

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

7__Day fucked up for real

'What does he think he is walking away from me when am still talking' I was so pissed, really this Razor town guy 'Kevan' lacked manners. Even A'levels show me some face but this banner dares to be this cocky in my presence! I will see what kind of balls you have then.

Walking passed him, I stopped in front of his way blocking his path " when am talking to you, you should listen until i finish. You leave only when am done talking and I wont be saying it again"

"alright am terrified. am so scared! now will you excuse me and come for your food dear princess, because your servant will do whatever you want " be answered me like nothing mattered to him.

" were you talking to me back then anyway? Or you were just bored and had no one to talk to so you came to your baby sitter for some lullabies? " He replied me with a mocking tone full of due respect like a servant talking to his queen. He even bowed his head to add salt in the wound in self mockery.

I was so pieced but when I looked at the look in his eyes I calmed down instead, he looked like he enjoyed it when I was angry. For some reason I did not know, I was a bit disappointed maybe I thought he would actually be a listening type like the other guys in school. Oh maybe I was disappointed because I wanted to show how nice looking the pic they made together was but still it was my pic so he did not care anyway, why show him a pick that i forcibly told him to draw.

"You are so rude! and fake too" I was really angry with him.

"should I be nice like the other students? "he asked me a weird question not knowing why he said that.

"At least they are nice to me, they don't talk harshly with me and that's why i treat them netter too." I said trying to let him know that he was the only one who treated her badly and that's why I was doing the same too.

"ohhh, I get it but i'm sorry I cant help you to be a nice person to you,I mean, i'm not fake as the other students dude. If i don't like you so be it, i can't pretend to be your friend at all" he left me without saying a word.

'Did he just say that all of the students are pretending to be nice to me, but why would they pretend yet I have never done anything bad to any of them. At Least Kevan had a reason of hating me but he at least started it but fighting with my cousin. Am just like the other guys just students are afraid of my dad' I tried to figure it out but she still failed. I couldn't help it anymore when i felt my eyes turn red, I had to calm down first, he had to tell me why he said that to me.

Putting myself together, he was already inside their dormitory. I followed him again "seeing you can't wait for me outside our dormitory compound, why don't you just come in the dorm too, are you really that hungry? " I guess he was just tired of me following him but i also never wanted that too.

"I will wait out here, get my food I want to eat" I said standing just directly in the door way.

He came back with polythene bag and inside of it contained a silver plate and handed it to me directly before heading to the class without saying anything.

"You did not look at me a single bit,even a blind person can feel the hatred you have towards me so it seems you said all that just to make me feel dejected but sorry, it its the torture is what makes you say all that, i promise you that its just the beginning of it" I was even tired of looking at the boring back of the disappearing Ken so i left that area too.


Ken did not know what she was going to do to him of course because he was already in his chemistry lesson not listening a bit of it. Imagine sitting in a class when you are really forcing your mind to pay attention but still because of your tired body which lacks rest, you find your self dozing in the day light.

"Young man what's your name? " the teacher asked after coming to my seat, opening my new empty book on the table in front of me.

"now I really don't care about what you are, all I care about is my notes right now, if you don't have my notes there is no point in sitting in my lesson" Copy, i was already tired of looking at your whatever science work i don't give a shit about even.

Grabbing my belongings, I left the lesson without hesitation. The teacher turned to rest of the students and told them to leave his class if any of them lacked a piece of his notes, it was like the whole class knew that this guy who teaches chemistry was not a joking type so no one had missing notes and none of them left.

'Its like i'm going to make enemies the whole of my first day to school, this is worse than my primary for real' i thought to myself shaking my head in disbelief.

"Ken the tragedy Ken the problem path,"

" your fate is fucked up"

"every grass next to you dries up because your lifeless"

"sometimes your life is pointless"

"you will never be alone, your surrounded by problems"

"Ken the tragedy Ken the problem path"

"not bad, what's the title of the song, its has dad lyrics only so am wondering why does it contain your name it" It was Klara coming from my back again without me noticing.

Just like the first time, she found me singing again.

"students of my former school used to sing it for me but i did not know why they sang me a very scary like that but now i understand why they sang it that way." I sat down on a veranda of the ICT lab.

"sometimes I think that song is true, its just like my real life maybe I mean, see how everything is happening, see how the teacher has sent me out of the class just in my first day in his lesson." I continued.

"Your worrying too much, that guy might have given them three to four pages of notes since the term begun, its just a matter of a night prep to get his notes don't worry about him" Klara came from the back of him telling him not to worry as if he was worried.

"who said i'm worried about skipping a lesson" Really it was the worst thing I could think of doing, worrying about skipping a chemistry lesson!

It was even a habit in my former school, so skipping a lesson is just no big deal because I used to skip them but still i passed.

"Are you bold or just playing fool! Its not fine to miss notes in this school mostly Chemical's notes." She patted my Shoulder and also sat beside me.

"I went Outside the school today. here have the flash, it has the song we are going to present " After a silence which was awkward, I passed her the flash.

