
King Of The Court: Become The King

In a world where Dodgeball reigns supreme among other sports due to its Co-Ed nature, Teddy Walker stands as an anomaly. Despite his inexperience, his wits, reaction time, and his eccentric attitude give him an edge over everyone else. Gaining a love for the sport during the summer of his last year of Middle School, he decides to attend The King’s Academy, the most prestigious high school for student-athletes. He will meet new faces, new friends, new rivals, all in gaining the title of “King of The Court”!

ItsJustKodyHere · Sports
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16 Chs

Chapter 12 - Lone Stars Part.4

The whistle blows as the fourth game is underway. Win this game and Carter High beats King's Academy for the first time since a decade ago. Pride and Tradition has been shown in full force this game. The substitute players seem to be handling their own against Mallory and his squad. The crowd is on edge as this game could be King's very last in this match. Meanwhile, animosity between Amelia and Taigen has seemed to rise up. Both of them won't look each other in the face right now. Teddy, not one to sit back, marches up to Coach Juggernaut.

"Coach, I know you wanted to wait till we were in a winning position. That's not gonna happen now. Put me in the game right now and keep me in until the time you can keep me in the game is up."

Coach Juggernaut and down with the plan says, "Very well." He strikes a T with his hands. "Timeout, referee!"

The teams enter back into the respective huddles.

"I switch with the player with the most chances.", said Juggernaut. In Teddy's mind, for a coach to be flexible usually is to not be confident in their skills, but maybe this is how the Juggernaut has thrived. Trusting his players to make good judgements. Teddy walks up to Jonathan, sitting aside to Amelia.

"Captain, do you still have the energy to play? You too, Amelia."

"Yes." Both exclaimed.

"What about you, Taigen?" Taigen pauses for a moment.


"Good then, looking forward to playing with you!" The buzzer rings, meaning timeout is over and the substitute is made for Teddy to replace a female teammate in the game.

Teddy doesn't have much time, but he needs to find the time to get a win in this game as quickly as possible. Both teams have 3 players left, however, Carter's player has 2 chances left while everyone except Teddy has only 1 chance left. Odds are not in his favor. Within this pause interval, Thomas Mallory and another blonde kid head into the center of the court.

"It's you again, whatever your name is. Finally decided to show your face to defeat the humiliating defeat The King's Academy will finally get what the dodgeball gods have been anticipating for so long." Teddy walks toward Mallory, looking stone-faced before changing into a polite smirk.

"Hey, your fly is open." Teddy says as he points down to his gentaila.

"What on earth are you talking about, these are shor-" Flick. An unexpected flick to the forehead is all that awaited Thomas. A brief hit that while not life-threatening, leaves an impression.

However, that is not to say it didn't hurt, because it definitely did. Thomas winces back in pain as the other blonde kid catches him from falling.

"Oops, you're right. Those are shorts!"

"You little-" Thomas tries to swing at Teddy, with all of them missing. His reaction time allows him to predict and anticipate every strike.

"You know Thomas Mallory, I was really looking forward to meeting you, truly. You haven't disappointed me, until now. Finally got in the game and you look like you want me on a stretcher."

"Shut up!" Mallory's swings get more aggressive, but as it does, it gets less accurate as he is swinging wildly. The crowd is becoming more aware of the one-sided brawl as players from both sides try to stop Mallory from engaging further and Teddy to "protect" him from his attacks.

Teddy slows pushing through the people trying to turn him away from the brawl, and confronts him while the chaos ensues.

"See Mallory if that ruffled up your goddamn feathers, listen up! In terms of where we stand in this arena, I am a King while you are a mere knight, you will serve to make me look better in my debut!"

The whistle finally blows and the referee makes an announcement: Thomas Mallory will have a penalty timeout for 5 minutes. More than enough to finish this current game.

"I didn't even need to try that hard, wow. He talks a big game like Raymond. Then again, he can actually back that up. Better stay on my toes." Teddy thought to himself. And with that, Carter High only had 2 players left after that scuffle. That's how the Monarchs won the fourth game. It's now the final match. Well, at least not until the commercial breaks on TV. It's a process but he needs to deal with the trio's trouble mainly being Taigen's fault.

He turns to them.

"Now then, Jonathan, so sorry to put you through this mess. Same to you, Amelia. But you…..Taigen. I need you to communicate or else we will get nowhere."


"Taigen!" Amelia shouted. The whole situation of him liking her is a shock. Like she is uncovering a new side of him and she doesn't know what to feel. But it's never gonna go anywhere if he doesn't come clear with how he feels.

"....Do you remember when we met in the Junior World Championships? It was only a week of action but that time meeting you was incredible. My feelings, however, are simply platonic."

"Then what is this animosity towards Jonathan for? Please, just tell me." Amelia says as she is on the verge of breaking down in tears. "You're my friend too. I would like to not keep secrets, especially if we are playing together." Teddy and Jonathan equally give Taigen a stern look, as if to say to not give any half-truths.

