

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

71__The five Great Families of Venko.

Present day, 30/12/2025.

*Zone 5, Capital*

In a private mansion, surrounded by very serious and ferocious looking men in black suits, unarmed but still looking deadly maybe giving security to whoever business man living inside this mansion.

Despite it being a bit far off from the Capital, it still looked gloriously rich and could be put in one of the well protected and serious no trace pass mansions. It covered an unknown radius of land but still it was not something to wonder off with even its own garden space.

Surprisingly, there was nothing like cars, as if these people rarely walked or moved, it was just them and the flower garden.

This garden was filled with all sorts of flowers which looked like they were obviously well packed and seemed to be cared for with intimacy.

Inside the garden, a polite and extremely beautiful woman seemingly in her twenties with all her mind on a particular flower pot didn't even take note that someone was already inside the same garden, observing her each and every action.

This woman's beauty was so out-of-this-world despite her fave being covered with a veil, it was easy for someone to tell that she was a goddess behind the mask.

With the carefulness that she used to pluck out the weeds or maybe some useless branches from it since there was not a single sign of weeds on it, someone could tell how she loved that flower in particular morethan most of the other flowers in her garden.

The flower was blue on its stem but what made it actually different t from others were the leaves which had different kinds of colours. They were currently three leaves on it now, one was pale yellow in colour, other one red and the lust one was completely white. They gave someone a feeling of not want to turn their gaze away from them, they seemed so speacial with a warm and calm feeling they produced.

She carefully poured some clean water on it and took a while looking at it yet with the eyes she used while looking at it, she found herself lost in the thoughts with winds blowing passed her pale yellow dress, her small viel which was slightly covering her lower face was moved by the winds revealing her perfect soft and beautiful face.

It was almost three years ever since Habibah joined the Zone 5 and though she lost some weight, her beauty instead increased levels and just as usual, her smooth clean brown hair was combed and perfectly slipped out now taller than before laying passed her slim shoulders.

As though feeling someone is spying on her, she subconsciously turned around and looked at the person dumbfounded by his arrival. She really didn't realise when Kevin came and even if she knew, its not like she would mind even since she just gave him a simple glance and then removed the rubber gloves from her hands, she was about to leave when Kevin suddenly said.

"Baron sent me, wont you atleast listen to his orders?" Kevin didnt stop her but instead said.

"Who else can make you be a dog than him? His orders? Am not one of his dog so, obviously I wont be taking them." Habibah was calm on the outside but her words shot an absurd nerve showing how he destested Kevin to the bones.

He couldn't believe how Kevan dared to befriend a venomuous person like Kevin! Not only that, he couldn't believe that Kevin was so stupid from life, the person he was working for tried to kill him. He killed all of his friends and maybe Bianca also didn't survive yet, he just dropped all of that as garbage and just asked for a job! Was this being serious or just pathetic.

"This time, he is finally letting go outside. It is what you wanted anyway, if you feel like you don't want. I will of course kindly relay your message to him." Kevin turned around and replied bluntly.

He knew how Habibah felt towards him but its not like he cared that much, he knew what he wanted. After almost dieing, he was brought back to life with the help of Baron's blood. He was even given a new life and home, his life was currently smooth all thanks to Baron! Not only did he wish for power, he had power right now and still thanks to Baron that he could train with the help a Top Grade Art martial method from the Pure Breeds.

He knew that yes, Baron's men killed Kevan but that was nolonger his business. Kevan owed him nothing for the things he did for him. He even thought that Habibah had no right of questioning his motives but since it is not like him explaining himself everytime, he decided to just keep it low.

"Who am I going out with?" Habibah still asked yet knowing what the answer will be.

"Baron trusts you with me so, I will be escorting you to the Yuan family, there is a gathering and many big families and companies will be their. Baron wishes you to come tonight so get prepared as its about just three hours to dark." Kevin waited for nothing like her opinion before heading outside.

Habibah sighed, she knew she really had nothing to do about it. She has spent two complete years without moving outside its not like she missed being out since it was not even like her wandering off here and there, she had her own plans, how she wished Baron had no idea about her plans even putting his left hand dog, Kevin on the guard.

She knew nothing about the Yuan family apart from it being one of the dive great families of Venko. Their power far exceeded some families and even big companies to an extent of developing to even other countries. They were families that shouldn't be messed with, though she didn't know which position the Yuan family was in the five great families of Venko, she knew that everyone knew that nobody must mess with it or its members.

She even felt scared going their, with her looks, someone might try to take her aganinst her will but she instead saw it as an opportunity of her escape. If Kevin lets her be taken, she will then escape from them no matter what.


"It is almost a month but he still lives in that brothel with whores? I really don't know what the heck happened to him! Ever since we came back, he has never acted like that before! I wonder how his manners changed into that of a shameless person!" This was Mishil speaking in fluent Chinese, she was curious with her face green.

