
Kiss me More

Pearl Smith finally married the love of her life . Unfortunately he hates her , since her father killed his parents. After five years of marriage he asked for a divorce. Surprisingly on the day of the divorce hearing. He refused to divorce Pearl and says " Pearl, baby let's start over . We will have two children a boy and a beautiful girl a spitting image of the love of my life " Aziel Lin pours out his heart kneeling. Pearl feels very overwhelmed...

Asong_Rophine_7347 · Urban
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39 Chs


       I slept through the whole day due to our all-night sex. When I woke up next, I was drenched. Someone had deliberately poured cold water on me. I covered myself with the quilt.

     " Cecilia " I uttered breathlessly. Note that She forced me to address her by her name, she would go crazy if I ever called her Grandma or Mrs. Lin.

      She frowned upon my comment.

     " You are still sleeping at six in the evening " she vomited annoyingly.

     I  carefully tried to cover the blood-stained bed sheets fortunately they were already changed into new ones.

         She threw a nasty gaze at me " This is the Lin mansion, Next time sleep with clothes, not these strings you call a robe " she headed out of my room.

      I wasn't going to argue with her. I painfully listened to all her chastised. When I first got married I worshipped the ground she stepped on after about four and a half years of marriage. I just couldn't anymore.


           I went down for some breakfast. I was awestruck by the handsome figure I saw in the kitchen. He cut the vegetables skillfully and so did he fried the fish. He rushed to the grill for some stake. Being married for five years I still did not get to taste the famous Aziel dinner he always bragged off.

     I sat on my usual seat. Smiling broadly. Juilika came over out of a sudden " That seat is reserved for Aziel's wife only "

      I stared at her in disbelief " I am his lawfully wedded wife " I wiggled my ring finger at her flaunting the huge diamond on it.

       She gritted her teeth " You seem to be in a daze. Aziel is done with you "

         I smile indifferently " Who is to speak on his behalf "

     She sneered at me. " Mae come over ". Juilika made Mae sit on my seat.

     I stared bemused. I was looking for a confused look on Mae's face instead I heard " Grandma I promised you will carry your grandchild soon " she spoke happily avoiding my gaze.

     " Who is she "

     " Mae Gu, She's the girl who Grandma allegedly had for Aziel," Juilika said taking off her apron.

      I now realized why she looked so familiar. I had seen her on Aziel's laptop a day before our wedding. I asked him who she was and he never responded.

     I withdrew my gaze from Mae to Aziel. He stared at me frigidly, he flipped the egg skillfully.

     " Sorry Miss Gu, I should have mentioned it before " Mae Gu spoke mildly.

    She called me Miss Gu, assessing her title of Mrs. Lin. I flickered my eyes lashes in shock.

          I threw a gaze at Grandpa who was focused on the newspaper. Right then, I saw an image of Mae Gu, she is a famous supermodel both at home and abroad.

            She pretended to be Aziel's PA, I knew she was too pretty to be an ordinary PA.  

       " Miss English, I think you got the wrong information. I'm Mrs. Lin, not Mrs. Gu " I said proudly.

    She shrugged her shoulders " I know but only for some few hours since this afternoon he will divorce you " she blew a kiss to Aziel who was busy in the kitchen.

     The family members burst into laughter.

    I panicked and rushed to Aziel " What is she talking about "

     " I told you I will let you go when I'm done with you. I'm done with you. " He whispered under his breath.