
Kiss me More

Pearl Smith finally married the love of her life . Unfortunately he hates her , since her father killed his parents. After five years of marriage he asked for a divorce. Surprisingly on the day of the divorce hearing. He refused to divorce Pearl and says " Pearl, baby let's start over . We will have two children a boy and a beautiful girl a spitting image of the love of my life " Aziel Lin pours out his heart kneeling. Pearl feels very overwhelmed...

Asong_Rophine_7347 · Urban
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39 Chs


Oll    " I am sorry " 

  He stares at me intently " It's fine " . I heave a sigh of relief when he said it's fine though his tone said otherwise. He looks at me again and asked " Have you eating ? "

   " No " I walk to him excitedly. " Then go find something to eat. We have to be in the hospital in fifteen, I will tell you everything when we get there. " 

    Without another word he left for the next room to take his bath . My heart feels tightened for an unknown reason. Why do we have to go to the hospital and he looked pretty upset after glancing at his phone yet he did not want to show it . 

   Feeling tense I wriggle my wedding ring lost in thoughts. What would make him so angry . 


        In the car , nervously I wriggle my ring intensely.

   " Did you eat " he inquired as he loosens his grip on the steering.

  I can tell he is only driving this slow for me and he is very worried . " I have " I lied. My mind concentrates on the worried look on his face. Maybe someone is injured or sick.

    " You know you can drive faster " I bite my lips anxiously awaiting his answer.

   " Are you sure ? " he watches me as i nod repeatedly.

  In few minutes we arrive due to his fast driving. The entire drive I suppressed the urge to throw up. I feel really weird, thank goodness I did not drink yesterday or else . l.    ***

    Later we enter a VIP private room in the third floor of the hospital. From the tilted reflector I fix my ash grey ombre hair slightly pushing my bangs and making a weak bun to save time. 

   In the room, there  are merely family members. They all leave the moment I walk in. I notice a new face, it's auntie Lucy, Aziel's maternal aunt. He loves and respects her like his very own mother. I stroll to the lady and now respectfully. She smiles warmly.

   This makes me feel welcome for the first time, my mind freezes when I see aunt Lucy waves for someone to come over. I see Kaelie wearing an oversized denim shirt and some casual jeans. She tied her hair in a ponytail and light make up. 

   As she approaches an ocean fragrance fill the air. They hug each other and once in a while steal glances at me. Auntie Lucy talks to Aziel then leaves.

   Once again I'm the stranger, I feel like the sidechick, a fling and a mistress and my sister the legal wife. 

   Grandma Cecilia shuts the door abruptly before rushing to slap me across the face. In shock I caress my red cheek.

    " You bastard, Don't you have any shame left besides disgracing the Lin family at the Hart celebration last night, you still came here "

     The patient who laid down on the bed turned out to be Juileka. She appears in front of me and jabs against the while painted walls. 

     " You think this thing you have going on, will last " she uttered squeezing my jaw tightly.