
KING (He Is A Savior Or A Destroyer)

He is the king after all my princess and we can't defy his orders.. If we want to live then, we can't do anything" Alain said to me in a very soft voice, like he's talking to a child and not to the person who has just lost her mother and father. A war that will change everything in princess Anastasia's life. The "King" of vampires is very cruel and unworthy of life. Is this the complete truth or there's more to it? She is his angel sent from heaven or a vixen sent from hell, he didn't know that. But he is the king of supernaturals and he has fallen for this beautiful princess who is a human but have a heart of pure silver as silver is very beautiful & not too gaudy much like gold. She is very terrified and fear for her life around them, around him. But she doesn't have an option but to survive and try to make things better for her & rest of the humans. And then, there's future, the rebirth, the love, the bond and much more! Note: It can contain mature content, violence and much more. You have been warned!

Primi_Dark · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 4

I stared into his eyes, the prince's eyes. They are of a very unique color, sea-green combined with ocean blue and a little bit black color. But what is way too different is the ring of red color around his irises. His eyes are so very big, no it's small, no it's like well, I can't explain what it's like in actual words. Just like his eyes color, the shape of his eyes is also a mixture of small, big and medium size. The deepness of his eyes is only visible if you really like really want to see it. All in all, they are very mesmerizing. And his lips, oh! wait! Why I am looking at his all of features and making almost a poetry in my mind about them? "Are you going to stare at me or say something Mi'Lady?" he said. His voice is also very nice. "Hmm MMMhhmm" he made some noise.

I turned my gaze towards the doors behind him and remembered what was about to happen to me if he didn't have interfered. "Thank you Prince" I said & gave a curtsy. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Well, didn't expected that from you mi'lady. I thought that you would hate the vampire race after the war" he said. How dare he? "Well, with all due respect mi si're. I do hate the vampire race. It's like they are some rotting extra white man.

"That's harsh" he said. I looked up at him & saw him laughing. "Aren't you angry at me mi' lord? You are laughing at me?" I asked him. He didn't said anything and just walked away. Strange. I thought that at least he will slap me if not throw me in the dungeons after all he is very evil and bad and not good and all that. Then, why? Why not do bad things to me? Why save me and not punish me? Well, it's good I guess. At l;east now I know that there's still hope for humanity. Well, don't go to any conclusions! I thought. Yes! It's right! But still, I also can't avoid the possibility of him being at least not toooooooooooooooo cruel and evil or one of them may be. Well, all I need to do is find out.

"My princess!" I turned around and saw the royal advisor coming towards me. "My princess! How are you? Are you alright!?! Have they done something to you? Did they try to do something to you?" he asked while assessing me for any visual injuries. I smiled at him. I am glad that he is here with me, someone who I knew, someone who is reminder of my previous life and it's memories. "You are smiling my princess..?" he asked me. "Yes dear Giles. I am very happy to see you. It makes me happy that you are here with me & alright. Where were you? How did you get here?" I asked him.

He looked at me and he is looking at me now as well. He kept looking at me so I waited. "Well, the prince wants to have me so that I can take care of you and you will not freak out or try to kill or harm yourself in any way or I should say that in every way you see the possibility of doing that" he said and I this time, I looked at him. I looked at him keenly.

"Is that why you think that your here dear Giles?" I asked him. I wanted to ask him this but feared of him thinking otherwise. But it's important to know what he thinks about it? I looked at him waiting for an answer. He motioned me to walk with him and I did.

"No my princess. It is what I have been informed by the guards. I think that the king is upto something. He wants the people to follow him, to accept him and to may be love him but he doesn't to get all of that by fear, he wants it to come naturally to him" he said while looking straight and walking. But I stopped. If what he is thinking is true then, the king must have big plans to achieve that. And either is thinking of something to do or may be he already have a very big & good plan to achieve that. But what can it be? Because if he wants to win and live in people's heart, humans hearts and definitely supernatural creatures hearts at the same time then, he need to do something very big and different.. more different than big.

"What happened my princess?" Giles asked me. I looked at him and saw that he is also not walking and looking at me. I looked at him with worry in my eyes and asked the one thing that I fear the most. "What he is going to do?" " I am not able to understand your question princess?" Giles asked me.

I looked at him and asked again in almost detailed way. "What possible the king can do to achieve his biggest goal of the world because it is not just your thinking of a supposed his thinking. It is the reality and I fear what the way that he will take to achieve that" I said and walked away leaving a thinking Giles behind me.

Only time will tell..