
Kimetsu no Dragon

By: Phantom_Zero_v2 An otherworldly entity enters the land where demons prowl at night to feast on humans. This entity's race was known as Saiyans, who were now obliterated only few survived. And now, he accidentally landed on a planet which he knew its a little bit of future fo being busy in his life. How would he save this world depends on him. With his knowledge and a lot of things. A 12-year old Shinikazuchi Raikon, also known as Raiden, was wandering throughout Universe 7 in order to better his skills in Alchemy, Magic, and Medicine. Now, that he landed in a Planet that he knew what will happen in the future, he decided to help Tanjiro and also try to learn and master all possible breathing style he could. This is a Spin-off from the Main Series.

Phantom_Zer0 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



(Added words in the head or thoughts)


[Ki Technique/Breathing Form]

• POV change •


∆Time and/or Place∆

~Sounds made by a character like a sigh~


Two young boys were working together to place charcoals on two baskets that were prepared. One of the baskets was made of bamboo, weaved properly and masterfully created in order for it to be able to carry much heavier load than the other basket.

These two young boys were none other than Tanjiro and Raiden. Raiden was burning more woods to turn into charcoals, while Tanjiro placed all the finished charcoals on the basket and helps Raiden from time to time.

Both of the faces of the two were filled with soots as they work, both of them were working so hard that they didn't even notice their faces have been tainted with those black smoke created by burning woods to turn them into coal.

These young boys were working in front of a small cabin near their house, that's where they burn the woods. Tree logs on the sides piled, safely secured.

"Tanjiro, Raiden?" a smooth and calming voice spoke.

The two boys turned around and saw Kie who who wipes her hands with her baggy cloth over her kimono. Behind her was Lily in tow.

"Your faces are covered in soot. Come over here." Kie said as she brought out a clean cloth.

Lily was silent, while the two came over and got their faces to be cleaned by Kie.

"It's dangerous with all these snow. You two don't have to go, you know." Kie said as she finished wiping the soot on Tanjiro's face.

Instead of Tanjiro who is answering, it was Raiden who said, "Well, we want everyone to eat their fill on New Year's, so we're gonna sell as much charcoal as we can."

Tanjiro nodded with a smile. Kie smiled at their effort on helping the family, and they also got another mouth to feed. Also, they really needed to sell much as Raiden eats as much as all of them combined.

"Thank you. Tanjiro, Raiden." Kie said with her kind and soft voice.

On the side, two children came running. These two were Shigeru and Hanako.

"Nii-chan! Raicchi-nii!" Shigeru came running as he took their attention.

Shigeru then asked, "You two are going to town today?"

Hanako spoke next, "I'm going with you two!"

Then, from the corner of the house, Takeo appeared like a wild Pokemon as his visage appear with a irritated look, but inside, he was not really that irritated.

"Oh no, you're not." Kie said as she stood up. Then she continued, "You know you can't walk fast like Tanjiro and Raiden."

"Kaa-chan!" Shigeru wanted to argue, but Kie said, "You may not."

"Since they can't use the cart today," she said as she looked at the cart and then at Rai, who scratched the back of his head. "they won't be able to give you a ride if you're tired, and Raiden accidentally broke its wheels."

Shigeru looked down as he pouted. Then he he quickly ran forward and clutches onto Tanjiro, "Nii-chan!"

"I wanna go with you! I promise I'll help you two!" Hanako said as she pleaded.

"Thanks, Hanako." Tanjiro said, which put a smile on Hanako's face as he pat her head.

"But you're staying home today. You too, Shigeru." sadly, Raiden quickly made Hanako react, "Eehh?"

Raiden continued speaking while Tanjiro kneeled to pat Shigeru, "You two. We'll bring home lots of goodies after we sell these coals."

"Really?" Shigeru asked, at which Raiden replied with a thumbs up with a small smile.

"And Hanako, Tanjiro will read for you when we're back. I'll be busy once again after coming back." Raiden said while Tanjiro smiled and nodded.

"Okay!" Hanako replied happily.

"That's a good girl." Tanjiro said and stood up as he was kneeling.

"Thank you so much, Tanjiro and Raiden." Kie said with a smile.

