

This novel includes : suside, murder, blood , sexual activity and torture

FOXY_007 · Teen
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


<p>I move to the bouquet hall and as l enter all eyes fall on me which makes me feel accomplished .<br/> I see my father pointing at me to come up on the stage ; l stand on the stage beside my and father who puts his hand around my shoulder.<br/>(what is he indenting to do ??) <br/><br/>'As you all know today's bouquet occasion was not specified because l wanted to give you all a suprise So today l am engaging my lovely daughter Millicent to my most loyal business partner Max Jacobsen' <br/><br/>'huh?' Max is a big Italian mob but not big enough to get the opportunity to marry me , there must be some important and useful information he brought for father that's why he is in such a hurry to engage me .<br/><br/>Max walks on stage and stands beside me ; he was really tall with black hair and brown eyes , he had a rough looking beard and had scars on his face. He looked like a sexy thug the way he walks and speaks in totaly like a thug . He is not bad but not good too , lf he is under my father l could get captured anytime l try to flee this is really bad , something or someone please stop this .<br/><br/>Max bends down on one knee to put the ring on my finger that's when a gun shot goes out and when l look in the audience l see my ex fiance Rosario Ivanov pointing a gun at my step brother. <br/>Great kill him atleast do something good for the world but unfortunately he then points the gun at Max but instead of standing up Max pulls my hand and tries to put a ring on my finger l just go still cause either way Max could take me or Rosario there will be no option for me to flee from here . <br/><br/>Rosario's men lunges on Max freeing me from getting engaged , my father eyes me to get down from stage to leave but as l turn to leave Rosario grabs my waist from behind and pulls me closer, l was not afraid of him at all cause he was just like a small puppy desperate for my affection since school days.<br/><br/>He whispers in my ears <br/>'Where do you think you are going my kitten?'<br/><br/>'To my room' ln a cold voice<br/><br/>'Great let's go baby' <br/><br/>He puts his hand on my lower back and l lead him through stairs which were from back garden so that no bodyguards can catch Rosario.<br/>While walking upstairs Rosario's hand moves from lower back to my ass and he gives it a squeeze.<br/><br/>'You look really beautiful in this dress'<br/><br/>l slap his hand away and quickly move to my room door unlocking with a password .<br/>As l click the password Rosario grabs my shoulder and pulls me back so l could feel his body heat from behind.<br/><br/>'Didn't you miss me ?'<br/><br/>I remove his hands and unlock my door to enter my room he follows me from behind and then locks the door ; l take my night gown and move to the bathroom to change but Rosario grabs me . <br/><br/>'Let me help you kitten' <br/><br/>He slowly removes the straps of my dress from my shoulder and unzips my dress and it falls on the ground. I wear no expression cause l was really tired of him at this point even when we were in junior year in school he used to shy kiss me on the lips but because of an incident in senior year in which one of a new guy in our school came to my table and ate with me cause usually the people in school were scared of me and no guy ever dared to talk to me because Rosario gave them all threats to never come near me but this guy was new so he didn't know and sat with me during lunch .<br/>Rosario had his own group of friends with also included girls he never tried to get me in his friend group because it also included lot of guys .<br/>The girls in that group all had a big crush on him but l didn't care at all cause why would l he was a possesive jerk so it was good for me if he stayed far away from be .<br/><br/>When he came inside the cantine that day and saw me sitting with the new guy ; he instantly dragged me out of the cantine and tried to have his way with me in a empty classroom l said no with a glare and like a obedient puppy he let me go at once .<br/><br/> l ran up the stairs of the school were no one could see us as he came running towards me to apologise but when he came near the top of the stairs where l was standing he quickly hugged me and apologized for his actions but l pushed him down from the top stairs .<br/><br/>Fortunately he got admitted in the hospital because after falling he lost his consciousness.<br/>when he woke up in the hospital bed l cried and said l got scared from him so l pushed him down by accident and like a fool he believed my lie .<br/>Yes it was a lie l intentionally went upstairs so that when l push him no one will blame me . <br/>But when l reached my home my father slapped me for resisting my fiance and grounded me till he is in hospital , l only got to eat small portion of raw vegetables in a day and was locked in a room with small window and total darkness . <br/>So when he got discharged from the hospital l came out of the dark room and for a week l was told to eat properly so that when l meet my fiance l don't look half dead . <br/>After a week l was sent to 'meet' my fiance we had dinner in his house his family never lived with him some few servants were there to take care of ; After the dinner we went inside his room when he asked why am l acting this way l straight forwardly told him . <br/>'I want you to fuck me' <br/><br/>'What?' he was shocked and confused as to why l said this out of the blue <br/><br/>--------------------------------------------<br/>Do you think Millicent did the right thing by pushing him down from the stairs as a lesson?😼<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>