

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

8__Meet Rocky of the Boxing Club

The school compound was now filled with students because it was the end of today's lessons of so every one was moving freely around the compound, couples were dating, some students who came to study were in staff rooms baby sitting teachers and others were already making their gangs as usual. These gangs were mostly for dancers and rappers, others were just following the school volleyball club. Volleyball was the best sports game of this school, not only our school but the community schools too.

So on the sports wing as usual, viewers were mostly on the volleyball playground and some at the football stadium. The likes of basketball viewers were rarer so cheerleaders were on the volleyball playground preparing themselves for the community tournaments which will be held in the second term. This tournament was going to be different from the usual ones as it contained two games, volleyball and netball, I quite liked the games too.

Leaving alone the the sports stuff, my gaze fell on the school's garden where couples used to sit, it was near the school library so it was big in area and always quiet that's why many couples liked it. The only bad thing was that it was located in the same area where the O'level ICT lab was located too. Couples hated it because sometimes teachers used to interrupt their peace but still no one used to stay in areas near that lab as it brought too much attention.

But this time I was so surprised to see Klara talking this much, she seemed to be very happy by the looks of it, laughing out loud in that public area with a boy!

'Even her ex boyfriend never made her laugh like that, who is this funny to pull out laughters from her.' Klara's back blocked me from seeing the person she was talking to but anxiety filled my heart so i decided to go there anyway.

I was a bit far but still not that far away from them just what made the distance a bit long was that I was in this tall unfinished flat building where I used to sit and chill while looking at the situation beneath me. It was cool and made me feel some peace as the cold air penetrated through my hair making it flow swiftly besides my shoulders.

I only hated that part of going to the down the stairs, it was so tiresome but still i managed to walk out of the building to the garden.


"Can I ask you some question, if you don't mind its personal ofcourse." I had quite a good chat with Klara and I approved of her to be a total opposite of Habibah. This girl had a nice heart and did not look down on me just because i was a newbie yet she was just in her last year to leave the Calf Wing.

I seemed to be free and peaceful with her, she even made me feel like I was no longer alone.

"If its not about studies, you can say it out. I know my personal stuff and I don't think you know any of them either so how did you know that what you are going to ask is personal?" Yeah, she did not tell me anything personal as she said, is what am about to say personal anyway? I don't think so.

"Alright, I guess your talking about facts but I will still ask you anyway. You will know if its personal or not." I had to ask this question no matter what. She nodded in response.

"What is the relationship between you and Habibah?" i felt relieved that I said it out but her face changed and it scared me a little bit. Was it something truly personal! I was wondering from the time I first saw her, something was fishy but it all happened after meeting Habibah.

These two girls had something in common, Klara never offended Habibah but on the way that she tended to be in whenever she met with her, what I saw in my presence back then was nothing like fear or respect in Klara's eyes. I witnessed it because other students used eyes of fear and respect towards Habibah.

These two girls had some connection that I couldn't grasp what it was. I was still waiting for her reply but instead she stood up and turned her back to me before leaving without a word.

"Ohh boy, what I have just said seemed personal, very personal! " I murmured to myself in disappointment of losing such a beautiful friend. 'She really doesn't know what plans I had for her, wicked plans of course' I smiled still looking at her disappearing back.

"And what's that thing you said anyway?"Habibah came from the back talking to me near my ear.

I already knew that she was hear after smelling her scent which has replaced Klara's scent.

'I think nobody smells better than this slayer witch' I guess it is the truth.

Seeing me not respond still looking at the direction of the already disappeared Klara, she continued to talk this time getting my attention with orders.

"Get me want some evening tea and help me use your flask because my is occupied, we are at the top of the mountain so its usually cold at night, I will need that tea in the preps" this girl was really something, I had no flask but I really don't think she cares that much. So I have to spend another cash on a damn flask that am ain't going to use at all. This ain't a joke for real.

"OK" I really had nothing to do apart from doing what she wanted. Walking in the same direction which Klara used "wait up" Habibah stopped me again.

"what is it this time?, I know even if you don't remind me, you want some escorts on your tea, I was told by Momo that you want your tea warm not hot or cold. I should wash your flask and make it dry before putting in your tea but that's not a big deal because you will be having a new flask this time round, also I should not put a lot of sugars in your tea, is there anything else? my lady!"

"yeah"she replied.

"what is it, wash your legs or carry you on my back" I really didn't get what her look on the face meant but if I couldn't understand it, it was still none of my business.

"firstly,you don't talk to me like that again and secondly..."

She took out an art book from her bag and passed it to me before i opened it.

