
Chapter 7. You were not invited

  Before every date, I did research the person I was challenged to go out with. This time, what I found online brought me more than information. It also gave me relief as I found out why was the rich guy talking on TV the previous night.

  Apparently, he was big on donations and health care. I replayed a video from the interview he gave. He promised to get many personal helpers for people who can’t afford it. The salaries of those workers would be paid by Jason Carson himself. It was actually very generous of him to help both those in need of care and many jobless people.

  I tilted my head to one side, inspecting his facial features, as I hit the pause button on his video. He looked like he belonged on the screen with his deep blue irises, staring into my soul. His image could convince anyone in his cause, and I was sure a number of ladies were going to fight for the personal helper position, as long as they get to meet him in person.