

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

70__ 'He will come back for me!'

Hearing the man's words, the rest of them also woke up and looked at the soldiers in shock and worry. None of them witnessed their arrival, its like they just appeared from nowhere! It was not so simple to come unnoticed with how many they were. They forgot about how exhausted they were that they all slept off to this point.

Luckily, they were not dead and if these guys wanted them dead, they would've been long dead.

"Who are you? What are you doing here!" Esther asked worriedly, she was even shaking in fear. The way she felt so scared being around with people holding firearms.

The man seemed to the person leading these troop so after hearing Esther's questions, he walked to her and bent a little close to her face, he then observed her for a long time before exclaiming, "you're such a beauty yet still your words don't represnt your character." Exactly no one knew what he meant before his gaze started running through the females around.

His eyes ofcourse stopped on Bianca. Despite her being a little sleepy, this guy's mind thought that he had never seen such a beautiful woman in the whole of his life! Am I dreaming!

Her beauty made someone like him forget about others serious admiring each and everything on her! Good enough, those eyes were not eyes of lust but admiration! Did it put Bianca on the safe side then?

"Didn't you hear someone asking you something! You deaf or dumb?" Bianca hated people like him gazing at her like that, despite her being used to every kind of look from her co-workers from SCH, she still at times felt uncomfortable.

Ashamed of his manners, he ounce again looked around the females and his eyes stopped on another girl. She looked like she was in her early twenties or even running from teenagers, she was dark skinned with pure white eyes. Her lips were so much better to look at or maybe, more eye taking than Bianca's lips.

He even thought if she was a brown, not even Bianca could compare to her! Wait, he ounce again thought that her skin colour was just more than perfect on her skin. She looked like an American highschool PROM queen of all ages!

'How can they be so beautiful like this?' It was his first day to see alot of beauties combined together.

If only he could get one of the too, the dark skinned girl even looked so virgin and innocent! Just the thought of the two being in bed together made him swallow some saliva and kept his composure.

What was dangerous about this youth was that, he could keep his emotions and evil thoughts beneath him, no one could see through what he thought. He even felt so proud of himself.

Seeing how this guy was interested in beauties, it was her luck being average in looks so Pats decided to count how many these guys were!

She realised how underestimating she was before. These guys exceeding tens, some outside the fence others in the compound with the rest inside this collapsed mansion.

She had no hope of winning them without consequences but it didn't mean that they were to do something to them with her doing nothing!

'I might as well end this battle in the begining of it.' Pats smiled wicked and started to observe this general like man. He looked so young and handsome but, his mannerism around women made Pats lose her appetite. She ounce again looked at him intently, she was in mission of abducting someone a hostage and he looked so perfect for her.

He looked scholarly handsome with a short marine haircut. He was wearing an army combat with a pistol hanging on his waist. He looked nothing like a ferocious person and seemed to be a no threat to Pats at all. He looked cocky, his cockiness made Pats smile on how he will look with his own gun pointing directly to his medula oblongata!

"I must be asking the same questions and since you are in no position of asking anything here, you must of course answer them first and I will see if you deserve my worry or not!" The man now wearing that wicked smile said, he really thought that no matter what, these guys were nothing in front of his Megan Troop force. If he was to have any of these women, he was obviously not going let anyone stop him.

Maybe the heavenly emperor only, he was sure none of them had that background so they were done for.

Seeing that she had nothing to do anyway, Esther replied helplessly " This is my aunty's place, you people have no right to stand here and question me anything. If my aunty was here, you wouldn't be so cocky like this." Esther threatened and the man's face changed making Esther wonder if her aunty was this famous to an extent of scaring away this cocky army soldier.

In Lu Kang, everyone knew about this place and the owner of this place. If it wasn't for the taxi drivers who talked about this group of people who went to the burned mansion of aunty Gwen, he wouldn't have been able to find them finally.

Gerald was given a mission by aunty Gwen to come and wait for people who will be looking for her at her old residence but even the two months went on with him seeing nothing yet finally today, he met the people he had to bring to aunty Gwen!

How disappointed he was, knowing that he has lost everything right now!

At first, he thought that these people were just travellers who had nowhere to stay and had decided to come into this abandoned house just to have some rest. Funny how he thought of them having no right of questioning him because if this got to aunty Gwen, he will be doomed for.

After introducing himself, Gerald drove them into the woods politely with a worried expression and after the woods, a lash green forest shot through the gazes of the group and for another ten minutes, the group was brought to another mansion.

It wasn't that big like the other ruined mansion from before but it was painted clean green and looked beautiful with all sorts of fresh air trees besides it plus the army soldiers circulating around it back and forth.

