

What if Tanjuro never died of sickness and Tanjiro stayed home ??

Mimiri2345 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Tanjiro was confused on why they were leaving but he enjoys the idea of a roadtrip .

He then went to make 2 letters , one for travelers and the other for Muzan.

The first note says the following :

' Travelers who stumbled upon this letter shouldn't be scared , this was a recovery center made for you , please rest here till recovered and help on another and by all means DO NOT go into the kitchen .

- The Kamados. '

The 2nd note was different.

It says the following:

' Sir Kibutsuji, if you are reading this letter that means I am no longer here to serve you .

I am going to live on another place due to safety reasons and I hope you can understand.

I left some cookies for you in the oven to compensate your travel , I hope we meet again.

- Tanjiro Kamado. '

Tanjiro putted the letters down and left to help his family in packing stuff.

" Leave some medicine behind. Some travelers would stumble here injured. "

" Yes mother !!"

After packing and praying for a safe travel the Kamados and Tomioka Giyuu was ready to go.

It took 2 days to go to their destination and it was worth it.

There were wisteria everywhere even though it's winter.

The Kamados stared in awe and when they entered they saw a young woman with the same uniform , a butterfly haori and a butterfly clip in her hair.

" Tomioka-San, how are you today ??"

" Good , I think you know why this family is here ."

" I do know , please follow me !!"

The family nods and follows the woman to a hospital of some sorts .

" I heard that some of you are skilled in medicine so I thought here would be a good place to further your knowledge. "

" Really ??"

" Mhm !! My student Aoi will help you on this journey !!"

Kei , Tanjiro, Nezuko and Hanako were excited.

" And for those who are training sword styles we can make you part of the recovery training , there you will help and train others back into shape. "

" Yes ma'am !!"

Takeo said making the woman laugh.

" If you're so excited then go on !!"

The Kamados immediately went to do their professions .

Kei , Tanjiro, Nezuko and Hanako went to a room where a woman with black faded blue hair, a white uniform and blue eyes was.

" I am Aoi Kocho !! I will help you with medicine !! "

" I am Kei Kamado, These are some of my children , Hanako, Nezuko and Tanjiro. "

" Nice to meet you 4 and let's get started !!"

Meanwhile Tanjuro was teaching other students a breath technique.

It is very difficult for the poor people .

" Huh ?? Aren't you guys breath users as well ??"

Rokuta said confused .

" Oh !! Their water breathers that's why !!"

Tanjuro bowed his head in apology.

" I didn't know that. "

The teachings became much more easier after that .

Tomioka POV:

" The Kamados are hard workers , they will help greatly at the Butterfly estate. "

I said while Shinobu nodded her head .

" It's lovely for you to bring such helpers here, Tomioka-San !!"

" But I didn't bring them here for that , I already called a meeting to explain so we should be going now. "

Shinobu nodded and we both left .

We then made it to the headquarters where our 7 comrades were waiting.

Soon the 2 children came out and announced that the master has arrived.

" Goodmorning children, I think that it's a wonderful weather outside ??"

" It is Master, the sun is shining and there's barely any clouds ."

" Thank you Sanemi. Today I've come with 2 news, one is good and the other one isn't. "

" Tell us the bad news first ."

" Well the bad news is that Kibutsuji has found and devoured the blue spider lily. "

" Oh no...."

" But the good news is that it didn't take affect. For every person he devoured he needs to devour one blue spider lily. "

Mitsuri then started to laugh and so did Sanemi.

" Sorry ... But tha-Hahaha !!"

" But listen, as long as we don't kill Muzan he has all the time to concur the sun."

" Understood !!"

" I also listened from a little bird that Muzan had hostages. "

" What ?! "

Almost everyone but Sanemi and I said.

" Wait a minute Master said had not have !!"

Sanemi said making the rest calm down .

" Thank you Sanemi , I think that Tomioka and Shinobu met the hostages already ."

I then nod my head as Shinobu became shocked.

" Such innocent family ?! Hostages ?!"

When the word family fell from her mouth the rest looked shocked.

" Explain !!"

Sanemi said pointing at me and I nod.

Shinobu still can't believe it and if I was her neither would I.

I explained the encounters as my comrades faces turned from shock to disgust.

" So ... "

It became silent for a moment but Sanemi said something.

" Well good thing you brought them here . Now we have 2 baits to lure Muzan here."

" And now that they are helping our young slayers improve this is even better !!"

Shinobu chimed in lifting the mood.

" Yes. All we need to do now is make the poison and plan everything out. "

The master said making us all glad .

" Yes master. "

" Meeting disband. "

The meeting ended and we all went to do different missions that were sent to us.