
Kicking Ass and Taking Names in HSDxD

Finn MacCool was your ordinary 18 year old. He got above average grades in school and worked a decent part time job. He did this not because he wanted to make money for himself and by the newest and coolest clothes, but rather to help out his family. His family and friends were people that Finn would always go above and beyond for. He also very much enjoyed watching movies and reading manga, in fact one of his favorites was, believe it or not, High School DxD. However like most of the fans of this anime he would often dream about living in that world as Issei and, to put it bluntly, seal the deal with the girls that surround him. He thought of Issei as no better than an idiot, however admired his courage, and the fact he would take a bullet for anyone he cares about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a story about a young man who turns the whole world upside down.----------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. I don't own the cover art I got it of Pinterest a while back.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.S. As we are in lock down from COVID-19 I got bored and decided to start writing. And so this is my first time writing anything really so consider me a Noob. Constructive Criticism is always welcome.--------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.S.S. Stay inside, wash your hands, and stay safe. And with that the story begins.

kylebaron521 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Meeting with someone else or something else?

It's black as can be and cold, no surprisingly warm actually. Ok where am I. Wait. It can't be. What was the last thing I remember. Erm lets see, erm, oh yeah wait' Finn Thought

Finn - " SHIT I'm dead… FUCK!"

'Ok so if i'm dead how am I conscious, I mean i never ruled out the fact that there could be something like a God out there but I was more on the side. Believe it when you see it. Ok so what now. I can't feel my body, so does that mean it's just me, my soul and black… NOOOOO! Mum was making her famous roast chicken dinner tonight, with some apple crumble and custard. For fucksake, why did I have to die today? I mean I'm happy that Friend 1 survived… I think, but couldn't this have happened tomorrow.'

Unbeknownst to Finn right now there was a, well what i can only describe as God. So yeah God was watching him and reading his thoughts.


Finn - "AAH. Who's there. Show yourself."

?? - "You're one interesting person aren't you. Finn."

Finn - "How do you know my name. Who are you."

?? - "Calm down child turn around, and to answer your question I'am well to humans im known as God."

When Finn turned around he was met by what can only be described as god. Perfect in every way. Tall, handsome and exuding and aura of divine authority.

Finn - "Well then God what can I do for you and while you're at it can you please explain why I am here. Or where exactly I am." Finn said in the calmest tone he could.

God - "Oh, wait, aren't you unusually calm considering."

Finn - "Well before I slightly lost my composure when I thought of what I would miss out on so for that I apologize."

God - "Well you do not need to apologize child I deal with crybabies all of the time. However it is appreciated. And for your question on where we are we are in the void, where nothing exists."

Finn - "Ok then would you mind explaining why I am here." He said in a curious tone.

God - "Well my child you are here because of everything you have done in your life, from protecting those you care about to helping the old lady across the street has earned you my attention. And well in fact I have taken quite the liking to you. And in turn you have earned what very few do."

Finn - "Oh and what might that be?"

God - "Reincarnation."

Finn - "Seriously."

God - "Seriously."

Finn - "Then can you please explain to me the ins and outs of this."

God - "Very well. I Have chosen you to be one of the souls I reward with reincarnation. This Basically means that you will be able to choose whatever world you want to be reincarnated in and I shall make that happen."

Finn - "So it's like those manga's where the MC gets to choose what he looks like and gets given whatever power he desires?"

God - "Not quite no, in fact it's not like that at all.You will only be able to choose the world you want to be reincarnated in."

Finn - "Ok i understand. Then I wa…"

God - "WAIT. Geez Kid let me finish. Anyway as I was saying, normally this is the case however I have taken quite the liking to you and in turn will let you have three wishes as well as be able to choose what you would go to."

Finn - "Can I think before giving you my answer."

God - "Sure"

Finn then goes into very deep thought of what to say next. 'What world should I go to? Not One Piece that is too weird for me. Maybe Dragon Ball actually no that is filled with too many battle maniacs. Then what? Not overlord that to dark. SAO has games like mechanics and I don't really want that.' For the next ten minutes Finn thought and thought hard about where he wanted to go and then it clicked. What had him and his friends been doing the day he died. Discussing their favourite anime HSDxD.' Ok nove I have the world I just need the wishes. Ah come on you really think I wouldn't know what to wish for this is easy. Wait, how many wishes did I get again.'

God - "Three"

Finn - "AAH. So you can read my mind then. Alright I wish to be reincarnated in the world High School DxD one year before Issei is born. And for my first Wish I would like to be proficient in any and all forms of magic in that world. And for my Second wish I wish for a path to victory, which is a path that shows me the way to win any battle. And for my third wish I wish for more or less instant mastery of all fighting styles, be it hand to hand or weapon based. Oh and what about my appearance."

God - "All of those wishes can be done and regarding your appearance it will change with your personality so If I had to guess you will look something like Dante from Devil May Cry. And without further adieu I bid you farewell my child."

And without being able to say anything Finn was ducked through what lookd like a worm whole and through that he entered his new world.