From Gerald's Intel, he was just a sergent of aunty Gwen's army which was ruled by her, aunty Gwen herself. The whole town knew about this and that is why Gerald never hesitated from letting them know that it was her husband's army before he died, he then after left them in the hands of aunty Gwen and rarely anyone messed with Lu Kang all due to the ruthtless old woman, aunty Gwen.

She led a troop of over 20.000 army soldiers and ruled the whole of this town without the Venko government interference.

Lu Kang had not so many gangs since even the gangs available were very respectful towards aunty Gwen and rarely anyone used to go against her rules.

She was very dangerous and feared which maybe meant that she could mercilessly kill with no question whoever offends her. Yet instead of fear, the people gave her much respect with how protective her army was towards her.

Even the government gave her respect, first because her army was one of a kind that rarely left incomplete businesses and second because that extremely dangerous army was ruled by a woman. And they respect her so much since she treated them not like some random soldiers but like a true family.

The group moved inside and was perfectly welcomed by the gaurds at the doors before moving inside the completely green small mansion.

Since aunty Gwen was expecting Esther, she wasn't so much surprised yet after after hearing the whole story from where it started at first, losing Kevan and now her poor young sister! She felt so sad and sorry and just wished of Kevan to be alive.

Despite knowing that she just lost her one and only young sister, she asked a close secretary to help the group find rooms to rest for a bit.

She asked her sister for so many times to come to Lu Kang and stay with her but her sister's head was so bold that she insisted on staying in that miserable town waiting for Kevan, her adopted son! Sigh.

She collected her thoughts and after the group's stay of a week, she ounce again requested for them to come. She decided to let them learn how to protect themselves instead of running each and every time that their enemy attacked.

She knew that these guys were all so much talented in taking off but she also wanted to teach them how to stay at times and fight their way out so with her idea of them joining the army, none of them rejected and this made her happy.

'Seems like these guys too are tired of always running and not fight!'

With aunty Gwen's Intel, they all knew that it will be good for them to train and be aware of what they were all good at instead of leaning on other person's back, they might as well lean on themselves first.

Their mission was just no simple, they had a common enemy, if only they wanted to stay in peace for the rest of their live, they had to crush that enemy to nothingness.


After Kevan waking up, he asked alot of questions to Ren Shivu but luckily, the old guy was fine with answering them the past few weeks so he had even started his training from Yuri's guide, Kevan's skills were becoming more and more absurd in just two weeks, Yuri had nothing much to train Kevan. Yuri also knew that he has just been training for a single year so he wasn't so way off yet just someone from s months sleep who was supposed to be badly off was in to time going to be on par with him.

Since Kevan's memory had no plans of recalling a thing, Mishil worked on finding his new identity but luckily, Kevan spoke the same language as her so it was quite easy for him to get a new identity. His looks were also very doubtful, he looked American but Chinese too so she resisted the urge to ask his origin knowing what his answer will be.

He was named 'Bidami Rang' and he was quite fine with the name so he even never minded about that. Since even Ren Shivu said that his memory will be back if he reached a certain level of training so all his might was put into training and cared less about his new identity.

Time passed by and Kevan was now guided by Ren Shivu himself with Yuri joining them, they quite became friends, though Yuri was still very dangerous and impossible for Kevan, he knew very well that if he didn't keep on training, he will not be a match for this guy time to come.

Mishil used to come a watch at the side as they were training, they didn't have the plans of going back to the Royal palace yet so they instead decided to do some trainings in the mean time while looking for some herbs too.


Habibah was always in daze since she was brought to Baron's mansion, she knew her hopes of seeing Kevan and her sister again were all into vain. Kevan didn't know where Baron's laboratory base was and even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to know that she was brought to Zone Five because even if he knew, Baron's residence was very much hidden!

Even by luck, it had to be absurd for Kevan to know where exactly she was since she was not allowed to leave her room at most the mansion but not outside of it.

She still didn't know hwy Baron had kept her alive for all this long but its not that she even cared, what she was hoping for each and every day was Kevan to be alright.

She wished those two syrums had the power of protecting their host as they said but unluckily, they also implied that the host had to perfectly absorb them in his body for them to work perfectly!

She hoped that Kevan's body managed to absord them and wished that he was perfectly safe.

'He will come back for me' with teary eyes, Habibah had that longing from the bottom of her heart. Longing for home, longing for her lost love. She finally admitted that she was in too much love with Kevan, 'why did he have to go away from me!' She felt so pitiful towards the poor Kevan.

'Why did he have to disappear just like that?' She had cried the past months and almost no tears were left in her, she has even lost alot of weight since she barely ate, her appetite was in no doubt gone from that day she witnessed Kevan's fall from the tall clif, she was so much stressed.

With her looks, this was too much of a torture!
