

This novel includes : suside, murder, blood , sexual activity and torture

FOXY_007 · Teen
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2 Chs

CH 1 : EX


'Finally everything is perfect and is going as planned' . I take my bag and hide it under my bed ; l quickly intend to flee from this place after this party ; l wear a Black cocktail dress that complements my pale complextion and matches my beautiful long curly Black hair with a set of emerald jewelry that matches with my green sparkling eyes .

lts the last time they will ever see me so l have to give them something to look at . *CHUCKLES*


??? : 'Millicent are you ready ?'

'Yes , l am coming'

l open the door to see my small step brother , Louis Raffaele ; he has blonde hair with brown eyes and he is a big jealous aashole to me ; We don't exactly look like siblings and l love that.

Louis: 'You look like a slut , do you intend to attract your ex fiance with this dress ? l heard he is here tonight.'

My blood boils like always with his horrendous comments but right now with the news that my ex fiance Rosario Ivanov the Russian mafia king ; we were engaged the day l was born as a sign of peace between Russian and Italian mafia .

He is two years older then me , We went to same school in Italy and those days were really frustrating ; he was so possesive and dramatic that it was really hard for me to control myself from killing him but after our school was over he left for two years to handle the Russian mafia after his father's death .

My father broke off our engagement a week ago after finding out that Rosario's father the late Russian mafia king Boris Ivanov was the one who killed my mother , we didn't have solid evidence but because of a rumour that the day my mother rose died she was in the same hotel as Boris . It was really suspicious as we were enemies for a long time so it could have being a possibility.

After our engagement broke he called me thousand of times but l didn't pick up his calls cause why would l ? he was the person with the most awful personality.

l was really happy but l didn't think it would be this short ; l am sure he has a purpose for attending this bouquet but what could it be ??.


If you want there school love story please comment down . 😺