""No problem."" Both Tanjiro and Raiden spoke in unison, making both of them smile, with the latter wearing faint smile.

"Okay, we'll be heading out now." Tanjiro then looked at Takeo and said, "Takeo... Can you chop as much wood as you can?"

"Sure, I'll do it, but..." Takeo looked to the said as he continued, "I was hoping we could do it together."

Tanjiro came forward and started to pat Takeo, "There, there." who was acting like a Tsundere. He said as he pushed away Tanjiro's hand, "What's with that all of a sudden?"

Shigeru then made Takeo annoyed, "You're blushing, Také!"

"Hey, you shut up!" Takeo said, irritated. However, Tanjiro's Headpat Attack had yet to end, "There, there."

Takeo stepped back to stop being petted on the head, "I said cut it out!"

On the side though, Lily was wearing a shocked face. She knew this scene would be the last time she will be with them.

Raiden, on the other hand felt guilty, but on the other hand, felt that what will happen shall happen. All he can do is to find a way to revive them. Even if it means going Planet Namek in order to revive them.

Actually, he managed to repair his pod a little bit as it is in ugly state. Luckily, he managed to repair it with some knowledge about advanced technology like this space pod. He now have the means to travel into another planet to get stronger.

Suddenly, out of the blue, he picked up the smell of sadness coming from Lily. He wants to know why, however, they needed to go now.

Then, she suddenly smiled and laughed upon seeing Takeo, who doesn't want to get petted but likes it, gets flustered.

"Let's go, Tanjiro." Raiden chimed in.

The two were ready to go but...

"W-wait!" Lily suddenly came up to them.

""What is it?"" Both Tanjiro and Raiden asked.

"C-can I...?" Lily was trying her best to say it.

"You're going to say..." Raiden said as he prepared for the next sentence.

Raiden and Lily both said, "I want to go with you two!" With former just plainly saying it, and the latter was kind of begging.

All of them were shocked. Lily asked, "How did you know what I will say?"

"For what reason?" Raiden, instead of answering, he questioned her.

"I want to help, at least, in selling charcoals." Lily said.

Raiden only stared at Lily while Tanjiro looked at Raiden on what to do.

"Alright... Come with us, then." Raiden walked away.

Hearing that, Lily quickly took something from inside the house and came out. At first, nothing seems different a out her, however, there is still a change on her looks. Her lips were somewhat pinkish than before.

The three started trekking their way down the mountain. Raiden was in the lead with Tanjiro filling closely behind him, and Lily having a hard time with the snow since they're much thicker than before.

Soon, after trekking down for a few minutes since, they entered the vicinity of the village.

As they walked, a woman saw them coming.

"Well now, Tanjiro-chan, Lily-chan, Rai-chan! I can't believe you three came down from the mountain on a day like this. You're all such a hard worker! Especially you, Rai-chan, carrying that biggest basket out of the three of you."

"Thanks." Raiden nodded.

"You might catch a cold, you know?" The woman added.

Tanjiro replied, "This is nothing, really. Do you have enough charcoal?"

From a few feet a way, a man called out, "Hey, Tanjiro! Raiden! Lily!"

The man was standing at the doorstep of his house, "Can I have some charcoal? Thanks for fixing my door the other day."

Then, further on the road, a woman said loud enough to be heard, "I'll need some charcoal too!"

Tanjiro smiled, then suddenly turned around as someone seemed to be struggling.

A young man (not really) saw Tanjiro, "Tanjiro! Raiden! Oh man, perfect timing!"

He struggled to escape the grasp of the woman who is pulling his haori. And when he did, he showed a fragmented plate in a violet colored cloth.

"I've been accused of breaking this plate! Help me out, will you? Sniff it!"

Tanjiro leaned down and sniffed the fragmented plate.

"I smell a cat." Tanjiro said.

"You see?"

"Oh my, so it was a cat?"

"I told you it wasn't me!"

Then from behind them, an old man was having a hard time carrying things.

"Tanjiro! Raiden! Can you two give me a hand with this luggage?"

And so the three started selling charcoals and managed to sell all the charcoals they can. As they sell, time passes by very quickly that it is already night when they were about to come back up.

