
King and Queen of the business world

The Queen is out for revenge.. She will take the revenge for each and every thing she lost.. She will make them pay ten folds more, who snatched away her happiness, her childhood, her parents and the love of her Honeycake.. Will she get success in taking her revenge? She is like an injured tigress, who had lose everything.. Now she had nothing to lose.. She is now a wild predator, who wants to make her enemy pay for what they have done to her.. Will she able to make them pay the price? Will it be easy for enemies to run from her.? More over... The enemies are the part of The King's family.. Will the King allowed Queen to take Her revenge? Will The King able to tempted this wild Tigress? Will the fate will be succeed in its try? One is afraid of being abandoned and the other hates to be betrayed.. Will the fire of hatred will be expunge? Will the destiny, bring them together at the same path? Oohhh.. So many questions.. But noooo... Worry.. Every question has its answer.. To know the answer.. You have to read the Novel.. Do join this journey with The King and The Queen.. ..... Čč She wake up and saw herself naked on the bed, cover with quilt. And their were red marks on her shoulder look like hickeys. She was so shocked. Her mind went blank. At the time the bathroom door open and come out the dashing and handsome man. Looking at him she got furious and with a fierce voice she said "you bastard how dare you.." looking at her he chuckle and said ohh.. You Wake up how do you feel.".. When he comes near her.. She saw that, there were also red marks on his chest.. She started to throw the things come in her hand towards him.. She don't know what to do and helplessly she cover herself in blanket and start to sob.. Čč He got panic.. And thought did his prank goes overboard. He immediately said.. " Clam down clam.. Nothing happens between us.. Its a lipstick marks. Just to tease you.. Ččć One is the Queen of the business world who has control over the European market and other is the king of the business world who has control over the Asian Market. When the king and Queen comes together what will be the scenario of the business world where the two legends come together and will have a great love between them. To know it, do read the novel... Hey.. Guys. Its my original work, Not translated. Do read the novel and let me know my work. How it is.?

shenshi · Urban
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110 Chs

Debar (Forbid)

After that Dr. Yu left for the airport..

Ruihan and Ryan took there seat on the couch..

"when it's going to get over??" Shiha asked by pointing her finger towards the IV drip.

"Hour and a half.. Why?" replied Ryan.

"ohh.." said Shiha after taking a glance at the clock. The clock shows half past three.

"If you are thinking to leave this place after it gets over, than you better forget about it." Ruihan's stern voice echoed inside the room..

"Its my choice! Whether I want to stay here or not." said Shiha annoyingly.

"You have to stay here. And it's an order. It still early in the noon. So it's good for you to take a nap.."

"haahh.. What did you said 'ORDER'.. Let me remind you Mr. Sheng! There is no one in this world who dares to order ME. And the thing about taking a nap, than in this surrounding I don't even dare to close my eyes let alone taking nap." said Shiha with a bossy attitude.

Listening this both the Brothers were amused. As well as confused too, by listening the last sentence. And the same question 'WHY'??

But somewhere deep inside, Ruihan liked her bossy attitude.

Both the Brothers were out of words. So they just quietly kept their eyes on Shiha, while Shiha kept staring at the ceiling..

Feeling there gaze on her, Shiha took a breach and said.. "Is there something on my face? If yes! than speak out and if No! Then stop staring at my face."

Listening to this, both the brothers instantly looked away.

All the three present in the room were soon busy with there cell phones.

After an Hour, Ryan's cell phone rang. After answering the call, he turned towards Ruihan and said.." I need to go. There is an emergency at the hospital. I would try to come back soon."

Ruihan nodded his head.."It's okay. After handling the emergency, you can head back to home. No need to came back here."

"okay.. Then! I gonna go. Take care Shiha.." saying this Ryan left the room.

There was a pin drop silence inside the room. Though two people were present inside the room, it was equal to no one inside the room. No one uttered a single word.

Shiha kept looking at the clock every now and then.. One can see the frustration on Shiha's face.

She wish to end this half an hour quickly. So that she can be free from IV drip as well as from this place..

