
21: "....Whatever!"

Keith's POV:

Apparently, Keith needed to be hospitalized for a few days. So that meant no work, which he let Shiro know about. The guy was cool with it as long as he came back. Which he would, of course. He needed the money. Right now, he was lying in the hospital bed, his head wrapped with a bandage, and his wounds had been treated and wrapped as well. He was so deep in thought, apparently, he hadn't notice the man who entered to visit him until he spoke. "Hey, Keith, how you doing?" He found Lance striding over to him, a blue and purple bruise unnoticed on his left cheek, yet the guy still smiled. "Oh, I'm, uh, I'm good. And you?" Lance sat next to him on the bed. "Great. Well, tired, but great nonetheless. Was your boss cool with it?" "Yeah." An awkward silence overtook them then.

Lance's POV:

Lance tried to think of a way to strike up another conversation. But what could he say? "Hey, you look awful, are you sure you're feeling ok?" No, that wouldn't work. Even if it was true. Looking at Keith, he found the bandage wrapped around his head. The bruises on his face. Scratches and scrapes on his arms. The huge, noticeable bags under his eyes, as if he hadn't gotten any sleep in the two days he'd been here. He noticed Keith kept staring out the window, as if thinking something, and grabbed his hand ever so gently, surprised the teen didn't flinch and take his hand back. "Hey." With his free hand, he cupped the beauty's face, and turned it until they were staring right at each other, only inches apart. It took everything Lance had not to kiss him there and then.

But it didn't take Keith everything he had not to kiss Lance.