
Killing Butterflies

In a world where the people living there have an affinity with an animal or element. Some people have the same affinity. Others, completely different. Yet, all unique.

ArtisSan · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 2

It was morning. Well technically, it was still night. If you're nit-picky, its around 4 am, still dark outside of Min's window. Min glanced out of her window, not seeing anything due to the tint that was put on to prevent peepers. She wasn't living in a safe area, nor a relativity bad one, it was just a precaution.

Her bed was had a couple books and papers on it. She was reviewing materials or later when her class would be going to the school. 'It seems I have to get my element tomorrow..' Min thought bitterly. She hated the teacher, and knew full well that the teacher hated her.

Min mumbled to herself, flipping through the pages and an element textbook. "If I was able to, I could try to bond with something stronger than a raven.." She mumbled. "But I can't really choose my element... hmm."

Min sighed and looked at her clock. '5 am now..' She flopped down on her bed, a book open on her stomach. She just stared up at the ceiling, looking at the textures and shapes that she could make out from the darkness. She looked at a torn picture on her nightstand, gently grabbing it. She looked it over and gave a frown, swiftly crumbling it up and tossing it at the trash can. She missed by a few inches but didn't bother to get up and fix it.

Min just continued to stare at the ceiling, up until her alarm binged for her to get up at 6:30. She gave a groan as she stood from her bed and stretched, her bones creaking from not moving. She glanced down at her clothes, realizing that she should probably change into clean ones. She threw on a short flowy "summer" dress with some shorts underneath. Despite disliking dresses, she found dresses to be easier to move in, i.e. to run in.

Min left her house and headed to school. It took her about 15 minutes to walk, her movements somewhat sluggish from the usual lack of sleep. Once she arrived at the school, her classmates were arriving to board the bus. She got onto the bus and headed straight for the backseat, ignoring everyone. She popped in her earbuds and played some loud music, drowning herself in miscellaneous thoughts and loud music.

The teacher got aboard and gave a "tch" under her breath when she saw Min on the bus. She had been hoping for Min to miss it. The teacher was about to mess with her when she realized that Min sat alone on the bus. She had always suspected Min to be a loner, but never really saw it until now. "That works." She mumbled to herself, thinking Min was lonely. Any sort of negative emotion could throw someone off their balance to find an element.

What the teacher didn't account for was that Min liked being alone. The other classmates knew this well, so they were just being respectful towards her as good classmates would. Yet, there was always that one kid that didn't know how to read the room, or rather bus, and decides to stir up trouble. One of the blonde kids, his name was Ian, he approached Min with the intent of 'making her feel better'. The others tried to get him to back off except he just became more determined.

"Hey there Min." He said simply with a grin, sitting next to her, leaving some space between them but not much.

Min, wearing her earbuds and listening to loud music, couldn't hear him. Ian couldn't take the hint. He pulled one of the earbuds out of her ears and stuck it in his own ear, wanting to get her attention, only to drop it in surprise. He was not expecting the music to be louder than he thought, the noise abit to loud for his ears. He held a hand to his ear and tapped Min with the other, still determined to get her attention.

She felt the tap on her shoulder and rolled her eyes, pausing her music and turning to look at Ian. "What do you want Ian." She said, clearly annoyed. The other classmates sighed in defeat, praying for Ian's soul.

Ian gave a dramatic pose. "I am here to save you from your loneliness." He said, trying to act heroic.

"I am not lonely, now go away."

Ian got closer to her, invading her space. "Aww, its okay, you don't have to be brave in front of me." He said, with a sickly sweet tone.

This irritated Min and she spun, covering Ian's mouth with her hand, her other hand wrapping around Ian's shoulder, her fingers slightly curled around his neck. "Now you listen here.." she coldly whispered in his ear. She started to whisper things in his ear, things that frightened Ian and ran his blood cold. He started to give a cold sweat and he was staring at Min with terror.

Min released Ian from her grasp, her hands dropping to her side. She put a finger to her mouth with a sly smile. "Keep quiet, alright?" She said, thought not really asking him to.

She put her earbuds back in, and continued the music. Ian just sat, a little bit frozen with terror of what he was just told. The teacher witnessed what happened, but didn't believe what had happened. The classmates ignored Ian, already knowing what was going to happen. They tried to warn him. The bus ride continued to the zoo in silence.