
king of the Night

The long night covers the world, and the dawn is slow. Evil has descended on the earth, and all living beings have been devastated. He wandered in the long night, hovering on the blade, swinging between the clouds and hell. Ignite the fire of the star soul. Since the night is long, I will be the king of the night. is the eighth book of Feng Lingtianxia same author of :[Legend of Lingtian] [OTHERWORLDLY EVIL MONARCH] [Proud of the Ninth Layer of the World] [Celestial Firmament] [I Am the Supreme] [Left Way Qingtian] [Blue Falling Heavenly Sword].

FALCON_N · Action
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55 Chs

Chapter 16: Code Name (Page 1/2).

Chapter 16: Code Name (Page 1/2).



Fang Che recited earnestly.


It had to be said that Mu Linyuan's Ice-Clear Mind was a treasure for Fang Che.


He knew it after just one listen. Although this technique had no other effects, it was the best choice for maintaining a calm mind, staying composed, and thinking clearly in any situation.


It was even stronger than the "Ice Heart Technique" he had practiced in his previous life.


In that case, this wool had to be pulled.


Next, Hou Fang taught the "Thirteen Forms of the Divine Ape's Heart Extraction."


Qian Sanjiang, on the other hand, taught a set of kung fu called "Illusionary Bone Transformation."


"Traveling in the martial world is fraught with danger. This technique, when practiced to a high level, allows you to freely change your body shape and appearance. You can even disguise your bone age. There are seven realms in total, and I have only reached the second realm. Practice diligently. This is the true lifesaving technique for traveling the martial world."


He didn't need to say this; Fang Che already knew.


So he had no intention of underestimating this technique at all. He was determined that once he had the opportunity, he must first practice this "Illusionary Bone Transformation" technique to the seventh realm!


This was indeed a true lifesaving technique.


Looking at Qian Sanjiang, Fang Che suddenly understood that the appearance he saw might not be Qian Sanjiang's true appearance.


I'm sure this guy has escaped the pursuit of guardians countless times with this technique, right?


Hmph, a fish that slipped through the net!


Finally, two full hours passed.


The six of them finally emerged from the secret room.


It was a remote village.


"The guardians are about to arrive."


Yin Sheng Gong looked back at the village they had just left, his face cold. "Every time there is an induction ceremony, the divine sense of the Tianwu God descends, and the guardians can track us by following the aura. I have reported this matter to the headquarters many times, but it has never been taken seriously."


"Note: Tianwu means centipede. I think in this way, the name would be best. What do you think? "


"It has led to too many passive situations!"


He drew his sword from its sheath and swung it suddenly.


With a loud bang, a sword aura, as fast as lightning, rushed into the village.


Under this sword, dozens of households in the small village were reduced to rubble!


The sword aura rampaged, sparing no one, men, women, or children.


The smell of blood filled the sky.


With another loud bang, the underground chamber collapsed with a crash. The divine aura of the Tianwu God also completely dissipated.


Yin Sheng Gong touched the space ring on his hand, inside of which was the divine statue of the Tianwu God.


"Now it should be fine."


Mu Linyuan, Sun Yuan, and the others all looked relaxed. They were already accustomed to such massacres, where hundreds of lives were easily taken.


They didn't find it surprising.


Fang Che's face was expressionless.


His right hand quietly clenched into a fist.


Over a hundred lives, no grievances, no enmity, living peacefully, they suddenly lost their lives in an instant!


They died for no reason.


It was just because Yin Sheng Palace wanted to destroy the aura. However, there were other ways to destroy the aura without killing these people. Why did it have to be done this way?


He could see a young woman in the ruins, bleeding from seven orifices, holding a one- or two-year-old baby in her arms. Both mother and child had lost their breath. They were dead.


The baby's face was pale.


The innocent eyes were still open.


He hadn't even understood why he had just come to this world, hadn't learned to speak, and yet had already encountered death.


The clear eyes turned into stiffness eyes like a dead fish.


Yin Sheng Gong turned his head and looked at Fang Che's expressionless face.


He said lightly: "Fang Che, what do you think?"


Fang Che took a deep breath and said: "They could have been spared without leaving a trace."


His current appearance was still that of a young man full of vitality, with some indignation, which was also appropriate. So he said it directly, not caring what Yin Sheng Gong would think.


This was in line with his current character.


It was also with this sentence that he let out his anger.


Yin Sheng Gong said coldly: "There are always unexpected things in everything. Doing this is also for the guardians to see. In the future, they will not track us anymore, otherwise, more people will die!"


"We don't care how many people die, but the guardians do."


"Foolish righteousness! Hehe... conservative guardians."


Yin Sheng Gong looked at Fang Che and said: "You are young now, and you have just been baptized, so I won't blame you for your words. But if after some time of tempering, you still say this, I will kill you!"


"Because we, the disciples, are facing top experts from all over the world. Any negligence could lead to none of us surviving."


"Although we didn't see anyone when we came in, we can't be sure that someone didn't see us through the crack in the door. And this appearance could be targeted by the guardians one day when we are negligent, leading to an inexplicable death."


"I won't let them off if there's a chance of exposure."


Yin Sheng Gong smiled, but his eyes were cold as he looked at Fang Che. "Let me ask you, whose life is the most important in this world?"


"Whose life is the most important?" Fang Che was silent.


Yin Sheng Gong said coldly: "Raise your head and look into my eyes!"


Fang Che raised his head and saw a pair of cold, ruthless eyes.


Like a vulture.


Yin Sheng Palace said: "In this world, my life is the most important! Me! Do you understand?"


Fang Che nodded: "Yes, in this world, my life is the most important! If I'm dead, I have nothing!"


"Teachable youth!"


Yin Sheng Palace turned and walked away. "You must always remember this!"


Sun Yuan led Fang Che and the others, their speed was extremely fast, and they arrived at the top of a small hill in an instant.


At that moment, a deafening and sorrowful roar came from the direction of the small village in the distance.


"The guardians' people are here."


Yin Sheng Gong sneered: "Unfortunately, it's too late."


He turned around and looked at Fang Che. "I heard you want to learn the Blood Ignition Technique?"




Yin Sheng Gong walked with his hands behind his back. "If you can achieve first place on the Southeast Road this time and enter the Guardian Martial Academy, I will personally give you 500 contribution points and waive other fees for you to learn the Blood Ignition Technique."


Sun Yuan said on the side: "You should thank the leader."


"Thank you for your grace, leader."


"Well, since you have joined the sect and become one of us, you will need a code name for future missions. You can't just go by your real name."


"What code name do you want?" Yin Sheng Gong asked.


Fang Che lowered his head, suppressing the anger rising in his heart. He used the newly learned Ice-Clear Mind technique to suppress the killing intent in his chest and keep his mind clear.


"I haven't thought about it," he said.


Yin Sheng Palace said calmly: "Since you haven't thought about it, your code name from now on will be Night Devil."


When these words came out, Sun Yuan, Mu Linyuan, and others all had strange expressions.


"Night Devil?"


Fang Che muttered to himself.


"Yes, Night Devil."


Yin Sheng Gong said: "I hope you understand that being a devil is actually much freer than being a human. You should ponder the meaning of the word 'devil.' When you truly understand it, you will be worthy of these two words."

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