, his voice cold and sharp. With his free hand, he pushed the short gremlin off him, then bashed the jock's head into the concrete, and held him there.

Lance's POV:

Lance was able to tell the cops everything. After he was done explaining, they told him to go and get his injuries treated, but he wasn't going anywhere until he knew Keith was ok, as much of a stupid idiot the guy was. "Fine. You can lead us there, then." And they were off, with Lance in the lead on the borrowed bike, leading them through the streets. They managed to get there in five minutes, and Lance was one of the first to witness the scene. Keith, way more bloodied than he had been earlier, was holding the jock against the ground by his head, earning a shouted lecture from Pidge. She may be the shortest of them but that just meant she bottled up more anger than any of them. Luckily, the cops took the jock away to inform his parents, and for a minute, they tried to take Keith. As soon as they pinned him to the wall, Lance ran over. "Wait-it was an act of self-defense! The jock attacked me, then Keith, and he fought back! He shouldn't be the one getting arrested!" The cop considered this. Then, he let Keith go. "Alright. You'll get off with a warning this time, Keith." And he, along with his buddies, drove away. Pidge scowled at the both of them. "Now you two can go to the hospital to be treated! And you don't have a choice!" She added, since they had both opened their mouths to protest. "You can make out after you get treated." Both of the boys flushed. She turned to Keith next. "Text or call when you're both fixed up." And she stalked away. So they were treated at the hospital. No questions asked.