
King and Queen of the business world

The Queen is out for revenge.. She will take the revenge for each and every thing she lost.. She will make them pay ten folds more, who snatched away her happiness, her childhood, her parents and the love of her Honeycake.. Will she get success in taking her revenge? She is like an injured tigress, who had lose everything.. Now she had nothing to lose.. She is now a wild predator, who wants to make her enemy pay for what they have done to her.. Will she able to make them pay the price? Will it be easy for enemies to run from her.? More over... The enemies are the part of The King's family.. Will the King allowed Queen to take Her revenge? Will The King able to tempted this wild Tigress? Will the fate will be succeed in its try? One is afraid of being abandoned and the other hates to be betrayed.. Will the fire of hatred will be expunge? Will the destiny, bring them together at the same path? Oohhh.. So many questions.. But noooo... Worry.. Every question has its answer.. To know the answer.. You have to read the Novel.. Do join this journey with The King and The Queen.. ..... Čč She wake up and saw herself naked on the bed, cover with quilt. And their were red marks on her shoulder look like hickeys. She was so shocked. Her mind went blank. At the time the bathroom door open and come out the dashing and handsome man. Looking at him she got furious and with a fierce voice she said "you bastard how dare you.." looking at her he chuckle and said ohh.. You Wake up how do you feel.".. When he comes near her.. She saw that, there were also red marks on his chest.. She started to throw the things come in her hand towards him.. She don't know what to do and helplessly she cover herself in blanket and start to sob.. Čč He got panic.. And thought did his prank goes overboard. He immediately said.. " Clam down clam.. Nothing happens between us.. Its a lipstick marks. Just to tease you.. Ččć One is the Queen of the business world who has control over the European market and other is the king of the business world who has control over the Asian Market. When the king and Queen comes together what will be the scenario of the business world where the two legends come together and will have a great love between them. To know it, do read the novel... Hey.. Guys. Its my original work, Not translated. Do read the novel and let me know my work. How it is.?

shenshi · Urban
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110 Chs

Fool the guards.


Heyyy guys.. A humble request, Before reading the New chapter please go through the old one..

Thank you.


An amazing idea struck in her mind.

She kept the coffee aside, and instantly pull her purse towards her. She removed her face mask from her purse.

She moved towards mirror and wore her mask perfectly on her face. She untied her hair.

Looking at her reflection inside the mirror, she gave an satisfactory smile.

She took a cup of coffee and sat on the bed.

Just then, someone knock on the door.

"Come in."

Listening this the door opens and a handsome face appeared.

When Shiha saw the face.. She felt so exited. Was it because now she can leave this place or was it because she gonna have fun after a long time.

"Ahh.. What a surprise Young Master Sheng." said Shiha with enthusiastic voice.

"ohh..please! Don't be formal with me. I heard my Brother was here, So, I came to meet him."

Shiha nodded her head.. "Hmm.. He was. But he left a while ago."

"Yeah.. The guard told me, he left and also about you. So I thought, now when I am here why not meet you. By the way.. How are you? How about your injury?"

Feeling his concern towards her.. She felt happy. "yeah.. I am good. And well.. About my injury, then it's better you don't ask. Because, whenever it's about to heal, something happens and it's back to square one."

Sheng Ruan chuckled.. "ohh.. Then I wish you a speedy recovery.."

"Thanks.. Wanna have a cup of coffee??" asked Shiha.

Ruan sat opposite to her and took a cup of coffee.."Two cups?? Is it for my Brother?"

"ahh.. No! I thought to have a coffee. But for me one cup would not be enough. As I am a coffee addicted. So, I ordered the guard for two cups, both for myself. Now when you are here, you can have it."

"Thanks.. By the way! How's your work going?" asked Ruan.

"Great.." replied Shiha.

"Good. But why not ask for a leave? If you keep working, Your injury will not heal fast.."

"No.. I am good."

"Is your Boss, not allowing for your leave??" asked Ruani in slightly cold tone.

Shiha raised her brows in amuse.. "Boss??"

"Hmm.. Tang Shiha. I heard She is quite strick."

Shiha was like what to say.."^_^"

He is speaking about her that also in front of her..