(Jeez, it's late already.) Tanjiro thought as he looked at Raiden who was eating an onigiri as a quick fill.

"It's dark now... I'm glad we were able to sell all that..." Lily said in a tire voice.

"Right." Raiden added.

As they were about to walk further, a man came calling out to them.

"Hey, Tanjiro, Raiden, Lily!"

The three turned around to see a man named Saburo who lived near side of the mountain path.

"Are you three gonna go back to the mountain? You'd better not. It's too dangerous." Saburo said with his stern voice.

Tanjiro replied, "I've got a sense of smell, and so did Raiden, especially his great eyesight and great hearing as well, so we'll be fine."

"I'll put you three up for the night. Come on. Get back here." He said with his rough voice.

"But..." Tanjiro was about to argue, but was told by Raiden, "It's too dark right now, and I don't think she will not reprimand you for not thinking about your safety. We'd better accept his offer."

"Don't argue! Come on! Before the demons show up." Saburo said with such strictness.

The three accepted the invitation of turning in for the night in Saburo's house.

The three of them ate while Saburo prepared their beds to rest on.

"Thanks for the meal!" They said as they finished eating and then drank their tea.

"Hey, Saburo-ojii-san, what are demons like?" Tanjiro asked out of curiosity.

"Man-eating demons have always prowled the land once it gets dark." He paused a ND then said, "That's why you should never stroll around at night. If all of you are done eating, go to bed. You can set off for home at first light."

The three lied down on their beds. Raiden lied down and said, "Goodnight." before falling asleep quickly.

Not long after, Tanjiro asked, "These demons wouldn't come inside your house, would they?"

"They would..." Lily whispered but it was loud enough for the two to hear.

"Yes, they'd come in." Saburo said and too a sip on his pipe and puffed the smoke out of his mouth.

"Then, everyone would get eaten up by the demons."

Saburo replied, "That's why the demon hunters protect us by slaying them, since way back then. Lights out now. Go to sleep."

"Goodnight, Tanjiro, Saburo-ojii-san." Lily said as she drifted into sleep.

"Goodnight, everyone." Tanjiro replied.

On the next day, the three woke up early, but Raiden was much more earlier as he have a early morning routine that became much more than a routine. It was more like "he does it because his body remembered".

The three are ready to trek up the mountain.

"You all be careful now."

""Okay!"" "Okay."

The three started trekking their way up the mountain.

They walked and walked until Tanjiro and Raiden stopped, making Lily stop too. Then, both Tanjiro and Raiden sniffed the air and they smelled...

"The smell of blood!" Both said at the same time.

Both of the boys ran forward, with Raiden being faster and much more stronger. Meanwhile, Lily forced herself to run as she knew what happened.

Then, they all stopped in front of the home of the Kamado Family.

In front of them, Nezuko and Rokuta on the ground with a pool of blood underneath them.

Tanjiro screamed in agony and despair as he saw Rokuta and Nezuko on the ground.

Meanwhile, Raiden just gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Lily, on the other hand, couldn't help but cry.

Tanjiro came forward and tried to wake her up if she is not dead yet.

When he looked inside the house, he saw the others, dead and bloody.

"Nezuko is still warm!" Tanjiro informed.

Tanjiro and Lily were about to take Nezuko down the mountain to find a doctor, but Raiden stood there, looking down as his hands bled when he clenched his fist hard.

"The two of you should go now! You're wasting your time on trying to save Nezuko!" Raiden told them, then he let out a sad smile, "I'll give them a proper burial."

Tanjiro and and Lily nodded as they ran back down as fast as they can in order to find a doctor.


Raiden's short scene after Tanjiro and Lily took Nezuko to save her.

Raiden finished burying the bodies of people whom he can call as family: brothers, sister, mother.

He walked on a certain direction and a huge wall of a cliff greeted him.

"HAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" He shouted in anger as the ground he was stepping on suddenly cracked.

"RRAAAAAARRRRRGGHH!!!" Raiden's blue eyes glowed green as he screamed on top of his lungs in anguish.

Then, he punched the wall hard. So hard that the wall of the tall cliff became a huge cave, enough to fit more than 50 people inside.