

The story follows a youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

72__ Just Married

Mishil felt so disgusted when she looked at Bidam and the whores stucked on him. She really didn't understand why Bidam had to change this much in just a month time. She knew Bidam for two years but the person before her right now was nothing like the person she knew lately.

"You're here? Come join me for a drink." Bidam signaled with a nod and all the women left the room except for one who he held by her hand as if he wanted her to stay.

Mishil looked at that woman in concept...

To leave alone her being a brothel whore, this woman's beauty was on an extremely higher calibre with her sturdy chest covered with a translucent veil. Two pointers were revealed automatically and were very percefectly standing tall with her curvaceous waist on display too. Every man would like to have this woman on first sight even if she didn't make herself look sexy like now, she gave a green light to the crowd, of course every man would wish to be with her in bed for some reasons.

Dora looked at the woman with a viel and felt bitter the first time she came in. She was shocked by her looks, despite her face being covered with a veil, her body language explained it all.

Dora knew very well that she was one of the club beauties and maybe even the ranked first beauty in the club but never had she felt herself average in looks like now.

Some used to compare her beauty to a goddess yet now she felt, 'how can a goddess compare with this woman's beauty!' Her beauty was so out-of-this-world!

Seeing this, Kevan signaled them to leave and though she really wanted to know the relationship between the two, she had no reason of staying but abruptly, she felt her hand being held on though not so tight that she could even make it slip, she didn't knowing that Kevan wanted her to stay.

"Wont you be helping me pour some drinks in my cup? Why are you in a hury to leave?" Bidam said casually.

"You still want to drink for the weeks you have spent here drinking? Was all this about drinking?" Mishil muttered with questions.

Yes, all the past few weeks, the guy kept on drinking but surprisingly, he never got drunk or slept for a little bit. They could sleep and wake up but when he was still up, they even decided to work in shifts for him to be with company for the night. Some thought he had a problem but nobody knew what it was.

"If it was all about drinking, you would have come and atleast drink with me! You are being a shame to our Ye family, drinking and sleeping with whores in brothels. With your looks, don't you think you have overdone it and somehow messed up?" Mishil was not the talkative type but just the feeling of Bidam sleeping with women in brothels made her want to spat some blood.

Bidam stood up and pulled a card from his pockets and passed it to Dora, "with this, I think I can rest assured. If the manager insisits, tell him that am from the Ye family." Then Bidam held Mishil's hand and walked out of the room.

Outside it was already dark while the moon shone bright in the skies, this was Bidam's first time coming out of this bar ever since he walked in.

He saw Yuri standing next to a Posh, he was wondering who had brought Mishil here so it was Yuri!

"I have to go somewhere so you guys can go back first and I will catch up to you later." He said and turned to leave but his hand was held by Mishil. He subconsciously turned and met her wet tesry eyes, he felt bad. In all his life, he hated making a girl cry yet now, Mishil was about to cry. Leave alone that, hurting Mishilcs feelings was something he never wished for. He even felt like she was all he got in this life time for now.

"Take me with you, I want to tell you somethings and-and.." She didn't know how to explain this but from the bottom of her heart, she never wanted to let Bidam leave her sight again. It was ounce that he left her sight and he turned into this sort of person.

"I know but still, I will have to first go clean myself then I will escort you anywhere you want." Bidam explained hurriedly, he didn't want her tears to be connected to him at all.

"Then we will go together and I will also clean myself from your place. You don't mind, do you?" Mishil looked down, she felt so embarrassed asking to go to a man's place. This was her first time being impulsive like this.

Thinking this through, Kevan really had no choice but take her with him. He walked to his bike, it was also black, a series of the brand new 'Heiß verkaufen Hoch leistungs benzin Motorrad'. It was electrically controlled and actually its speed was incomparably unchallenged.

Bidam bought this from an old friend who he saved a year ago from bandits on the boarder of Wu Dao and Crazy Tiger. He was a scientist who was going for some businesses in Crazy Tiger. It was the most chaotic place in the rest of Venko on the boarders of three countries, Venko, Xi Sun and Macao. Due to its chaotic and gang leadership, rarely any one dared to go that side if it wasn't worth.

The scientist he save was Archon, a young master from a wealthy family in charge of BMX-Motors Company! Their capabilities created extremely fast motor bikes workdwide. It is even said that this company supplies the most of the best Mortor-Sport companies so he was absurdly rich and from their chat, he even knew that he was the only son his father had so his father put the most of his authority on his son.

Due to his gratitude, he gave Bidam his new brand of motor bike and was very happy being friends with him. Of course he wasn't going to just take it for nothing but since Archon insisted, he wasn't going to be so polite though he felt owed, he would be of help if he needed some one day.