Just then She remembered, she has to leave this place before that devil comes.

She immediately kept her cup aside and stood up.

"well.. We gonna continue it later. But will you mind giving me a ride."

"But your injury?" Ruan was worried about her..

"It's fine now. Dr. Ryan had treated it. And the IV drip is also finished. So, I can leave now. As you already know, I hate hospital." she gave him a cute kitty look.. Like he is her last hope. And well! he is.

"okay.. Fine. Lets go." saying this he was about to leave the room. But Shiha stopped him..

"Wait.. Wait.. Let's leave together.." saying this Shiha immediately took her purse, slid her hands through her hair. She can't let him go first, what if guard didn't allow her to leave.

Just as she pass through mirror she looked at her cloth and realized that the guards has seen this dress.. Thinking about something she looked around, just then her sight fell on the couch where Ruihan's overcoat was kept.

Without further thinking, she wore it.. Ruan was watching it with a surprise look. Because it was his first time, where a girl wore his Brother's coat.

When Shiha saw his look, she gave an embarrassing smile and said.. "Ahh.. It would be cold outside. I can't go with this thin dress, you know! my wound.. it will be painful in this cold weather."

"It's fine.. You can have it. After all you have saved my Brother's life and that wound is because of it. It just! I am surprised, because you are the first girl wearing something that belongs to my Brother."

"ohh.. I see.." saying this Shiha moved towards bed, kept the pillows in the center and covered it with a quilt. It look like someone is sleeping on the bed.

"What are you doing? And this..?" asked Ruan pointing his finger towards the bed.

"That!! I gonna explain it later. Let's go now." saying this she hold his arm, drag him outside the room.

When the guards saw them, they where astonished. All of them have a same thought.. 'when did this Beautiful lady came inside..'

Shiha was aware about what they are thinking. At the entrance, she pushed Ruan away.. "Go! Get the car, I am coming."

When Ruan left the house, She turned towards the guards who were inside the living room giving her the suspicious look.

She cleared her throat and spoke with full of confidence..

"ahemm... She want to have a rest. So when your Boss comes, inform him that she said, 'she wants to sleep so don't disturb her.' Let her sleep.." while saying this she pointed her finger towards the room where she was.

The guards nodded their head in understanding..

Once Shiha stepped out.. The first guard asked.." She can leave! Right? After all Boss has ordered us to not to let that girl out, who he Brought with him this afternoon..who is injured. And that girl is sleeping inside."

"hmm.." the other guard agree.

But little they know that, they have been fooled by 'That Girl' only.

She excitedly left the house.. She sat inside the car with a huge smile on her face.

"You seems quite happy. Have your Boss granted your leave or gave you a bonus or what."

Shiha giggled.. "ahh.. No.. But more than bonus.. Today 'My Boss' helped me."

"ohh.. You seems quite close to your Boss." Asked Ruan.

"you can say that."

"That's good. Otherwise! Its heard that your Boss is too ruthless." saying this Ruan started the car.

Listening this, Shiha raise her brow in amusement.. "haa..haa..'Is she'??"

"yeah..every person, every media says this."

"ahh.. It might be rumors.."

"It can be rumors.. But don't forget 'It is said that in Every Rumour there's always an atom of truth.' so may be She would not be as ruthless as She is portrait. But little bit.." Ruan gestured a little bit with his one hand. And continued driving.

Listening this She was dumb found.. She was totally speechless.. 'Am I really portrait that bad.. Ohh.. Shiha you really have bad reputation..' thought Shiha to herself.

Remembering something, Ruan asked.. "ohh.. Yeah! By the way you didn't answer why you kept the pillows like that on the bed?"

"That!! I did because.. To let the people think that I am still sleeping."

"People means.. My Brother??" asked Ruan with a smirk.

"Hmmm.. You are quite smart.. Hnn.. Smarty Boy."

Listening this Ruan laughed.. "well.. Thanks for the compliment. But smart Man not Boy. It's sounds childish."

Further chattering in the next chapter.. 🙃

Happy New Year to my lovely readers.. Wish you all a Happy and healthy life..

Keep supporting me and my novel in this year too..


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