
King Of All Bijuu: Mystery & Chaos

John Wodwick Alver find himself reincarnated after his death. Most people would panic or be confused if they found themselves in the same situation, however, John was an exception. John belongs to the strongest, largest, and oldest clan that ever existed in All Existence known as The Alver. This clan was too large to the point that whenever you go and whenever place exists, Alver Clan bases can be found lying around hidden, where can’t be seen by all beings except for the Alver clan. This clan was the bridge that connected all races, Gods and beyond, the protector of All Creation, and the only beings who could meet the Gods and beyond like they were old friends. At a young age, John was already very powerful and he was already traveling All Existence. At the age of 19, John died after defeating a powerful enemy and reincarnated and awakened his memory in his previous life when he reached the age of 16, unfortunately, his powers regressed and he couldn't use them casually, or he would die because of it. When he reached 19 he decided to go to the city and discovered that he was reincarnated in the world of the anime he watched named Danmachi. That was the beginning of his journey, where he would travel countless worlds of fiction in his previous life and also travel various worlds. ============================ Disclaimer: I need to write this to avoid some copyright problems, all the illustrations and pictures that I posted here are not mine, I only downloaded them from Google San and Pinterest San. The same as anime and fiction that appears on TV etc that will be found in my fanfiction are also not mine. I will only use this Anime and fiction as material for my story. Don’t expect much I am only a noob in writing novels and my English is not that great I was relying on Grammarly to fix my spelling and grammar problems. Thanks for reading and enjoy. Warning: I wrote for my fun and hobby. I only release 1 to 2 chapters every week or even more if I have more free time that week.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Black Feather, Silver Hair

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the wooden sealing that I had always seen since I arrived at this village, I sat up on the bed while holding my head.

My head is still painful thanks to the back clash of that breathing technique and my body was sore at this moment.

"Next time, I would never use that technique again if not necessary."

I stretched my body relaxing my sore muscles, after doing that I stood up from the bed.

The moment I stand up, I notice something on my bed, buried in my red blanket.

I lifted my blanket revealing 10 black feathers and a strand of long silver hair underneath it, seeing this, I was confused.

Did a bird and a person accompany you to sleep yesterday?

I was confused at this seen, I looked at the window and door to see if they were open.

They are both closed, then how did these black feathers and long silver hair get here? How do a bird and a human enter a house with closed windows and doors?

I pick up one of the feathers and examine it at every angle.

The black feather was very soft and smooth and very refined, the feather was 6 inches long and it has a glossy black color that shone faintly when exposed to light.

Looking at this feather, I can't determine what bird this feather belongs to, if I can't determine it by appearance alone, I need to determine it by smell then, each creature has a unique scent that belongs exclusively to its race, with this unique sent I could tell what race an individual came from.

I smelled the feather and the moment I did that my face changed drastically.

"This, this feather belongs to a succubus, then that silver hair belongs to the succubus too?"

  Also, examine the long silver hair to make sure.

The hair has a beautiful color of silver, it shines slightly under the light and the hair is long and smooth devoid of any damage. The hair has a hint of flowery fragrance similar to the black feather but also different.

When the examination of the silver hair was finished, I was shocked, this silver hair did not belong to the succubus it belonged to a female vampire.

I raise my guard and look around the house with my magic sense, I can't see any abnormalities so I let my guard down a little.

I looked at the feathers and hair on my bed and fully pulled out my blanket away from my bed, the moment I did that, a womanly scent entered my nose that made my mind go numb.

I looked at the right side of my bed and saw many black feathers and 10 strands of long silver hair scattered around.

How did I not notice this succubus and vampire entering my room? Even though I was very tired last night, that doesn't mean someone can just casually approach me in my sleep without noticing it.

Throughout my life, no one can sneak up and sleep with me without me noticing even my family and friends are no exception, only for certain individuals I know.

Only beings such as the true god and god of all can sneak on me.

That succubus and vampire must be a person who reaches a power rivaling a True God or a God Of All, I am just guessing that though.

Beings that reach the level of God of All and the God Of All themselves are very rare to visit the mortal realms most of them spend their time watching the entire existence without interfering in it, sleeping for eternities, or creating new creations.

Because of this reason, that succubus and vampire is not a God-of-all-level powerhouse or even a God Of All.

So they are more likely a True God-level powerhouse or a True God, but I think that is a wrong assumption.

My gut instinct was telling me that the succubus and vampire duo has the power equal to a God Of All rather than a True God, or even greater than a God Of All.

I will trust my instinct.

If that succubus and vampire have a power equal to or even greater than a God Of All, why did they sneak on me and sleep with me last night?

Did I manage to attract their interest?

I continued to think about it, but I couldn't find the reason so I just gave up.

I pick up all of the black feathers on my bed and put them on my storage.

I am weak right now so I will only pursue the owner of that feather and hair once I reach my original strength and break through to start my journey to reach the peak of mortal the God Of All Level powerhouse.

(Author notes, God Of All Level Powerhouse was used to describe a mortal that manages to reach the power of a God Of All by only relying on the power of a mortal.

By the way, becoming a God Of All level powerhouse doesn't mean you can defeat a God Of All, you can only have a chance to fight a God Of All that doesn't use their power known as the Original Divinity, in the equal ground, in short, you only match their physical, magical, etc but not their true power the Original Divinity. Same case for the subordinates of the God Of All the True Gods.)

Putting all the feathers and hair in inventory, I went to the kitchen, cooked, and had breakfast.

While I was having my breakfast I thought about my plan for the day, to be honest, I didn't have any plans right now, the reason, going to this village was not included in my road trip plan to Orario City.

I thought for a while, but nothing entered my mind, I sighed and thought, Just go with the flow then, and don't forget my original plan in heading to Orario.

I continued to eat in silence until I remembered something, I took out a clock from my inventory and saw that the time was 5:30 in the morning.

I slapped my forehead and said, "Forgot that there is a tradition here of eating together."

"Well I forced to eat later, or maybe not, this is not a barbaric tribe based on what I observe, they won't kill someone in the name of their tradition, right? Better to be sure that having trouble I guess, so I will force it later."

I stop eating and wait for Jane's call.

Soon a knock on the door can be heard and the crisp voice of Jane calling for me for breakfast sounded.

Hearing this I went outside to have a second breakfast.

Later, I returned to my room with a full belly, luckily I am a big eater so I managed to have a second breakfast, and I ate forcedly. there were no consequences for breaking the tradition, however, Jane and The Village chief started to attack me with their puppy dog eyes, the reason they prepared food for me and they wanted me to eat it.

I politely declined but the sooner I gave in, I couldn't resist that sad look that they were giving me.

At first bite of Jane's dish, I felt like flying to heaven at how delicious it was. Next, I took a bite of the Village Chief's dish, and I felt like going to heaven for real at how bad it was, even the most potent poison in the universe is more delicious than this.

thanks to my resistance to poison I managed to ignore it, when I saw the Village Chief's hands had cut here and there I forced myself to act like it was delicious and eat it all.

Like a man, I eat it all with a smile and return to my room alive and well, who I was kidding, alive was right but being well is a bit off I already collapsed and lost consciousness the moment I entered the house.