
19: "Haha! The hunter becomes- OH, NO, HE'S FREE!"

Keith's POV:

Maybe Keith should've been concerned to be waking up in someone's arms. Maybe he should've gone back to sleep. The dark was calling his name, ever so gently....."Kogane, you better snap out of it, you FUCKING IDIOT!" Oh, it was him. He squirmed, ignoring his pounding headache. Then he scowled and tried to focus on something but it was all blury. And that's when he realized the wind flowing through his hair. "Don't tell me what to do, you dickhead. Where....are we?" Lance shrieked in surprise, and ducked, to avoid getting hit by.....something. "Oh, right now? I'm running for both our lives! So nice of you to ask if I'm ok-" "Alright, shut up! I'm the one who came to help you!" Keiths vision was coming back slowly. Lance jumped over a small fence, panting, looking around for something. His eyes...the beautiful, blue orbs were full of panic. And fear. And worry. "GET BACK HERE FAGGOTS!" Keith nearly growled in annoyance. "Set me down." His voice came out colder and harsher than he meant it to. But that didn't seem to matter. "NO! ARE YOU INSANE?! You have serious injuries, and that jock behind us only has a headache! Maybe a bit of a split skull!" "Put. Me. Down. Now." Lance still didn't answer as he continued running. "Or I'll jump out of your arms myself." For a minute, he slowed, considering it. Then: "NO! I ALREADY TOLD YOU! PLUS, WE'RE REALLY CLOSE-" But he didn't finish his sentence. Keith heard a engine, and turned his head, finding Pidge on his bike. Really?! "I'll take him, you deal-" Pidge tried, staying at their speed. "No, I'll take him there. You distract the jock. I'll be back as soon-" "Oh, my God, I can take care of myself!" And then Keith pushed away from him.

Lance's POV:

"KEITH! YOU'RE EVEN MORE OF A FUCKING IDIOT THAN I THOUGHT!!!" At that moment, Lance wasn't reasonable. He was worried about Keith's health. He was panicked about the jock. He was scared to let anything else happen. "LANCE, GET YOU'RE ASS ON THIS BIKE!" Pidge shouted, stopping, and giving him time to climb on. But he didn't go easily. "Good. Turn the handle...." As soon as he climbed on, Pidge hopped off, and told him bits and pieces of how the bike worked. "I'm going after him. You call the police or something. We'll make sure...." She trailed off, and ran to follow Keith, uncertain of anything that could happen. Lance just sat there, rather stupidly, and processed everything. "LANCE!" Oh, right! "I know, I know, I'm going!" He leaned forward, his hands on both handles, revved the engine, and sped off to the police station. Maybe he could help out a little more....just maybe. He was glad Keith had saved his ass, but he didn't want to see the boy get hurt anymore than he was, considering his head was bleeding, he had cuts and scratched all over, and possibly some wounds that needed stitches.