
KING (He Is A Savior Or A Destroyer)

He is the king after all my princess and we can't defy his orders.. If we want to live then, we can't do anything" Alain said to me in a very soft voice, like he's talking to a child and not to the person who has just lost her mother and father. A war that will change everything in princess Anastasia's life. The "King" of vampires is very cruel and unworthy of life. Is this the complete truth or there's more to it? She is his angel sent from heaven or a vixen sent from hell, he didn't know that. But he is the king of supernaturals and he has fallen for this beautiful princess who is a human but have a heart of pure silver as silver is very beautiful & not too gaudy much like gold. She is very terrified and fear for her life around them, around him. But she doesn't have an option but to survive and try to make things better for her & rest of the humans. And then, there's future, the rebirth, the love, the bond and much more! Note: It can contain mature content, violence and much more. You have been warned!

Primi_Dark · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 3

I woke up in a bed with a severe pain in my head. I got up and saw that I am in a room which is full with the posters of naked girls on the walls of both side. I was shocked by this and got up to run away. As soon as I reached the door I realized that I was in a palace. I quietly went to my way towards the main door to finally get out of this place. As I got outside of the door I was in a beautiful garden surrounded by lovely and beautiful flowers, most of them are roses. There is also a waterfall on the left side of the garden surrounded by many huge trees.I thought that this was like a dream, I am dreaming with my eyes open. But soon I realized reality that where I was and with whom I was. As I was viewing the scenery that man who caught me grabbed my waist from behind and I let out a scream.

"Ah Princess!, I thought that you were gone but you are here, seeing the beauty of our kingdom" he said by staring at me. "This is not your kingdom, this is someone else's kingdom which you have snatched from them by killing them" I said. "We have not snatched it dear Princess, we won it and I think that we deserved this. Oh well,leave this but I must tell you that you are a reward princess and I must say that you are the most beautiful and precious reward we have, I have. By the way, my name is Alexander but you can call me Alex and now I think that we should do some fun together" he said by staring in my eyes and then at my breasts. I quickly realize then what is to coming. He laughs by recognizing my fear and then threw me on his shoulders like I was a potato sack.

"Let me go please, let me go please" I cried but he didn't listen & keep going on."I will not let you go princess!, I must tell you that I m the head of all the warriors next to the prince. So, you are going to have fun and pleasure with the strongest vampire and a very handsome , chill sweetheart, chill, you will have fun, we will have fun..." he said and keep going on, I remain quiet for some seconds and then,I bite him on his shoulder. He let out a laugh & then I hit on his rib and he let out a cry in pain and dropped me on the ground. I quickly stand and ran away from him in the garden again so that I can hide.

I keep on running. The cold wind touches my face with it's softness and let my hair flow with it. The weather today was very nice, it's cloudy but good. I hope that I was still in my palace relaxing and sleeping with my mother but this is not the reality. I keep on running and running until I bump into someone.I began to fall but caught by someone during my fall. The man or I should say boy who caught me was about my age. He has black hair,, ocean blue eyes, pale white skin but looks beautiful and he is very handsome and well built also. I stared in his eyes for sometime and he does the same. After realizing what I am doing & the closeness of us, I stop staring in his eyes and look here and there. After a few seconds, I look back in his eyes and his eyes are still staring into mine.I again look here and there and then,last I started to walk back but lost my balance due to nervousness and fell on the ground hard.. After that he gave me a expression like he was thinking that something isn't right, and look here and there. Well, what he was thinking was just a guess of mine. Then, I saw him coming towards me & he bent down to my level on the floor and started to pick me up slowly while staring into my eyes again. After standing fully,I just stand there and saw him staring at me. I then, turn in the opposite direction and saw Alex standing there smirking. I quickly came over from my trance and run but he caught me in just 2 steps. "Let me go, let me go..."I cried.

"Leave her Alex" the boy said. "As you wish my majesty" he said while leaving me and then bowing before the boy. 'Majesty' I thought. What did he mean by calling this boy, Majesty. What the hell? Who is he?

"What were you going to do with the girl Alex" he asked by raising his one brow. "She is the princess of the "Beautiful Valleys", prince. And I am going to take her into my room, prince"he said with his eyes down. "What do you think you gonna do with the girl, Alex" prince asked to Alex.

What he is the prince? Oh, that's why Alex left me without any question. "Prince, she is the reward from the war, I caught her while she was running and took her to my room. Then, again she was running and suddenly she bumped into you. I did nothing yet with her prince. But she needs to learn a lesson so that she will never run away" he said with a slight smile on his face."I got it Alex, I will take her with me and I hope that you will have no objection with that, will you?" he asked. "No your majesty, as you wish"Alex said. Okay,now leave" prince said.

And with that he left and we began to stare in each other's eyes again.