By: Phantom_Zero_v2 An otherworldly entity enters the land where demons prowl at night to feast on humans. This entity's race was known as Saiyans, who were now obliterated only few survived. And now, he accidentally landed on a planet which he knew its a little bit of future fo being busy in his life. How would he save this world depends on him. With his knowledge and a lot of things. A 12-year old Shinikazuchi Raikon, also known as Raiden, was wandering throughout Universe 7 in order to better his skills in Alchemy, Magic, and Medicine. Now, that he landed in a Planet that he knew what will happen in the future, he decided to help Tanjiro and also try to learn and master all possible breathing style he could. This is a Spin-off from the Main Series.
(Added words in the head for some purposes)
[Ki Technique/Breathing Form]
"/Talking in another language/"
• POV change •
∆Time and/or Place∆
~Sounds made by a character like a sigh~
• Narrator's POV •
Shinikazuchi Raikon, mostly known as Raiden, was a Saiyan who was supposed to be destroying planets, but all he did was go and learn many methods in medicine, alchemy, and he even picked up magic that he learned from a planet full of magical creatures and people who can use magic.
He doesn't really have last name, but he gave himself one as his first name was already decided. Also, he preferred Raiden as he doesn't want anyone to laugh at his name.
However, he wasn't able to learn much as he forgot to remove the tracker placed on his scouter and lots of populations as well as the magical creatures that lived there were exterminated by his own people.
Luckily, he managed to save some books about a little bit of everything. From potion making, alchemy, medicine, magic, and some more connected to magic.
Anyway, let's go to the present now.
From the view down below, a meteor was falling down. But from up above, it was actually a pod ship that was entering the planet's atmosphere.
While Raiden was descending on the planet, a group of young kids were watching someone who was dancing until the sun has risen.
When the man finished dancing, a woman came.
Then, all of them suddenly looked up, only to see a falling object that seems going to fall not too far nor too close to their home, so they all evacuated all the kids out of their home.
When what seems to be a meteor landed, they all felt the ground shook menacingly. And when it stopped after a few seconds, the father stood up and decided to check what had fallen.
• Raiden's POV •
∆Mountain, 1914∆
Ah...shit. That was a rough ride, I'd say. Either way, I'm alive and safe, though I'm sure the pod took some damage since it god hit by those lasers that almost got if not for the one who tried to shoot me down was a little tiny itty bitty late. Yeah, that little.
Well, it's not a problem anymore. I'm not in their ranged, and I've already removed the tracker on my scouter.
Speaking of scouter. ~Sigh~... I'm weak. I just hope that this planet don't have any too overpowered people. I was reincarnated, yes. But, I've got no rapid growth nor do I have a large starting battle power. And also, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T I GET A SYSTEM WHEN I MET THE GOD WHO ACCIDENTALLY KILLED ME!?
I swear, I'm going to get my revenge! However, I'm not strong enough right now. In order for me to get stronger, I need to experience life and death.
As my pod opened, I started hearing slow and careful steps. Yep! Even though I don't have high battle power, I'm gifted with better senses and faster reflexes which saved me from dying, but I can't retaliate due to my low battle power, so I escaped instead. And yes, these pods are soundproof, so it will block the sound being made when it was crashing through the atmosphere.
I stepped out, and I turned to look around the place since I sensed that the person who was near me only have roughly a battle power of 10, which is not so surprising if you're traveling through the universe. Other than that person, I also sensed other ki signatures which are a bunch of 1s and a 4.
Well, let me greet the closest. And the greeting depends if the said person is hostile or not.
I decided to hide behind a bush, and a man came in with caramel-colored checkered haori, which I know because I am an Otaku but I am also once a programmer in Japan. It's true!
"Aren't you going to show yourself?" the man asked with a soft voice. And he's speaking in Japanese!
I feel like this voice was familiar, but I couldn't quite remember where I heard that voice.
But since I've already been found out, I've shown myself wearing my Saiyan Armor. He turned around and I saw a face that felt familiar.
"Hm? A child?" he said in confusion.
"Um... Hello?" I replied. Of course, with the same language!
"Oh! Hey, little one! What are you doing on this mountain? And you are wearing strange clothing that seems to be...some kind of armor?" the man said with a little confusion at the end of his sentence.
Well, I'm wearing my saiyan armor, without the shoulder pads, on top of a long-sleeved dark blue shirt that seems to be a normal clothing, but is actually made to be able to resize itself for me to wear it even if I got growth spurt along with a pants. If I wear only these, excluding the armour, it will look like I'm wearing a bodysuit.
"Well, actually, I arrived here randomly (which is true) and I got here on this mountain (from the sky using a space pod)." I replied.
"Is that so?" he asked with his soft voice and he added, "In that case, my name is Kamado Tanjuro. What is your name, young man?"
Tanjuro... Tanjuro... Where did- I am on planet Earth!? No, that's impossible! I need to think of this later, I need to introduce myself first.
"My name is Shinikazuchi Raiden (I would said Raikon but since I am also known as Raiden, why not?)." I introduced.
"Do you have any home?" Tanjuro asked.
~Sigh~... Thinking about home, which was now destroyed by Frieza, I was really missed my family. Sadly, they didn't survive as they were all on Planet Vegeta while I was just sent away a day before they called all the Saiyans back.
