
Kim Iseul

Kang_Rabia · Teen
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

The students are gathered inside the school gym, their chatter filling the air like the buzz of a beehive.

They are in the middle of a lesson, the echoes of their laughter and voices bouncing off the walls.

Kim Iseul walks down the corridor in black and red, her uniform hugging her curves in all the right places.

She carries herself with poise and elegance, her back straight and her chin held high. In her arms, she holds a stack of neatly bound school reports, their covers gleaming in the fluorescent lights of the hallway.

Her black and red uniform is a testament to her status as a student leader, and her confident stride speaks volumes about her determination and drive. Her long, dark hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, which only serves to accentuate her striking features.

Her eyes are a piercing shade of brown, and they sparkle with intelligence and wit. As she makes her way towards the student council , heads turn in her direction, drawn to her beauty and the aura of power that surrounds her.

Park joon strides into the school gym, his eyes scanning the room for Iseul. When he spots her, he heads straight towards her, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

His friends are gathered around him, hanging on his every word as they laugh and joke together.

Park Joon has a glow in his eye as he begins to speak.

"Guys, you won't believe what my girlfriend told me the other day. She said she's too busy for a social life! Can you imagine that? The student president, too busy for her own boyfriend!" he says, a mock look of disappointment on his face.

His friends laugh and shake their heads, amused by Park Joon's antics. Park Joon is the life of the party, and he knows how to use his humor to diffuse even the most awkward of situations.

Kim Iseul stands in front of her classmates in 3rd years , her classmates sitting quietly at their desks and eagerly awaiting her words. Kim Iseul, who has a confident and assertive personality, commands the attention of the room as she begins to speak.

"Good morning, students. I hope everyone is having a great day so far. I have an announcement to make, and I need you all to listen carefully," she says, her voice firm and serious.

The students lean forward in their seats, eager to hear what she has to say. Kim Iseul takes a deep breath, knowing the significance of what she is about to reveal.

"In three days' time, we will be having a surprise math quiz. I want you all to start studying now, so that you'll be prepared for the big day," she says, her voice echoing through the gym.

There is a murmur of excitement and nervousness from the students. Kim Iseul knows that this will not be an easy quiz, but she is confident that her students are up to the challenge. She gives them a warm smile, encouraged by the determined expressions she sees on their faces.

"I know that you all have what it takes to succeed. I'll be here to help you along the way, and I'm confident that you'll all do your best," she says, her voice filled with pride and encouragement.

With that, Kim Iseul dismisses the class, and the students rush out, eager to start studying and preparing for the quiz.

she might be depicted as looking at her classmates with a calm, unemotional expression.

Her gaze might be piercing and calculating, as if she's sizing up her classmates and considering how she can manipulate or use them to her advantage.

Despite being surrounded by people, she may feel no connection to them and see them only as pawns in her own game.

Park Joon and Kim Iseul are alone in a classroom after school hours. The room is quiet and the only sounds are the echoes of their footsteps on the floor and the rustling of papers as they walk.

The sunlight streaming in from the windows casts long shadows on the floor and the desks.