
The Eyes See What The Ears Can't Hear

Zane received a call from the hospital informing him about a patient's appeal.

They didn't say the name, but Zane didn't oppose it.

He lost a patient that morning, so he was pretty under the weather for the

entire day. He was aware that he sounded a bit off to everyone, especially Ava because

she kept looking at him a certain way.

When she had scampered off after that incident with the robber, he ran after her.

Somehow, he lost her and had to go back to meet with Ryan.

On his way home, that's when he received the call.

At the hospital, he readied himself in scrubs and shrugged on his white jacket. It's

only been ten minutes since he received the call so he can't be that late.

Zane walks swiftly to the reception area to get some information regarding the patient,

but he sees two persons who he'd never expect to see, and it made him uneasy. Leo and

Jax. They both had a distraught demeanor and that made Zane even more nervous while

he approached them.