
King Of All Bijuu: Mystery & Chaos

John Wodwick Alver find himself reincarnated after his death. Most people would panic or be confused if they found themselves in the same situation, however, John was an exception. John belongs to the strongest, largest, and oldest clan that ever existed in All Existence known as The Alver. This clan was too large to the point that whenever you go and whenever place exists, Alver Clan bases can be found lying around hidden, where can’t be seen by all beings except for the Alver clan. This clan was the bridge that connected all races, Gods and beyond, the protector of All Creation, and the only beings who could meet the Gods and beyond like they were old friends. At a young age, John was already very powerful and he was already traveling All Existence. At the age of 19, John died after defeating a powerful enemy and reincarnated and awakened his memory in his previous life when he reached the age of 16, unfortunately, his powers regressed and he couldn't use them casually, or he would die because of it. When he reached 19 he decided to go to the city and discovered that he was reincarnated in the world of the anime he watched named Danmachi. That was the beginning of his journey, where he would travel countless worlds of fiction in his previous life and also travel various worlds. ============================ Disclaimer: I need to write this to avoid some copyright problems, all the illustrations and pictures that I posted here are not mine, I only downloaded them from Google San and Pinterest San. The same as anime and fiction that appears on TV etc that will be found in my fanfiction are also not mine. I will only use this Anime and fiction as material for my story. Don’t expect much I am only a noob in writing novels and my English is not that great I was relying on Grammarly to fix my spelling and grammar problems. Thanks for reading and enjoy. Warning: I wrote for my fun and hobby. I only release 1 to 2 chapters every week or even more if I have more free time that week.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

One Slash

Norn took a step forward and charged towards John with a thousand times the speed of sound, In Norn's eyes the color of the world disappeared and turned black and white.

The way she moves at this speed makes air resistance to be non-existent making the shockwave to be not created by her movements.

She is running normally while the entire world stands still because of how fast she is.

She arrives in front of John, raises her sword, and swings it down to his neck.

Seeing that John couldn't even catch her average speed without using any of her energy such as magic/mana, she became disappointed.

She continued to swing her sword planning to end John's life.

When the sword was about to slice John's neck, he moved. Norn falls off guard.

With a simple move of hand-chopping, John created a wind slash that cut Norn's sword easily without any resistance.

The wind slash didn't stop there, the slash slammed at Norn's abdomen making her fly like a bow and slam her body into a distant tree while coughing blood.

When the speed of the world returned to normal, John stood quietly with a smile on his face while Norn's figure couldn't be seen.

The crowd was bewildered trying to figure out what was happening. The only one who knew what happened was the village chief and top combat powers of the Archama village, they were the one who was shocked the most, on the other hand, The Village Chief and Jane stayed calm even though they were shocked.

Under the bewildered eyes of the crowd, the Village Chief raised her hands and declared the winner.

"John Wodwick Alver win!" The village chief declared.

The area went silent.

Moments later an uproar exploded.

"What happened?"

"Where did Lady Norn go?"

"The fight is already over, how is that possible, Lady Norn is a level 8 powerhouse and she was defeated like that, we didn't even see how that happened?"

Many questions were asked by the crowd, asking to the people that were beside them.

"Where did Lady Norn go, did that man kill her, and not leave any corpse of her?"

When these words were spoken some of them became terrified while others showed their killing intent.

But before could escalate a level 5 powerhouse spoke.

"That is not the case," the expert pointed in a certain direction.

The crowd became puzzled, however, they still looked where the expert pointed.

The first thing they saw was a Beautiful tree, but moments later they found Norn's figure planted in a tree unconscious.

They all became shocked.

After a few seconds, some of the crowd woke up from their shock and immediately went to Norn to help her out of the tree, and then they threw some healing potion at her face unceremoniously.

"Are they healing her or just worsening it?" I thought in my mind.

All eyes gaze at John in disbelief, they don't expect John to be powerful.

John smiled at the crowd, waved, and returned to Jane's side.

A few minutes later the crowd scattered but they still discussing the fight.

"As I expected, you are very powerful," Jane said while nonchalantly sitting on my lap.

My brows raised seeing this, earlier this girl ran away from me in embarrassment when I took advantage to hug her, but now she took the initiative and sat on my lap with no shame.

I didn't say anything and just enjoyed the moment.

Hours passed and the dinner was over.

I returned to the small house alone and went to my room.

Then I entered and closed the door

I collapse and fall to my knees while vomiting blood.

Cough! Cough!

"As always the breathing style is very painful to use."

When John fought Norn, he knew that he had no chance of winning by using any magic and only relying on his sword skills, the reason, well their gap in physical strength was high, John had a physical strength equivalent to a level 4 while her opponent has strength of level 8.

No matter how skilled you are, if the gap of strength is too much, you are destined to lose.

John hates losing so he uses a breathing technique that he developed in the past, he called this the Endless Gates Of Breathing.

This breathing technique has an infinite number of stages that can enhance a certain power of the user.

These stages are called by John as gates.

Each of the gates has 10 patterns of breathing that have owned individual effects.

John only uses one breathing pattern in the first stage when he is fighting Norn, at that moment his physical strength rises exponentially reaching the strength of a level 8 individual.

That is why he can easily defeat Norn with his pervert-level swordplay.

This breathing is very useful for people who have no talent or ability but unfortunately, this breathing technique is dangerous to use, this breathing pattern in the first gate can help the user gather more oxygen in his body flowing harmoniously in every fiber of his being.

Making all of his body capabilities increase thousands of times and break all the limits of his body, and his physical strength will rise until his body cannot handle it, which leads to fatal injuries.

After vomiting a mouthful of blood, I drank a red potion from my inventory.

A red glow enveloped my body, healing all the injuries that I received.

Right after I also took out another potion that has a color of blue.

I drank it again, my body was covered in blue light recovering all the blood that I lost when I vomited.

When my injuries healed, muscle pain attacked my sense, and I collapsed to the floor, my stamina drained thanks to Endless Gates Of Breathing.

"Shit what luck, at least make me reach the bed before giving up, this shit muscles move." I gritted my teeth and pushed my muscles.

Every muscle of my body was aching and didn't have any strength left thanks to muscle exhaustion, but even so, I pushed it and forcibly moved my body.

I stood up slowly with my feet and took a step forcefully with gritted teeth, but before I could make one step my body fell forward.

Seeing this I can't help to say in my mind, "Shit this is going to be painful."

I closed my eyes and waited for the pain, however instead of pain, I felt a soft touch catch me from the front and behind me, and then I felt soft and huge watermelons press to my face followed by a good fragrance like a flower.

I tried to open my eyes and see who caught me, but the exhaustion and muscle pain caught me, and my mind slowly slipped away towards the dreamland.

Before I lost consciousness, I told myself, "So soft and comfortable."