
Key of Liberation

Alastair Kurenai has left his home on Earth for a world called Nachima. In that world he'll be up against The Liberators, an organization that wishes to take his key to liberate the worlds from their reliance on Key Keepers. Nothing out of the ordinary for a guy raised in a family of Key Keepers. What kid doesn't want to be like his brothers and sisters? But that desire comes at a cost, one that makes Alastair long to return home. Still, he has to right the world before he can achieve his goal of returning home to his family.

ShinomiyaDR · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
128 Chs

Episode 102


Alastair blinked when someone with orange hair came into his room.

"Wondering where Josh is?"

The boy shook his head.

"Arthur then?" 

Another shake.

"He has a sick kid on his hands. It'd be better if you didn't see him right now."

What did that have to do with anything?

"I heard you like tuna, but how about something else today?" the guy asked.

Star tilted his head.

He raised his watch, causing a projection to pop up. Star stared at the pancake-like thing. Wilhi had given one to him. While looking at it brought some bad memories as well as good ones, he pointed at it.

"Can you make it square with little indents?"

"Indents? You, you want cube bread?"

Star blinked. Was that what they called waffles here? Sounded more like one of those square loaves back home.

Star gave him an unsure nod.

He smiled. "You got it, kid!"

Star sparked. "I'm an adult, not a kid."