
18: "Just shut up and trust me!"

Lance's POV:

"Thank God school is over for today!" Lance mumbled, walking out the doors. He didn't have to worry about running into Keith for today. Nor did he have to worry about teasing. Hunk needed to help his family at their restaurant today. Pidge was meeting someone named Iverson from the Galaxy Garrison. Actually, Lance had a meeting with him, too, but that wasn't till November, three months from now. Anyway, he made his way to his house. Until a hand grabbed his collar, and pulled him into a dark alley, pushing him up against the wall. "Rumor round here is that you like a certain guy, faggot. Who is he?"

Keith's POV:

Shiro deemed Keith's pictures perfect for the ad, and dismissed him from the office, to wait for his next assignment. So, Keith pulled his mask up, hopped onto his bike, and revved it. This vehicle had been with him through his toughest times. Maybe that's what made it special to him. Anyway, he kicked off, and drove away, not wanting to go home yet. So, he drove around town, wanting to get lost. Get so lost to the point no one could find him. So lost that he couldn't find his way back. But he heard some type of strangled shout, since it was louder than his engine, and he parked his bike, following the noise to a long, dark alley. Pinned against the wall by a jock, whose last name visible on his jacket, which read Zarkon, was Lance. Keith raged. His blood boiled, and he didn't feel like himself, he felt more out of his mind. "Hey, motherfucker, the real fight's over here! That guy won't fight back for shit." The jock turned. "Look at this, the faggot's knight in shining armor arrives! Here to save the day, are ya?" Keith's fists clenched, his nails cutting into his palms. But he didn't care. He only wanted Lance to be safe. And that was the reason he lashed out after Zarkon threw Lance to the side. He punched the guy in the jaw, receiving a kick to his ribs, but he barely managed to block the blow. He made for another punch, and kicked the guys crotch, then grabbed both sides of his head. Keith threw his back, and let it fly forward, hitting home. The guy slumped and Zarkon was no more. "Keith.....?" Lance mumbled from the ground, trying to prop himself up, and wincing as he did. Keith felt something warm and thick dripping down his head. Then the world went dark and cold as the ground rushed up to meet him.