
King of Football

The football championship system is possessed, and Lu Wenbin becomes a king of the football field. His goal is to win 7 championships in one season and complete the unprecedented seven crowns in world of football! #Sports #System #Football

LuMorningstar · Sports
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Chapter 53: Injured

In the previous game, those high school students' pulls, collisions, and even tackles were almost harmless to the strong and flexible Lu Wenbin.

   At most, it hurts a little at the time, just rubbing it twice, it doesn't affect him to continue the game.

   But this time, Lu Wenbin felt a different kind of pain. He couldn't get up for a long time. He still screamed painfully while holding his ankle on the ground, and his brows were twisted together.

   The players of Meijiang Middle School were naturally angry. Bi Rui rushed up and pushed the No. 8 midfielder who had just gotten up after shoveling the ball, and shouted: "Fuck, are you kicking or shoveling?"

   The No. 8 player in the third middle school said with a confused look: "I didn't mean it, I wanted to tackle the ball!"

   Bi Rui immediately clenched his fist and was about to punch him, still yelling: "Also quibble!"

   Fortunately, the referee arrived in time, and with the protection of other players in the third middle school, Bi Rui failed to hit the No. 8 midfielder of the third middle school.

   There is no doubt that the No. 8 defensive midfielder of Guiyang Experimental 3 Middle School was directly sent off by a red card, and Meijiang Middle School won a penalty.

   Although the defensive midfielder and the other three middle players tried their best to explain that he did not intentionally, it is true that he did not tackle the ball in the penalty area and did it.

   What's more, it seems that Lu Wenbin of Meijiang Middle School has suffered a serious injury and has bleeding from his ankle. He is still lying on the ground and has not stood up. How can the referee not give a red card or a penalty?

   If that were the case, it would be a deliberate conflict between the two teams.

   However, although he won a penalty, the players of Meijiang Middle School did not celebrate because Lu Wenbin was still lying on the ground and the school doctor was checking Lu Wenbin.

   School doctor Zheng Yiyuan checked Lu Wenbin for a while, and said to Lu Wenbin: "Can you move your ankles now?"

  Lu Wenbin sat on the ground, frowned and tried to move his right ankle and sole. The pain was so painful that he gritted his teeth, but Zheng Yiyuan was overjoyed and said:

   "Fortunately, it is still moving, but the skin is injured. It shouldn't hurt the bones, it's not serious."

   Nie Yingkun unbelievably pointed to Lu Wenbin's bleeding feet and said, "I have so much blood, is this not serious?"

   Zheng Yiyuan nodded and said, "It's just that the skin is lost and bleeding, which is considered as a skin trauma. It will eliminate the poison and stop the bleeding. It will be enough to rest for a week."

   Then, Zheng Yiyuan began to disinfect, stop bleeding, and bandage Lu Wenbin.

   After finishing the bandage, Zheng Yiyuan said to Lu Wenbin: "Let's go, it's over, you just can't play anymore."

   Lu Wenbin shook his head, put on his shoes, stood up and tried it. Although it was still painful, there was no longer the pain that was when he was shoveled.

   It seems that Mr. Zheng's diagnosis is correct, he was only shoveled out of blood, skin trauma, no bones and muscles, and he can still stick to the game.

   So, Lu Wenbin shook his head to Teacher Zheng: "I can still compete."

Zheng Yiyuan's expression changed and he said, "You're not going to die? Although I'm pretty sure I didn't hurt my bones, but I didn't have a professional instrument to check, I didn't dare to give a 100% guarantee. In case of a hidden injury, you continue to play, break through, Exceeding people or shooting on goal is very likely to explode. If it is serious, your right foot may be useless."

Lu Wenbin struggled, thinking of his ideal of participating in the national finals and playing in Europe, so he shook his head and said: "No, I can't get off the court. I will play this penalty. We must win the championship and get the national finals. Eligibility."

Zheng Yiyuan shook his head resolutely and said: "No, you are not responsible for your own body and future. It doesn't matter if you don't win this championship, you still have two years to go. Next year, the year after, you and Mei Jiang The middle school will definitely be stronger, and there will be opportunities."

   Lu Wenbin shook his head in his heart. For the 17-year-old him, it is really a race against time to follow the path of a professional player. Where can he wait for next year or the next year?

   Besides, who knows what is going on next year? Is it guaranteed to reach the finals? Are there any system rewards for European club owners to watch live in the national finals?

   And now, Meijiang Middle School is only tens of minutes away from the provincial championship and the national finals.

   Besides, they also got a penalty kick. This penalty kick is taken and held until the overtime is over, Meijiang Middle School will be able to win the championship and qualify for the national finals.

   Therefore, Lu Wenbin shook his head resolutely and said: "Teacher Zheng, you don't need to say, I must finish the rest of the game."

   Zheng Yiyuan needs to talk about it. The referee next to him was already impatient and said: "You have delayed a lot of time, can you stick to the game? No, just go down; if you can, start the game right away."

   Lu Wenbin immediately put a smile on his face, and said to the referee: "Immediately, immediately, this will begin."

   Then, Lu Wenbin turned to Bi Rui and said, "Bi Rui, get the ball."

   After that, Lu Wenbin limped to the penalty spot and prepared to take a penalty kick.

   Bi Rui looked at Zheng Yiyuan and Nie Yingkun, hesitated, then picked up the football on the ground and handed it to Lu Wenbin.

   But Lu Wenbin did not receive the football and was snatched by Nie Yingkun.

   Nie Yingkun said to Lu Wenbin: "Lu Wenbin, you should go to rest. Teacher Zheng said well, if you get injured again, it is not this game, but your feet and future may be ruined."

   Lu Wenbin angrily said: "Are you sure you will be fined in?"

   Nie Yingkun opened his mouth, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com didn't dare to make the ticket.

   Lu Wenbin stretched out his hand to grab the ball in Nie Yingkun's hand and put it on the penalty spot, ready to take a penalty kick.

At this moment, Zheng Yiyuan, who has not left yet, said: "Lu Wenbin, let me make a suggestion. This penalty kick is yours, but after the penalty, you have to change it regardless of whether you score or not. You can't kick it anymore. ."

   Nie Yingkun's eyes lit up, and he nodded and said: "Yes, Lu Wenbin, you can take this penalty, but you must go to rest after the penalty."

   Lu Wenbin hesitated for a moment, and still did not answer, Nie Yingkun said again: "Don't you believe that you can get a penalty? Don't you believe that we can keep your goal?"

   Naturally, Lu Wenbin couldn't say this.

   Thinking of Teacher Zheng's words, thinking of those football superstars who retired early due to injuries, Lu Wenbin struggled for a while, and he didn't dare to insist anymore.

   So, Lu Wenbin smiled and said: "I can definitely get the ball in. Can you really hold it?"

   Nie Yingkun, Bi Rui and others immediately nodded and said: "You can keep it, you can rest assured!"

   Lu Wenbin nodded and said, "That's it, I will go down after the penalty kick!"

   After the decision was made, Zheng Yiyuan took his medicine kit and went off the field and explained the situation to coach Zhang Minghai.

   On the court, Lu Wenbin stood on the penalty spot, ready to take the penalty kick.