Yuri was also at the side with a worried look but still replied, 'he is always drunk and keeps himself around prostitutes of different kinds, luckily, he keeps his mask on so nobody knows his face yet."

"What did he say when you told him that I wanted him back immediately? Didn't you tell him that he must escort me somewhere tonight!" Mishil impatiently asked ounce again now her face even more pale turning from green to purple.

"I told him everything but..."

"What did he say?" Mishil interrupted Yuri with anxiety.

"He said that I am not difference to him, he even said I am better than him in martial arts so..."

"So why not you escort me instead of him? Bidam! You dare sleep in the ranch for a month do you think I will let this go just like that?" Mishil clenched her fists till they almost bled and walked out without saying another word to Yuri.

Yuri was dumbfounded, and he thought about it. Yes, even if he wasn't so sure if he could easily win Bidam in a spar, he still felt like his talent was unimaginably dangerous. Why did Mishil not just leave the depressed Kevan alone and ask for the fine him for help!

Yuri felr things were not as simple as he thought and remembered that Mishil who he should be asking all these has left the room so he hurriedly chased at the back.


In a simple explanation of places, to make a foreigner understand directly without further analysis, Zone 5 of Blava was one of the modern and lucrative towns in Venko, not a single broke boy dared to lure around the streets of Zone two much less Zone 5!

It was were the headquarters of some of the Great Five Families were so ofcourse, its security was also top notch.

Someone can tell how famous the town was from the rest of Blava yet despite it being so grandiose and wealthy, none in the other Zones challenged it in terms of dirty businesses and in those businesses, there included prostitution!

Most clubs and bars in the town cared less about who you are when you visited them, there workers could of course serve you yet normally according to your background, their services were sometimes so exceeding the premium.

If you were even a daily customer, you could enjoy the most beautiful and sexy women in the ranch. Though all of the women in the brothels were just gorgeous and rare beauties, there were still some whose beauty was enormous yet a youth with a balck mask covering his upper face leaving just a small part of his left jaw, his hair very tall and pure black combed perfectly with a ponytail yet wearing all black clothes, he looked handsome but yet still average in the presence of true handsome men yet, he had the most beautiful women of this ranch all around him.

They were approximately eight of them and according to their beauty, you would sound jealous to judge any of them.

Since Kevan lost his memory, he was given a new identity his name being Bidam, he currently looked normal yet with a face mask but we all know how decisive the guy is in his mode time.

Bidam has spent almost a month inside the ranch house so since it was a principle for daily customers, he was no longer a daily customer but now a business partner so ofcourse almost all the best beauties were sent to his room.

Even the manager of this place was quite happy, he knew Bidam very well though he didnt know his face, and he wasn't worried about him using and pay nothing but what made him worried was that his place was a bit far off from the audience and this made it so perfect for the young masters of different big families pass by his place yet now, this month, though he was earning big from Bidam, he still felt scared offending the other young masters of some big families for not supplying them with good quality women.

His hairless head sweated rapidly on the thought of offendiing Bidam even more, knowing that he doesn't have what to do about it, he shook his pot belly and sat back to his seat, they will sort things out by themselves. Its not like he didn't want to help but his hand was completely not needed.

He knew very well that those young masters used to come to his place for some other businesses but still, they needed beauties around them, he didn't know Bidam's background all too well but he had already paid for the services so he must not be a simple person too.

Sending off his secretary, he decided to chill and see the strongest to win. He was also proud of his prostitutes, but what made him so puzzeled was that, Bidam was not only not giving out any of the women but also he was using none of them. It seemed like he was just bored and looked for a seductive company so he came to the brothel.

So what if he doesn't sleep with any of them, luckily he pays for their services and its what he wanted at most.

The big pot belly manager closed his eyes and leaned against his chair while swinging himself like a kid even humming a song to make himself feel better.

"You must be having alot of problems don't you? You have spent almost a month with just us but you still don't feel like going to bed with any of us! Do you think we are not so seducing or average looking to you? This was one of the women sitting just on his right side on a very soft bed like couch with some two massaging him on his shoulders.

Another one was pouring him another drink with the other girl on the left sleeping on his thighs, then there were some two hot black chicks holding huge feathers as fans with the last woman passing him the drink which was just poured into the glass, Bidam was currently enjoying himself more than the heavenly emperor. This kind of care the brothels gave to their customers was so top notch, its undoubtedly true that there was no such care in the Royal plalace.

Bidam didn't reply but took a sip from the drink before putting in some ice chips and took another sip again, he passed it to that girl who was asking and gestured her to drink before saying.

"Seems like my time to leave has come. Someone I must not offend is here, thanks for your company ladies."

He ounce again said, "You are all very beautiful and I believe my eyes when I saw you, the next time am coming...I will be hanging out with only you so tell that manager not to misuse you on my account." He said to the girl who was asking with a smile when Mishil walked into their room with a green face.
