
Kiss me More

Pearl Smith finally married the love of her life . Unfortunately he hates her , since her father killed his parents. After five years of marriage he asked for a divorce. Surprisingly on the day of the divorce hearing. He refused to divorce Pearl and says " Pearl, baby let's start over . We will have two children a boy and a beautiful girl a spitting image of the love of my life " Aziel Lin pours out his heart kneeling. Pearl feels very overwhelmed...

Asong_Rophine_7347 · Urban
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39 Chs


I feel like an iron chain on a leather bag. Completely out of place, lost . Why was she saying?. What can I possibly say to her kid ? Hey i think you look like my husband, and i want a DNA test done, nonetheless I do not know how to go around it . Something like that only .

       " He is my nephew what can I possibly say to hurt him ? " I say gritting my teeth.

   " You.. " she shouts out in frustration. I could see she wanted to ripped my hair from scalp unlikely something stopped her . She clenched her fist and walked away. 

     I took a deep breaths and sent out all the bad energy. Step by step i walk around the corridor all the way to my old room . When I hear a mild sound coming from Kaelie's room . It sounded like stuff breaking or smashing glasses. 

    Out of curiosity i lean on the door to eavesdrop " That bitch broke the toy you gave him . She shattered it into pieces " in my thoughts i shriek at the lie . What did Ziel feed my sister . Why would I destroy the toy even though it is below my better judgement.

         I peep through the key hole, i see Kaelie hurl up things at someone who i can't see . She keeps on yelling and he pulls her to an embrace and strokes her hair . I could only see the shadow of the man . Could it be Aziel ? .

   With that thought i walk to the garden at the back and sit on my favorite swing . With the help of Kaelie and our parents we built this swing. The memory of how we built this swing is one of my top best memories.

      Sitting on this swing at this moment i could not help but cry. All my good memories have been flooded with bad ones .  My favorite memory is the one where Aziel asked me to marry him.

       It was five years ago. I was celebrating graduating from designing school  in a pub with all my fellow graduates. One month before Andrew and i started dating. We did nothing else better than kissing . Like a lot of kissing. Those memories makes me uncomfortable around Andrew. Because number one law of friendship is 

   1. Friends should not know how each other taste .

   And that was not the case between Andew and I.

     That night i had too much to drink mostly because rumour had it Aziel was now single. At that time he was said to be dating a top model name Daniela King .

     I was so drunk that after Andrew escorted me home i opened my door home only to sleep outside . That night i was robbed , everything in my apartment was cleaned out. Fortunately I left my phone with Andrew when I took my phone back i saw an invitation via Email from Aziel . In an instant i booked a flight home and Andrew tagged along . Due to the time difference i arrived only few hours before the party which was strangely held at the garden of my house.