

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


"I lived a life revolving a suffocation schedule, with need for permission to even breathe, i had no freedom, i was a slave to their unachieved dreams, I wasn't living, i was a vessel, their vessel, to attain the glory and excellence their mediocrity could never achieve or where just to lazy too, i'm sure they don't even know a single thing i like, that's fine I don't have one, i never got the chance to, they lived that part of my life for me, since i couldn't have them die i had myself try to die, God wouldn't listen, so when i found you Nathan i knew, fuck God!, I'd pick my own, you'd be my God, and i'd worship you, I'd protect the faith, you'd granted me what 'God' could not, you'd granted me freedom" Oren states as the world around him burns, Nathan watches with nothing to reply, "do you know the first 5ging i felt towards my God was?....." Oren questions squatting with a pipe in hand and he's Infront of Nathan in a flash smashing his pipe down against him, Nathan glances it of his batton before going in to attack Oren tanks it his counter nigh teleporting as it staggers Nathan back several feet he presses forward with a try thrust to the chest Nathan leans back to reduce impact then Oren sweeps him of his feet in reply, he catches him by his hair before fixing him between a metal door and it's frame before pulling for dear life, Nathan sacrifices his batton to take the impact picking a plank by the side he turns with a swing shattering it against Oren's guard pushing him several feet,

"Why didn't you ever let me in?, I was there too why? Why?!"

"You had a fucking family to go back to!" Nathan replies

"You think people become orphans when their parents die or physically abuse them? What about me huh?, What about my abuse?, do you know how much of a freak i felt like?, I couldn't feel a thing, I used to practice making expressions just mimick orders when they did, my first crime? i felt nothing, hitting my father nothing, using those children? Nothing!, i just wanted to be normal!, Just because they didn't hit me you think your situations where better?, You know I've been waiting all these years, i thought what i felt for you after Hailey's death was fear, i realise now, how can i fear someone beneath me?, Hey Nathan" Oren calls as he nigh teleports his leg connecting against Nathan's Jaw, "count to ten, it's fucking hide and seek, it's hide and seek hide and seek!" Oren rambled in repeat as his fists crash against Nathans downed frame, "why? Why are you so weak?, Is this it?, You're not Nathan Smith, not my Nathan Smith, that child has made you weak, you know i saw here pregnant, i could've sworn the belly was fake, no i knew it was real, i just wanted it to be fake, so i believed it was"

Nathan's force rages in response his striker technique Force coating (Severing edge) his hands steam the bones hardening the flesh around it drying to a pale sickly and malnourished gaunt, he swipes and Oren swerve's away instinctively as the air at his previous location ripples and for the first time in the years since Vin his instincts flare, Oren duck's swerve's and weaves while slowly leading Nathan up the stairs before the last hit catches him and he goes tearing through the door back first, Nathan still growling like a beast bites into Oren's shoulder before ripping through him like an animal,

(Yes! Yes! This is it YES! THIS IS THE GOD I REMEMBER!, alas....), Oren's leg whips back then forward crashing against the base of his neck, his spine, Nathan growls but Oren presses his fingers into his mouth before a right hook follows up crashing Nathan sever feet away, Nathan is up fast but Oren's faster his kick sends him tumbling another several feet, Warden and Josh charge through the doors shouting, Oren's on Warden in a flash his leg whips past Oren's Fist and into his Jaw, Oren retracts his leg using the momentum to flip over Josh's sweep, he lands and a make shift spin kick blasts Josh away, 

"Did i really fear you?" He questions now facing Nathan who's up, "now i realise it's weird you know, i never ever feared Vin, not during training not when he hit me, not even when he almost killed me, ANSWER ME!, TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME WHY CAN'T I FEEL IT AGAIN WHY WHY WHYYYYYY!!!!", 

"OREN!" Elaine shouts as she supports Drake up before laying him against the door frame by the side,

"ELAINE!, TELL ME!, WHAT WAS THAT FEELING THAT FEELING I HAD TELL MEEEEE" he screams his fist inching to her face, Warden pulls her back and takes the impact that reels him into the ground,

"WARDEN!" she shouts running to his side, Oren watches as Hailey's visage overlaps with her's then the memories return,

(Ahhhhh, i had a friend, she was just like me, trapped, a work horse, that bond we shared, Empathy, Comradery, it's no wonder we both liked him, he was like a drug, the drug that gave freedom, that's why i hated you, when you tried to change him, i needed to stop you, i needed him to stay the same, i didn't know Hailey, i saw it but couldn't believe it, I'm sorry, i know now, it was guilty), Oren chuckles as tears burn down his battered face, "i killed her" he mumbles still staring skyward in a daze, his feet stagger backward stoping when his hill clicks the rooftops edge, 

"Finally after all this years, Hailey i finally know, i'm sorry my friend, but finally" he cries, "I FEEL" then he was over the edge

"OREEEEENNNNNNNN!!!!!" they scream, frozen to their places as they hear his body meet ground.


"You abandoned us in the end, i guess that's fine, you'd done enough" Charlie states

"I hope you find peace, Father" Charles states

   "Jarrett Jarrett!, Are you still angry?, Is it because of Oren?" Jarrett ignores Becky's call still staring out the window side before turning,

"I've decided Kids!" He speaks up addressing the twenty nine children on the buss, "call me Father!" He grins

    "I see" Duke states having noticed Tobi's attire, the latter bows as he speaks,

"I'm sorry boss",

"It's no matter, send him of as we would our own"


(May your soul find solace Oren Wayne)

    "That bastard really went and died, what a useless student" Vin states, "very well, at the very least i'll honour your dieing wish" He states as he steps into the waiting car,

"Where too boss?"


The team step out of the complex all in black as they prepare to go send Oren off but before them is Vin and in his palm Yerin, 

"You really weren't going to take her?, Should i?" Vin muses, "you really thought you were going to destroy all that hard work then walk away"

"Get your hands off my daughter you son of a bitch!" Nathan lunges, Vin's leg blurs striking Nathan, 

"To come at me with such an exhausted body, how foolish" he states pressing his heel against his wind pipe as Warden and the rest watch hesitating to move for fear of Yerin's safety, 

"Listen to me well, Oren Wayne saved your lives, 


"why's this months payment light again?"

"C'mon teacher i'll make it up next time"

"Nathan Smith would've had his complete"

"Speaking of which what happens if i die?"

"If you do then the other side pays"

"Can't you just do me the favour of leaving them alone?, They're no crew, they're a family"

"I only do favours for dead people"

"Then remember your promise" Oren grins


   The team gather around Hailey's grave, Elaine crouches before it mumbling as tears burn past her lids,

"I'm sorry" she mutters with incessant fervour,

"Finally, this tragic story has an end" Warden mutters, "we just sent Oren off Hailey, he finally got his wish, and he's finally found his peace"

"There's someone we'd like you too meet, meet you're daughter" Nathan states, "YERIN".

   Becky never came back, Nathan has relocated back to Belgrade and Raven faced the reality of death, absolute death, but that part is a story for another day.