I was a bit uncomfortable, I was not ready to make the whole school hate me, this girl was such a beauty and sitting just shoulder to shoulder with me! I couldn't imagine what will her boyfriend do to me if he found us like this.

J couldn't trust myself with girls how can someone else believe me that when I tell them that we were just friends.

Thinking about the consequences, it reminded me of our boxing club coach, he used to tell us 'you only respect someone after that someone showing you that he needs to be respected'. He was trying to mean that there is no respect for the weak. And he was true though i never wanted to turn the whole of this school into my enemy, i was not afraid of someone who has done nothing to me yet.

But still, you should not use power to take away something that is not yours, thinking about that I decided to leave.

A very pleasant hand grabbed me by the shoulder putting me back down on the veranda. It was very warm and soft, I couldn't help but praise whatever lotion she was using that made her palm that soft like a baby's palm. I turned my face to her waiting for a reason to why she stopped me but i was taken again and my heart kept a bit when i saw her beautiful and pitiful face looking directly to me.

"Can you stay a little bit longer? "She said now looking down with embarrassment. Staying was not my problem at all but sometimes I did things according to a reason not just to please someone. I wanted to have some sleep anyway so i was waiting for her reasoning to be mature for me to stay.

"I mean, i'm in one of my op's right now and its boring to spend them alone." That was something i didn't care about at all.

"many students here would like to be with you, you wont be alone i promise you that." standing up i turned my back to her, that was no reason to make someone stay.

"That is why I want you to stay, you don't treat me like the others who tend to be scared of me, they talk to me because they don't want to offend me but you talk to me any how you like. You don't makee feel alone or lost like them, I always feel alone when am with them and i hate being alone " I felt pain in her voice while she was explaining her feeling but still i couldn't understand now, these two girls were seriously about to make my head spin.

That Habibah slayer material told me to be like the other guys who pretend to like whatever she was doing but this Klara looked like a slayer too was just the opposite but the good thing with her, she at least knew that students pretended to love her just because they were afraid of her background. I really don't think that Habibah couldn't understand that anyway, I still had a pleading face right in front of me now and she needed my reply.

"I have made quite a lot of enemies this day, I don't want to be enemies with your boyfriend too because that will turn me into a demon." I tried to explain to her some reasons to why i had to leave.

"Don't worry about him, me and him were done the begining of this term and who said i have a boyfriend anyway?"she was now making me feel nervous, a beautiful girl like her nit having a boyfriend right now in a school full of handsome and wealthy dudes, she was kidding me for real.

Trust me i have seen beauty but these two girls' beauty was now driving me crazy. The bad thing was that the one i hated the most was the most beautiful of all with a dark heart filled with madness. Though my hatred towards her was enough to dry an ocean, she kept on looking beautiful infact even more beautiful without make up like the other girls.

These two girls never used makeup but they still looked pure and better than their gender mates. I don't know if not using makeup had to do with their beauty but i found it funny when ugly girls tried to make themselves beautiful in front of these two creatures.

I couldn't blame the my guys for not dating these two creatures, the background of these two was so unpredictable. Some times these two girls looked a bit familiar but i couldn't tell how apart from beauty anyway, were their related or something.

"Kevan, serious your embarrassing yourself looking at me like that, from head to toe. Really admiring me when the sky is still blue, why not wait at night man!" my train of thoughts was blocked by her rude and disappointed tone so i had to look for an excuse.

"Oh come on, din't be disappointed to have a straight but not gay friend, I was still thinking about what you just said, you don't look like a someone who has just had a heartbreak" According to what I knew, yeah i have never had a heartbreak just because i have never fallen in love. There are thing that my heart can't tolerate just like love. Real men don't do that though I have ever seen my friends in what they called true love.

Sometimes I wished to have some bit of it just to know how it will feel but I have never met a person that can shake my heart in terms of love apart from desire. Though I have ever seen my friends crying and being in sorrow just for a heartbreak. Talking about friends who have experienced a heart break, among them are girls actually mostly girls than boys. But they took long to move on and pain was still seen through their eyes.

I really pitied them because they used to feel disappointed in me for not falling in love but to the end of it, they wished to have my careless heart! can you imagine.

"Because it was just a joke, I thought being with a cool guy at school, from A'level volleyball player. He was even a ounce Prom King but it wasn't me in the Prom Queen stuff so he was very famous and so i decided to date him but i felt nothing morethan friendship when i was with him so i decided not to waste his time and ended the love story." So this was why she was nor heart broken, she never loved the guy.

"Did the guy let you go that easily?" I never wanted to mess with an A'level monster. I was just a 15 year old kid nothing much I could do to an A'level guy apart from hiding.

"He never loved me, he was just madly in love with my looks and i guess you know what else he wanted too" If that was the case she was completely true but leaving a girl without sleeping with her was also another problem to guys like me. I don't know what was the case to the other guys but I think that's why girls always say 'boys are the same anyway'.

'If that is the case, you need to leave her alone, don't talk to her anymore' I was trying to convince myself to leave.
