
king of the Night

The long night covers the world, and the dawn is slow. Evil has descended on the earth, and all living beings have been devastated. He wandered in the long night, hovering on the blade, swinging between the clouds and hell. Ignite the fire of the star soul. Since the night is long, I will be the king of the night. is the eighth book of Feng Lingtianxia same author of :[Legend of Lingtian] [OTHERWORLDLY EVIL MONARCH] [Proud of the Ninth Layer of the World] [Celestial Firmament] [I Am the Supreme] [Left Way Qingtian] [Blue Falling Heavenly Sword].

FALCON_N · Action
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58 Chs

Chapter 16.5: Code Name (Page 2/2).

Chapter 16.5: Code Name (Page 2/2).


He spun around, and he was already dozens of yards away. His indifferent voice came, "You can only use the name Night Devil after you get first place and obtain the Blood Ignition Technique. Before that, you are not worthy. If you don't get first place, you don't deserve this name."


The voice disappeared.


Yin Sheng Gong had vanished without a trace.


Mu Linyuan, Hou Fang, and Qian Sanjiang were also gone at some point.


On the mountaintop, only Sun Yuan and Fang Che remained.


Sun Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Sun Yuan smiled and said: "Che'er, this time you've really hit the jackpot. Not only did you successfully undergo the baptism and join the sect, but you also obtained three martial arts techniques. More importantly, you have gained the recognition of the leader and the three elders. This will be very beneficial for your future path."


Fang Che exhaled heavily and said: "Master, do you have nothing to say about the indiscriminate killing of innocent people?"


Sun Yuan fell silent for a moment and said: "I know what you're thinking. When I was young, I thought the same way as you. But now, I don't feel that there's anything wrong with it."


"Life and death in the martial world, you have to see through it. As long as you don't want to lie there rotting like those corpses, you will eventually get used to it."


Sun Yuan patted Fang Che on the shoulder. "It's normal! It's common! It happens often!"


Fang Che nodded.


He lowered his head.


His heart was roaring.


[I will never get used to this!]


[You are a bunch of devils! Executioners! Demons! No wonder your power is vast, but you hide everywhere because you can't bear to be seen! Because you don't deserve to live under the sun!]


[Someday, I will make you all pay the price!]


[Someday, I will uproot you all! Let the people in this world never have to worry about losing their lives for no reason!]


[You want me to get used to it, but after seeing all this, all I have is a firm resolve to completely eradicate you!]


He turned around.


He looked in the direction of the small village from the mountaintop.




I will avenge you!


I definitely will!


Sun Yuan led Fang Che down the other side of the mountain, all the way back to the Fang family.


Fang Che remained silent halfway.


Finally, he asked: "Master, what level are the leader and the great elders at in their cultivation?"


Sun Yuan smiled bitterly: "You can ask me this question, but under normal circumstances, you must never ask anyone else. It's a taboo! Even I can only tell you that they are far above me, much higher."


Fang Che nodded: "I understand."


"Your performance today was actually very good."


Sun Yuan knew Fang Che was feeling depressed and tried to console him: "The leader is actually very satisfied with you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have taught you or given you the name Night Devil."




"Is this your first time seeing someone being killed?"


Sun Yuan smiled and said: "Seeing such slaughter for the first time and remaining composed, that's already quite satisfactory. After all, you're only seventeen and haven't experienced any fights in the martial world."


"This kind of mentality is already quite ruthless."


"Many people who undergo the baptism for the first time feel like they vomit, faint, or are scared silly. There are also those who draw their swords on the spot to fight us...hehe..."


"So, with your performance this time, the leader is very satisfied."


Sun Yuan seemed very relieved.


Fang Che asked: "How do you deal with those who are ready to fight us on the spot?"


"We don't deal with them, because soon they will become like the leader and the others."


Sun Yuan seemed to imply something and said: "They quickly understand that the lives of all the people in the world combined are not as important as their own lives."


Fang Che suddenly felt nauseous.


"The truth?"


"Cruel enough, calm enough; you're a good seedling of our sect!" Sun Yuan laughed heartily.


Fang Che also smiled, seeming to have completely recovered his mood.


But he felt absurd inside.


The bloody experiences I had in my past life, the sea of blood and mountains of corpses, were even more numerous than what you have experienced.


What's wrong with being calm?


It turned into being ruthless?


This understanding is really... very good for my long-term infiltration!


The two walked on the main road towards Fang's home.


Sun Yuan was already considering finding an excuse to leave.


After all, now there is nothing more to teach, and the disciple has also gained a lot of techniques, enough for practice.


Sun Yuan felt that he should leave now, go out to find some precious materials, and then come back in ten days or so to see the progress of his disciple.


Incorrect; it shouldn't be "progress," but "progression."


Meanwhile, Fang Che was feeling angry, not wanting to see these people from the One Heart Sect for another moment. It would be best if you left quickly; don't linger in front of me.


I feel like killing them when I see them, but unfortunately, I don't have the ability to do so.


It feels terrible!


It's better to leave.


While the master and disciple were each harboring their own thoughts...






A miserable scream.


From the nearby brothel, a petite figure fell from the sky and landed heavily in front of Fang Che.


With a "wah," she spat out a mouthful of blood.


It was a young girl, bleeding from seven orifices, who had fallen from the building. She landed not far from Fang Che, unconscious and silent.

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