"I was just…..jealous of what y'all had going on. I was afraid you would stop talking to me…." There was a brief pause. Then, Amelia began to laugh. It felt not forced, but a straight, out-of-the-belly laugh.

"Bloody hell mate, you gotta stop me being too mysterious sometimes! I can barely understand you!", she says as she continues to laugh.

"So you're not mad?" Taigen asks. Immediately after that, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, smiling.

"Nope, but we are gonna have a long talk about your communication skills!" Taigen sighs at the comment.

Jonathan clasps both of his hands together. "Now then, shall we begin making preparations for this last match? Even though this still ended up being a close one, I feel we dominated them mentally right now." He reaches his hand in the middle of the circle. "Win on three. One…two…three…."


Four of the King's Academy startling game lineups enter their side of the court: another student, Taigen, Amelia, and Jonathan. One last person left in the fray, Teddy Walker, the "lowly" bench player who rattled the previously thought high-condensing, unshakeable Thomas Mallory. One of the top players in the state. But there's more than one way to break down somebody other than your physical skills, it's your mental skills. Make your opponent question not only themself but everyone else around them. That is the thought process around the mental game, Teddy's to be exact.

Fortunately for Carter High, Mallory's penalty timeout has concluded and he is allowed back in the game. He laughs devilishly.

"Teddy Walker! You want me to remember your name, right? Every fiber in my being curses your name! For such a bench player that low in the totem pole to get the jump on….it's…..IT'S….UNFORGIVABLE! However, this will be your downfall, I know how you operate and this time, there will be no mistakes."

Jonathan enters a stance, the rest of the team follows suit. "Alright you four, let's go!"

"Right!" The whistle blows.

Taigen quickly grabs the balls for his teammates, making quick plays out of nothing. Amelia quicks strikes multiple players and Jonathan uses his grip strength to catch any balls coming his way. And, Teddy just mainly stands there. Seems, everytime is going to plan. Until….




Multiple dodgeballs seemingly miss Jonathan and the rest of everybody else on the court except Teddy. There's one coming after him, but he maneuvers quickly. As others are coming on their way, a flurry of flips and cartwheels put him in safety unless….

"No, Teddy! It's a trap!" Jonathan yells. Teddy turns around to see the bold Thomas lunge at him with a dodgeball. He tries to dodge, but it's too late. A dodgeball hits him straight in his face as it knocks him back a couple of meters.

"Teddy!" His team exclaimed!

"Predictable, like always King's Academy. Since you've gotten on the court, it's been easy to track down your game plan. Failing to be random, isn't that ironic?

Teddy stands up from the hit, his nose is slightly bloody but it's super not severe. Immediately, he gathers up the other four members and forms a line with them.

"What are you doing, Teddy?" Amelia yelled.

"What are you doing, guys? Did you hear the whistle? It's time for the surprise!"

"Surprise?" Thomas said in curiosity! "It's useless, Walker! We can figure it out immediate-" Suddenly a ball is thrown his way and hits him, he has one chance and so do the others in his group.

"Heh. Glad to see you remember my name, however, since it's not the full name I gave you…..Team, Pyramid Formation A!"

Soon, all the other teammates and Teddy spread into a triangle spread across the court. This allows them to attack from all directions but maintain their distance from dodgeballs!

"It's time!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"I couldn't agree more." Taigen states.

"It's either go big!" Amelia said.


The Carter High is sent a barrage of the five balls. And just like that, the match ended with a bang.

"Damn you, Monarchs…." Thomas Mallory, the once confident man is now reduced to a state of pity.

"AND JUST LIKE THAT, ONCE AGAIN, THE KING'S ACADEMY ARE THE WINNERS IN THE LONE STAR CLASSIC!" The announcer yells out of the top of his lungs. Most of the crowd were King's supporters so the cheers were very pleasant. The King's Academy players and students who attended the game crowded the court. It was truly a memorable game for them. Everyone hosted Jonathan and Teddy up.



Jonathan and Teddy look at each other, both sensing proudness towards each other. They barely knew each other a few days ago and now it feels like they've known each other for a while now. Maybe that's how boys work.

"If anything, I think the coach will definitely have to give you more minutes for this." Jonathan chuckled.

"We'll see. That's not the only thing I'm preparing, and I'm hoping to do it with you."

"I would be glad to work with you."

Teddy pulls out the headband with a tie he had looked at his closest. He tugs it tightly and reaches it towards the sky.

"I did it, pops." he quietly says. He then places it back in his pocket. Meanwhile, Paige looks in the background as the King's players are celebrating.

"Teddy Walker, I definitely hope to cross paths with you again. Until next time!"

Despite the many struggles, the team pulled through with a hard-fought victory. Another victory sketched into the halls of this Academy.

King's Academy has once proved themselves to be the Kings of Texas.

I really enjoyed writing this particular chapter but of the dynamics I wanted to have in this story of dodgeball of all things! Next chapter is the final part of the Carter High Arc! Until Next Time!

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