
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

I didn't see this

I got off work as soon as I could. I called DD and he answered on the third ring. I happily announced that I have finished my work. I was wondering where I should go. Home or to his office. He happily asked me to come to his office and we will go to the restaurant together. We will get the chef's table. It is the table inside the kitchen. We can enjoy dishes that has not made the menu. I told him that I need a change of clothes. He said he will handle it. He came in car with tinted windows. I changed in the car. Henry promised not to let the car swerve while I do my makeup so I don't resemble a circus clown. I gave him an angry look as I applied lipstick. DD chuckled lightly as he watched me change my outfit.

DD calmly drove us to his favorite restaurant called Crown shy. The manager happily escorted us to the kitchen where we sat down to have crown rib roast, crispy potato pancakes and cauliflower and broccoli fritters. I had watermelon mojito while DD had his usual. Henry smiled as I fed my husband while he fed me. I smiled as they made brisket into a melt in your mouth deliciousness. I asked for a piece since it is my Achilles heel. DD happily watched as I savored the piece. I was drooling for more. He requested a go bag. We ate dinner and walked out to see the trunk was moving. I put two and two together that Dimka is in the trunk.

I casually sat down and asked what was in the trunk. Henry happily reported that it was nothing. I asked him to be honest with me. He smiled, "It's nothing." I inquired, "Why is the trunk shaking like there is a person locked in there" He walked out and the shaking stopped. I walked out but I was asked to stay in the trunk. DD said that it was a birthday present for me. I asked if it is Dan since he is cluster phobic. He will start biting anyone that comes close to him. He smiled and brushed it off. I held DD hand as he gave me the go bag. I was already imagining how I will enjoy breakfast.

We came home to see Dan by the front porch. He happily barked his greetings. I scratched him behind the ears and we walked in. I snuggled next to DD as he watched some old black and white movie. I fell asleep and woke up to DD carrying me upstairs. I saw that the room was arranged to be romantic. We were about to snuggle when there was a knock on the door. Cheryl showed me a note left at the door. It had a picture of me with the eyes scratched out. DD was pissed. He yelled at security and they went from teasing to serious in a microsecond. Owen wanted to know who had the guts to send this.

They checked the security footage and saw that it was the jealous secretary I warned DD about when I was pregnant. I told him that she wanted him very much. At the time he saw fit to dismissed it. I reminded him that she was not happy that he chose me. He didn't ignore this time. This time he called the police and had her incarcerated. I stared at the man who has gone through so much pain. I took his hand and he hugged me. He whispered, "I should have listened to my mother and married you sooner Pam. None of this would have happened if I did" I held on to him and whispered back, "The feeling is mutual"

I finally got the vacation and we left for Aspen. The place looked like anywhere else since it was snowcapped. We had a place there. It has a magnificent view of the place. Mountain, trees and river and a few house dotted here and there. I carried lunch to DD when I saw Dimka was tied up. He was talking to DD. I pretended not to see and knocked on the door. Owen poked his head and made an excuse for DD. I looked hurt that he couldn't join me for a picnic and promised to complain. DD happily opened the door and he asked for five minutes. I blushed like a school girl and kissed his cheek. I replied, "You can have ten minutes but after that I am going to barge in and I am coming after you" He raised his hands promised he will be by my side in six. He closed the door as I turned around and asked Agatha to take me to our picnic spot. I heard Dimka say something but it inaudible.

I waited in the garden with an assortment of food. I realized that he wasn't coming so I angrily got up to get him. Henry saw me and he called it in. DD met me halfway and he said that he had to use the bathroom. I waved him off as I took his hand. We sat down and I started draw him. He asked me why I like to draw him. I explained that he is my favorite model. I have dated a few people but he is a special so he deserves to be sketched. He asked me who else I have dated. I gave him a few names and he wanted to know where there are. I answered honestly because I felt he deserves it. This made him uncomfortable so he took me to show Dimka. I came clean that I knew he was here. I felt that whatever was going on is none of my business. I saw that he was shackled to the wall the same way DD was. He stared at me with hate. He blurted to DD that he had better get used to the fact that I am serial killer. DD casually answered that he knows since I had saved his sister's life by killing her rapist. I was honest with him so he had known for years. This infuriated Dimka even more. Dimka asked me what I saw DD that I would stay with him. I took a deep breath and explained, "I will say this for the last time and I want you to remember the words I am using. DD is a one woman man. He would never cheat on me. I could be in a coma and wake up ten years from now and see him standing by my side. I have that level of guarantee with him but I will never get that guarantee with you. I took a wrong turn and found you cheating on me. I will never get that with my husband even we live to be a million years" DD smiled, "She kept refusing you despite your advances. When she retreated to the depth of her mind she was spending those moments with me. The other version of her was kind enough to sketch her dream world for me. She spends every waking moment with me. So why should I ditch her for someone that depresses me. I promise never to have any other woman for as long as I live." He took my hand to escort me to the veranda. Henry gave a look and he sat down to watch us snuggle. I got a video call from Cheryl telling me that she is staying with Van Pelt till I return. DD wished her the best and he continued to stroke my hair.

I woke up to use the bathroom and saw DD was asleep. I took my sketchbook and drew him sleeping. He woke up to use the bathroom to see me trying to complete the sketch. He finished his business and sat down to watch me finish what I was doing. He asked me if ever drew Dimka. I looked up at him and retorted that he was too busy for me to even attempt it. He thinks art is crap. He always encouraged me to find a real job where I can have a stable income. I recalled that he never bought me anything. Not even clothes or jewelry. If he had given me something I would have treasured it for life. DD asked me what I wanted since he wanted very much to give it to me. I asked him to close his eyes and pick something. I am sure I will like it. He asked again. This time more seriously. I smiled at him, "I have never given it a thought. So can I think about it. I promise I will give you an answer." He smiled at me, "I don't mind whatever it is as long as I can make you happy. You know I will get it for you." He smiled at me. I pursed my lips as I tried to figure out what I wanted. I finally came up with one, "I want a another baby." He laughed as he blurted, "I thought you would ask for a pearl necklace or a diamond ring or locket." I smiled, "I always wanted a pocket watch but no one got it for me so I bought one. Now I want a baby." He stared at me for a moment before he asked to see it. I showed it to him. He opened it to see his own face and our children in it. He gave it back and stepped outside for air.