"Child, are you alright?" It's a good thing he snapped be back to reality.
I took a deep breath before saying, "I don't have home anymore..."
∆Timeskip, 1 year∆
Here I am, watching Tanjuro dancing out in an open space with the cold being at the highest on this mountain. Dancing until sunrise while the climate is very cold on a mountain, and you're physically weak at that, that's pretty awesome!
Living with them made me happy, and even more so when they accepted that I was an alien, which they didn't what an alien is since they lived on a mountain.
I explained them my race, including the being erased out of existence, and being forced to either kill all lifeforms on a planet in order to sell it on a highest bidder. It's a good thing that I waited half a year, if not, they would have freaked out. Either way, I doubt they would, but I still need time to adjust and gather courage to tell them.
I've also told them my age, which surprised them because of my height, which is, right now.
"If you're already 13 years old, why do you have the height of an 8-year old?" the one who asked was actually Tanjiro.
"Here it is... I will have a growth spurt once I turn 18, and I will have my appropriate height that time. I just need-" I suddenly felt my power being drained.
"Is there a problem, Rai-kun?" Luckily, Kamado Kie arrived.
"T-tail... My tail." I said as I winced in pain.
"Nezuko, let go of his tail!" Kie said in a commanding tone.
"But, mom, his tail is fluffy!" Nezuko replied as I felt that her gripped on my tail gotten tighter.
"No buts! Plus, his face is starting to pale." Kie reprimanded.
"O-okay!" Nezuko hesitantly let go of my tail.
It's been a year now.
I still wear that resizable shirt and pants under my kimono and hakama with kyahan, leg wraps, on my shins with different thickness depending on the season. The thickest was used in winter since I am now living on a mountain.
I started helping them with the work by cutting woods to be used as charcoal. Well, that's all I can do as I was always get cuddled by Kie because of my small stature, which drowns me in embarrassment as I felt two mountains on both side of my head.
I just hope things will be like this. However... I can't change their fate, unless I learned how to create dragon balls to revive them. Oh, and I'm only 3 years older than Tanjiro, which meant no one will call me little since I will get my impressive growth spurt.
∆3 Years later. January 12, 1917.∆
Something unexpected happened...
• Unknown's POV •
Ah... Shit! Where the hell am I?
All I can see is snow, trees, and... tied red hair? And a small spiky black hair??
And since I am lost, I will asked them.
Right now, I'm only wearing my loose shirt and my pants. I'm a girl, but I'm not into wearing such beautiful clothes. I just want normal clothes. Okay, maybe because I'm chubby that's why I don't wear clothes like those.
As I get closer, I get to see their faces. I recognized one of them, but the munchkin... I don't think I've seen him.
"Um, excuse me!" I yelled.
They turned and looked at me. They spoke to each other first before they decided to come over to me.
"/Hey, miss. What are you doing out here with those thin clothes?/" the redhead asked.
Oh my god... Japanese. He spoke Japanese!!!
"/Hey, miss. Are you okay?/" Said the cute small spiky haired one.
'Um... Er... Well, how do I tell them if I'm not good at speaking Japanese?' I muttered to myself.
Then, the spiky haired little one pulled the redhead on the side about something, I guess?
Then, they came back. This time, instead of the redhead talking first, it was the spiky haired boy.
"Hey, what are you doing here, miss?" he spoke.
Oh, my goodness! He spoked in English, and he spoke like he was an American at that!
I replied, "Um... Where am I?"
He replied as he raised his eyebrow, "You're lost?"
I nodded. And then, he told the redhead in a green colored checkered- Wait! Kamado Tanjiro!? But, who the hell is this shrimp!?
The shrimp looked at Tanjiro and told him which I don't understand, "/She's lost. I suggest, we take her home so she won't catch cold and then help her./"
Tanjiro nodded and said one of the few I understood, "/Follow us. Let's go!/"
I followed them and they led me up to the mountain. But, the climate on the mountain is cold, so I thought it was winter right now. If it is, it means that in only a few days, weeks, or few months will Muzan go and kill the Kamado family and leave Nezuko as a demon.
When we arrived, I was instantly taken care by Kamado Kie, Kamado Nezuko, and a little help from Kamado Hanako. They gave me clothes that I will wear in the mean time since I don't have any clothes other than my oversized shirt and pants.
I don't know why, but it seems funny to see the shrimp being hugged like a teddy bear. Well, he deserved it when he said that I needed to work out on my fat. That hurts, you know! Calling me fat!
Taisho Secret! Raiden's Little Secret
Raiden: Hello, and welcome to the first Taisho Secret! Our first Taisho Secret is my little secret as we have no time to dilly dally and I needed to finish it. Tanjiro, if you may!
Tanjiro: It's my pleasure to be the one who will reveal this secret! I thank you for this opportunity, Rai.
Raiden: Tanjiro, time is ticking. You better start talking.
Tanjiro: Wow, that rhymed so well. Anyway, did you know Rai's base battle power is only 20 at birth? Then it rose slowly to 40 when he turned 3? Well, since we entered this topic, what is your battle power now, Rai?
Raiden: My battle power now? Well, it's-
Kie: Tanjiro, Rai! Dinner's ready!
Raiden & Tanjiro: Coming!