
Kicking Ass and Taking Names in HSDxD

Finn MacCool was your ordinary 18 year old. He got above average grades in school and worked a decent part time job. He did this not because he wanted to make money for himself and by the newest and coolest clothes, but rather to help out his family. His family and friends were people that Finn would always go above and beyond for. He also very much enjoyed watching movies and reading manga, in fact one of his favorites was, believe it or not, High School DxD. However like most of the fans of this anime he would often dream about living in that world as Issei and, to put it bluntly, seal the deal with the girls that surround him. He thought of Issei as no better than an idiot, however admired his courage, and the fact he would take a bullet for anyone he cares about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a story about a young man who turns the whole world upside down.----------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. I don't own the cover art I got it of Pinterest a while back.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.S. As we are in lock down from COVID-19 I got bored and decided to start writing. And so this is my first time writing anything really so consider me a Noob. Constructive Criticism is always welcome.--------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.S.S. Stay inside, wash your hands, and stay safe. And with that the story begins.

kylebaron521 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Prologue ish

Finn MacCool was your everyday average guy. Above average grades in school, works an average paying job, really just everything about him is average. Apart from his undying love for his family and friends.

He lived in Scotland with his mother and father in a not so nice neighbourhood, where the crime rate was pretty high. However everyone in the neighbourhood new Finn for 1 of 2 reasons. 1 being they encountered him somewhere and were impressed by his very easy going and laid back attitude, and of course his flippant answers which made those around him think he was a master of verbal fencing. Or 2, or that one time in high school when the younger brother of the neighbourhood's residing gang leader, decided it was a good idea to bully one of Finn's friends. Lets just say it did not end well for the gang's reputation that day.

And apart from the occasional fight, mouth off and part time job Finn did not do much. Or at least that is what the outside world thought. But in fact Finn and his friends were avid watchers of movies, anime and the occasional readers of manga.

And in this their friendship grew closer and closer.

They would often argue about many things like what they would do if they were in Naruto, or who they would be in Dragon Ball (A/N: Finn would always be Broly). But there was one thing that they would always agree on and that is what they would do in HSDxD. They would often discuss how stupid but courageous Issei was and how annoying and naive but admirable Asia was. They would agree that they would get down and dirty with the girls and, well, just not be a super pervert. This however caused many debates, be it on who they would be in the story, if they were just some random with knowledge of future events or an extremely powerful character and rule the world.

During one of these debates their whiteboard marker ran out of ink and so they decided it was a good time to go to the shops and get some snacks while also refilling their stash of pens so they could sketch out their plans to rule the world.

(Into the mind of Finn)

Step 1: Train the body as it was imperative to have a strong physical body so as to be able to tank the hits of those weaker than you.

Step 2: Train in something like parkour or gymnastics so that they could use agility to their advantage.

Step 3: Learn some sort of fighting style, be it and to hand or weapon based, or both. As it would at diversity to your arsenal.

Step 4: Train the mind so that you are less affected by mind based attacks.

Step 5: Gather combat experience before the main plot happens so that when it does you are ready and able to fight and survive in the cruel world that is HSDxD.

Step 6: Gain the attention of one of the Heiresses as it is a sure fire way to gain power. However it is a double edged sword as they both come with their own problems so choose carefully.

Step 7: Help solve the problems of either or both of the heiresses and gain the favor of their families. (A/N: And maybe a hand along the way ;) )

Step 8: Continue along with the plot and create the peace treaty as war is bad.

Step 9: Survive, become strong and live your life to the fullest. (A/N: Not lie Issei tho.)

(Back to the present)

On their way back from the corner shop where Finn worked they were excited to get back as one of their friends had just spit balled an idea that caused all of them to rethink the route they would choose if they were in that world.

(A/N: I admit i spent a good five minutes thinking of names for his friends but every name I came up with I decided against, so here we are with numbered friends. WOOHOO.)

Friend 1 - "Guys I've just had an epiphany."

Friend 2 - " Shoot"

Friend 3 - " Yeah come on we are running out of Ideas so this will be better than your last."

Friend 1 - " What if we died, met God or some primordial being, got some wishes and was reincarnated."

Finn/Friend 2/ Friend 3 - "HOLY SHIT!"

Finn - "How have we not thought of that."

Friend 1 - "Yeah it's such a good idea as well."

And with that the friends started sprinting home, jumping through gardens, running across roads while not looking and even bumping into people on the pavement.

All was well until the unpredicted happened. While running across one of the last roads that they needed to cross to get back home they were met by the legendary truck-kun…

Well not really they, it was more like friend 1 who was in front of them was met with a speeding truck…

Until the impossible happened.

With Finn being in close second he sees the truck before the rest of them and his instinct kick into overdrive. His eyes become bloodshot, the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and before he even has a chance to think he found himself on the ground in extreme pain with only time for one thought. ' I thought you only appeared in Japan, shit.'

(Friend 2 POV)

It happened in a split second. Friend 1 was about to meet his maker before Finn jumped and pushed him out of the way. He managed to save Friend 1 however he was not so lucky himself. As soon as Friend 1 was out of the way Finn was clattered by the truck and sent flying what looked like 50 ft.

(End of POV)

Before anyone had realized it, Finn was already dead…


(A/N: As always Constructive criticism is welcome)