
Chapter 8. Why are you really here?

  Taken aback by his harsh tone, I realized that he is a total stranger to me. I met him once, but he acted like a party boy - rich and cocky womanizer type. I thought I figured him out then and there, but the intimidating person in front of me now had nothing to do with the prick with the Porsche.

  “I had a date arranged.” I corrected, then my mind replayed the word ‘date’, and I added to correct myself. “I called. They said to come for an interview at three.”

  “I meant that you were not invited to come inside my office.” He cleared it for me and finally walked past me, taking his place behind the desk.

  “Oh!” I felt embarrassed as I remembered the warning from the brunette, but I was glad to breathe again. “I knocked, actually.”

  “Did someone answer to your knocking?” He stared at my soul and his glare radiated coldness like the eyes of a Husky dog.

  Hugging my arms with my warm palms, I bent my head down.