"thanks for the sketch, It is all good marks because of the sketch and because of you, I will be joining the A'level lectures for art studies, your sketch was....was so perfect" she said forcing a smile on her face.

I looked casually on the picture before handing her the art book.

"alright, I have understood. I wont talk to you like that again, so may I leave" she really liked respect though she had nothing like respect in her whole life.

"You can come with me every Monday to the LEADING wing for art studies, their art teacher is good in art than our Calf wing" she really loved art and expected me to be like her. It was a joke me sitting in the sane class with her to study. I can't imagine bow it will feel like so I rejected right away before leaving her. I even cared less though she warned me about leaving her before the end of the conversation.

'This girl is so weird, something is wrong with her, just this morning, she wanted me to be arrested now she is like we are friends, doesn't she have anyone to go with to that LEADING wing! Impossible. She is just up to something but what is it.' I don't even need to trust her,she is a weirdo and good at scheming nothing much anyway.

"Not interested,your playing wise skipping this trap but hope you don't disappoint me and skip this one too" she sneered at his disappearing back.


It was time for dinner as many students used to have it in the DH (Dinning Hole) after taking shower and preparing for the night preps. Dinner was served at exactly 6:30 in the evening so students had to pick their already served food from the serving table before sitting to presented seats with a table inbetween the four seats. It was two seats either sides of the table facing each other respectively in rows and columns.

It was usually porridge or tea in the mornings, posho and rice at lunch and rice for dinner.

'Just better than primary' I sat on the table with my two friends, Job and Ganja while we were having our dinner with chats of them explaining to me different guys i shouldn't mess with in a descending orderly fashion and other stuff that I asked about.

"this is the largest hole of the school I guess" I liked around it but couldn't find or see the end of it.

"Nuh, bruh its the second largest, the main hole is the biggest man because its where parties are held from, even A'levels join our CALF wing just for the parties."Job explained to me.

"It seems A'levels have dinner with us usually" I asked seeing many grown ups with different uniforms in the room.

"Ya, at times but this time I don't know why they are too much" Job was also wondering so he stopped eating and looked around dinda reason for this sudden visit from the Leading wing.

"Don't bother thinking a lot Job, its simply because someone slapped Shab on her pretty face, news travel. We are all here this many today just to see that cocky guy with some balls who thinks that because me has power to beat girls, he doesn't give a shit at whoever he insults."some angry voice came from the back of Job but without looking back, he had already noticed who it was just from his cocky voice.

"Rocky" Ganja and Job blurted at the same tine in shock. Rocky was a student from the Leading club, he was ounce a senior student in the school's boxing club before being defeated by Eddie of A'level from the Leading wing making him drop to the level of a junior student in the boxing club. It sounded useless to be a junior in the boxing club but it was something hard to get. Someone had to pass though challenges with his fellow club newbies before getting a junior student title.

The club newbies was the title given to students with no badge or title wins in the boxing club.

It was easy to get a badge as it was given to a person who reached the quarter and semi finals of a given tournament but it was very hard to get title wins. If someone got a title win in the boxing club, his title depends on the power of the tournament he gained the title from.

According to the information from Job, Rocky was ounce had a title semi senior student but was challenged andd taken away by Eddie making him drop to a Junior student level.

When Ken had this name he was also frightened but not that much, Job had already told him about Rocky and some other events. Job was good at collecting old news of this school though he was a newbie himself. The reason why Ken was not afraid was because he himself learned street boxing at home for three years so he usually got scared after being defeated.

"Yah, that's right! I thought people have already forgotten about me " Rocky was pleased this time knowing that his name was still heard of despite his title loss.

At this very moment, students had already gathered around, some even had phones in public and were already shooting the video very sure of what was about to happen in the DH.

"so cocky" he was truly older than me but he was nothing like the guys i fought with in the dungeons. This guy was just a rich gentleman who has just learnt how to throw punches without art plus doing gym. I found nothing special with him anyway.

"did he just call him cocky" some unknown voices started adding salt to the wound.

"he actually said it, maybe Rocky ain't that rough anymore, he was even defeated last time. He seems to be in worry of this jerk" these guys were good at making things worse. They wanted Rocky to attack very fast just to make the show more entertaining.

"What did you just call me? " Rocky asked in disbelief. He couldn't believe his ears so he begged for a pardon.

"Yah you heard me right bally dick! Am just curious about what you going to do about it" I really wanted to see the video of this situation right now, you couldn't believe that look on Rocky's face.

He was so angry that he was about to spat blood, wanted to say something bit he failed, just he couldn't believe it that a newbie was this cocky in his presence. It was time to make this school remember him.