But what to do.. No one knows, it's nature's law or it's time's nature, because whenever people want Time to pass quickly, then Time takes its Own special time to pass.. Where people have to wait for the Time to pass. But on contra, when people want Time to slow down, then I think Time laughs at them and immediately hop on the Black horse, and fly away.. Where people have no choice, only they can rush.

Right now Shiha's condition was similar to some one like who wants Time to pass quickly.. But no.. Time it taking its own time to pass..

Soon later Ruihan's cell phone rang. After answering the call, he turned towards Shiha and said.." I need to go, as I have to attend a meeting. I will be back soon. Stay here and don't dare to sneak out from here. I gonna inform my guards. They will not allow you to leave this place without my permission.. So better stay here and wait for me.."

Shiha just nodded her head like a chicken eating the pies.

Seeing this, Ruihan shook his head and left for his meeting.

Shiha took a long deep breath.. And gave a devilish smile.. 'sometimes God listen to us within a snap.' thought Shiha.

Then she looked at her hand that was attached to Iv drip..

She was just waiting for IV drip to get finish.

Soon it struck five. Indeed as Ryan said, the IV drip gets over..

Shiha immediately removed the needle. She sat on the bed, thinking about an idea. How to get out of here..?

'Mmm.. First let's see How many guards are there outside..if they are few then I can handle them with my acupressure skills..' thought Shiha.

She stood up, tied her hair with the great efforts. She opened the door to look outside.

To her surprise, there was no one outside the room.

'huhh.. How's that possible??.. Was he just bluffing or what?' thought Shiha.

By cursing him in her mind, She walked further outside..

And indeed! Five men in whole black suit, where present outside.

Two at the entrance, two inside the living room.. And the one at the back door..

"aishh... Did he really debar me from leaving this place.."

Seeing the beautiful woman walking towards the living room, one of the guards present inside the living room, walked toward her.. "Miss! Do you want something?"

"huhhyeahh.. AaNooo.." Shiha was confused... She don't know whom to listen..? Brain or Heart..?

Because right now Shiha's Mind and Heart was conversing something like this..

Brain : "Shiha what are you waiting for.. Knock him down.. Just press your thumb near his neck.."

Heart : "Nono.. Nono.. Shiha you can't.."

Brain : "What can't? Of course she can. She is a great acupuncturist. These five fellow are nothing towards her.. Shiha unconscious them and leave this place before that Monster comes."

Heart : "No.. Shiha you can't hurt them. They are just following the orders given to them. They are innocent."

Brain : "what?? Innocent..?? Just look at there faces. From which angle they look innocent??"

Before the Heart reply back, the Guard asked.. "Miss, Do you want something to eat?"

Shiha cleared her throat.. "Ahemm.. No its fine. Can I have a coffee?.. Two cups of coffee.."

"yeah sure.." saying this the guard turned towards the kitchen..

Shiha stood there analyzing the surrounding. "Damm.. Now what should I do?? Relax.. Shiha!

Have a coffee first. Then think about what to do." said Shiha to herself.

Within few minutes.. The guard come with two cups of coffee.

Shiha gave a polite smile and took a tray from him.. "Thank you." saying this she walked towards her room.

The other guard come towards the first guard who made the coffee.. "Is she the one, whom Boss has ordered us to guard??"

"hmm.. She is the one. I was with the Boss, when he hurried here with her. I think her arm was injured."

"How do you know her arm was injured? "

" Well.. I saw the blood dripping from her sleeves, near the gate." replied the first guard.

Both the guards walked toward the living room to continue there duty.

Shiha was about to enter inside the room, when She heard the guard voice.. "Good evening! Young master."

"Good evening. I heard Big Brother was here."

When Shiha heard the voice.. She immediately entered inside the room..

An amazing idea struck in her mind..

#Thought of the day #

"when life is Sweet, say Thank you and celebrate.

When life is Bitter, say Thank you and grow."

Heyy.. Everyone.

It's been while since, I have been active here. Had been caught with college life.

But its been lovely to be back.

Thank you for sticking with me and my novel.

Thanks for your support.

Keep voting.. I will be waiting for the reviews and comments..

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