
Damsel in Distress


"Ava?” I squeeze her hand gently to wake her. She stirs a bit in the bed.

“Five more minutes Leo.” She groans.

“Ava,” a chuckle escapes my lips at her referring to me as Leo. She looks

so adorable asleep. “Ava, if you don't get up, you're staying in this hospital for the rest of

the week.”

Her eyes open suddenly with a flash of panic. “I'm awake!” She squeezed my arm,

and I must say, it hurt like hell. I have no idea where she gets that energy.

“Good.” I grin. “I'll beckon a nurse to help you get changed.”

“I can change by myself.” She grumbles.

“No. You can't. You'll be in pain the entire time if you do.”

“I can manage pain.” She meets my gaze.

“Okay but I’ll stand by the door and if I hear you scream, I'm barging in.”

“You wouldn't dare! I would be naked.” She alarms.

“Shall I get the nurse to help you?” I raise my brows.

“You think you're smart don't you Zane?”

I shrug my shoulders as I grin triumphantly. “Maybe.”