Bidam drove his bike and in just a few minutes, they hard already reached his apartment. He lived in a town named Conrad after its founder or City Lord, the late Jowish Conrad so it was ofcourse very grand and crafty.

His apartment was on Harmony hotel and as the two walked it, Kevan decided to take shower first and see what to do next. Mishil was directed to another room to work on herself too and since she was a woman, her duration far exceeded Kevan's expectations so in the mean time, he walked out of the room to go and find something to eat.

It was already past time of the ceremony so it was better to be quick, after getting some outfits, he came back to his room finding the dazed and stressed Mishil wearing his shirt moving back and forth. She was so stressed and when she heard the door unlocked, she looked at it immediately and too a sigh of relief.

Bidam looked at her shy brown thighs and immediately swallowed, it was only him who knew that in this new life of his, he has never slept with a woman yet, this beautiful angel was so eye taking, he couldn't help but applaud of her beauty in his heart. Her hair was a bit messy and wet, she seemed to be putting on only his shirt since her two chest rabbits had made two pointers.

Bidam swallowed some more saliava and tried to come himself down, he didn't wat to be lustful towards Mishil, Ren Shivu warned him that she was going to get married soon with a young master of the Xi family. Bidam really liked her, because she was the girl who saved and cared for him but the feeling of her being taken away from him forced him lose interest and turned his gaze to the side.

She will be married to the other person anyway, what right did he have to look at her with eyes of admiration, she loved another man, unlucky him. It was better to accept reality anyway.

Mishil felt those eyes of admiration from Bidam and shivered, she didn't know what to do, she didn't know if he really loved her the way she did. She didn't know how to tell him this since she was in plans of running away with him even, she didn't know what to do but before she figured this out. Bidam's eyes turned ice cold and shifted his gaze from her as if he was no longer interested.

She couldn't help it anymore and cried, the person she loved detested her, what did she do wrong? Why was he so cold at her, was it because of what she said at the bar! She didn't know what to do, she was so heartbroken that she couldn't control her emotions anymore.

Bidam saw this and he immediately rushed to her, 'she finally cried!' Bidam hated himself right now. In all things, he didn't want to make Mishil sad or hurt at all.

First, he had feelings for her, he didn't know if it was her beauty that he liked since he couldn't explain that feeling at all. Second, she was from a higher up family, 'the Ye family', though it was not in the five Great familes, she was soon getting married to the young master of the Xi family and it was ranked first in the five Great families.

Bidam's power was not yet something that could step on the five Great families, though he wasn't afraid since he could run away however he wanted, he still didn't want to live his life on the run.

Bidam was speechless and just hugged her instead, "why are you being like this?" He asked his voice full of worry.

Mishil raised her head and looked at him back, she didn't think that she saw wrong. Bidam's cold eyes back then, were they directed to her or to some other person? No matter what, she had to tell him about her plans and if he doesn't want to run away with her, she will of course just end her life instead of sleeping with someone she didn't know at all muchless have feelings for that person.

She made research about that Xi Shui and the results she got made her almost throw up. He was very lustful and not even a gentleman. He spent most of his life hanging out with women of different kinds.

Mishil knew that if her father didn't come from the Ye family, it wouldn't have been worse and hard for her yet if she doesn't get married to that Xi Shui, her father's reputation in the family will greatly decrease but no matter what, she loved Bidam and only him.


After telling Bidam her feelings, she looked expectantly at him with concerned and worreid eyes. She didn't know if Bidam will accept her and run away with her, she just loved him. She loved that natural temperament he gave to her, it was something specially owned by him and she liked it because it made her calm her mind with bringing peace to her soul and worries.

After knowing all this, Bidam was overjoyed. He was planing on leaving Zone five anyway. He wanted to continue his training while exploring new areas and search for power. He wanted to be someone very powereful inorder to retrieve his memories back so without hesitation, he wasn't going to let his woman marry another man. No matter what, he had to marry her immediately so with no time, in that very night, the two went to the Court house in Conrad, having got their marriage certificate with the help of their two one time lawyers, the two became husband and wife.

In the next hour, though Bidam was not so into Christianity, Mishil took him to the nearby church and the Priest was very polite while putting a verification on their wedding.

Without wasting time, Bidam with his mask on everywhere he went, the couple arrived at the Yuan family masion. It was only their couple that travelled all the way here by bike so they obviously caught the attention of the nearby rich crowd who rushed here by their best brands of cars. Looking at the compound which was filled with all sorts of pricey brand of cars, Bidam didn't dare imagine how rich this ceremony was.
