
King Of The Court: Become The King

In a world where Dodgeball reigns supreme among other sports due to its Co-Ed nature, Teddy Walker stands as an anomaly. Despite his inexperience, his wits, reaction time, and his eccentric attitude give him an edge over everyone else. Gaining a love for the sport during the summer of his last year of Middle School, he decides to attend The King’s Academy, the most prestigious high school for student-athletes. He will meet new faces, new friends, new rivals, all in gaining the title of “King of The Court”!

ItsJustKodyHere · Sports
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16 Chs

Chapter 13 - Lone Stars Aftermath

The student body continues their rejoice over the victory against their fierce rivals Carter High. Many of the Carter players looked over in defeat over the gut-wrenching loss, right when they were so close to victory. Truly not the way they wanted to start the season. Some tear up, some look in contempt, but possibly the one who took the hardest was team captain Thomas Mallory. The highly-acclaimed senior who never in his high school career was never to bring his team a Lone Star Classic victory.

"Let's go, squad." Thomas says in defeat. He turned away from the huge crowd and his team followed suit. Suddenly, he is stopped in his tracks by someone holding his hand. For a moment, it felt like two hands were touching. Maybe because that was the case. It was Jonathan and Teddy. To Mallory, it seems they came to gloat in front of his face.

"Good Game!" Both exclaim.

"You almost had us on our ropes! I had such fun playing against y'all!" Jonathan said with a smile.

"Listen, I'm not the most sportsmanlike guy out there. However, I need to give credit when credit is due. You were fun to play, wish you luck in the season." Teddy said with a deadpan look.

Is Teddy serious? Him, showing sportsmanlike conduct. Hard to believe, but Thomas gave a happy smirk. Despite the defeat and the bitter rivalry both schools have, there can be a sense of professionalism somewhere. For a King to prosper, he must build relationships and build a sense of kindness towards others, win or lose. It's the name of the game and it's something Teddy and Jonathan know all too well.

"In any case, good game you two. I wish you the best of luck throughout the season." They all shook hands. This all could've ended terribly, but both rivals leave with a sense of happiness. Both represent their school well. With that, Thomas's and his team headed into the tunnel while Teddy and Jonathan headed back into the crowd to continue the celebrations.

As Thomas is walking through the tunnel, he comes to a realization.

"Teddy Walker…guess you really made me remember your name. If you keep this up, you're gonna become a real threat in the dodgeball world. Good luck."

Back in the crowd, the celebrations continue as Marcus and Veronica, who were in the VIP lounge suits heading onto the court like the rest of the practice squad members. They meet up with Teddy with a huge group hug, then followed by a high five.

"Amazing, Teddy! Had me on the edge of my seat." Veronica said ecstatically.

"It was no biggie. Guess the Lone Star Trophy stays with the academy once again."

"They are bringing out the trophy, we'll get out of the way. Enjoy it, my friend." Marcus states as he comes in for a handshake hug.

"Heh. Later."

He turns to Veronica and gives her a thumbs up as if it indicates the initiative to ask Marcus out. Her face turns a little red. He then turns to where the roster players are heading to take pictures with the rivalry trophy.

Veronica pauses. Speaking to someone you have feelings for is more confusing than it seems and it may seem scary. However, she knows nothing will change if she doesn't take the first strike.

"Hey Mo, I mean Marcus….."

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"I-I-I was wondering, we've known e-each other for a long while."

"Yeah, what of it?"

"I really like you." She pauses for a second. "I want to go on a date with you. If you don't want to, I underst-"

"Of course." Marcus pulls in for a hug. "I want to take a chance with it too."

"Marcus…." For a while, they just stood in a hug. Not moving, but just embracing each other as they took a huge step in their relationship. Majority of things will probably stay the same, but some things are bound to change in the relationship dynamic. All they knew is that it felt great to know what the other was thinking.

Meanwhile, Jonathan finishes after talking with an interviewer and heads with the rest of the crew for the trophy pictures. Many make wacky photos, such as Teddy in a handstand pose with his sneakers holding the trophy together. Truly making the most of the situation.

Amelia sits back as she has finished her photo sessions and looks up to see Taigen standing above her.

"Hey, Taigen." Suddenly, he bows towards her.

"I'm really sorry, even though I know you probably don't want this, I just wanna make things right again."

She laughs. "You weirdo, I already told you I'm not mad. If anything, I got to see another side of you in this match."

He stands up immediately. "I'll get better at expressing myself somehow, eventually."

"Great, now we are gonna need to help Coach tomorrow with something. Don't know what, but I hope it isn't for all of saturday."


With the madness settled down, Teddy finds himself standing by himself, waiting for bus preparations to head back to his dorm. A man walking calls his name suddenly. Teddy looks around cautiously.

"How do you know my name, sir?"

The man is panting, it seems he must've been trying to him for a long time. "You're not an easy man to find, I can tell you that."

"You didn't answer my question. How do you know my name?"

"It's kinda my job. To know the names of upcoming scrub-to-star kids. Nowhere is that bigger than in Texas."

"Haha." Teddy says deadpanned.

"Oh, where are my manners? Mr. Walker, my name is Kai Jones, Head Coach of Pikes Peak University."

"Am I supposed to know where that is?"

"Colorado, son. I've heard you're new to the sport, but I've expected you to do some homework, kid."

"The game is my homework. Not facts on different programs."

"You're got quite a tongue, kid. That swagger is why I like you. I was at the game."

"What is a man from Colorado doing in Texas?"

Kai sighs, "Vacation, man, but Mr. Juggernaut insisted on me coming here."

To Teddy, this would be a dream come true for his dream. Everything about this conversation seems to be fate. "Listen Coach Jones, I love the pitch talk, but I really gotta go home and shower.

"Funny that, I gotta hit the nearest flight home to Denver." He hands Teddy his Coach Card. "I see great things with you, bench boy. Keep doing your thing and we will keep our eye on you.

With that, he left. He takes a well deserved shower. Keeping Coach Jones's words on homework, he decides to research Pikes Peak University.

Pikes Peak with an undergraduate undergraduate size of 40k students. A true blue blood of a school with about 10 college championships in dodgeball alone, they are a passionate school with many medical and engineering students entering the hall of this prestigious institution.

"Pikes Peak, huh?" Teddy thought to himself. "Seems interesting, never too early to think about colleges.

He looks back at the victory dodgeball given to the MVPs of the match that he set next to his desk. In it is inscribed, the match result, location, and what teams played. So cool.

He turns off his lamp and closes his eyes. He falls asleep to the tune of victory as the neon lights of downtown light up near his window. He is one step closer to his goal of becoming the King of The Court.