

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

12__Re-encounter Rocky the champ.

In the morning of the day before the party, it was a school's day break. It was usually available for school occasions like parties and so forth but was mainly got when tomorrow is the day of the occasion. That day contained of nothing like studies just to help the students get ready for the occasion. How i was falling in love with the school that I had no feelings with at first. If I had not done some shit earlier when I joined this school, it would have grown fat already because of its peace of mind.

Anyway as I was thinking, I had already reached to where I was going, to the canteen as usual in the morning to have my boss's escorts for breakfast. This never looked like a job anyway because I was not paid or something, she was not my boss because I was the one providing her with everything she asked for.

I was becoming her father without me knowing, so it means that i'm getting some escorts for my daughter's breakfast. Giving birth to your age mate is very rare, it can even be a tourist attraction bit yeah those things existed because I was having one of myself too. You wouldn't believe it if I told you that she is really an old girl to be this childish making me get her breakfast the whole month without even a thank you or a smile or anything. This girl really had no connection a with heaven at all.

But things were going well as I already had some cash from my dormers who wanted to have a song collaboration with me. I accepted only songs that I knew of course bit when it came to collecting money from them, I was really not so polite but these kids had nothing like poverty or loss on their faces so I got quite a huge sum of money from them.

'It will help me out of this month' I was happy with the results of my freestyle recently.

After buying what I wanted from the canteen, I had nothing in mind apart from heading to the girl's dormitory but just some steps from the shop, I had that annoying and cocky voice coming from across the road.

"Hey kid, come over here we need to talk and hurry my patience is limited" Under a big pine tree with a long bench seat with Rocky and other four girls sitting on it, Rocky decided to play the bully part of him again as he was not afraid Ken a bit.

The girls laughed after what Rocky just said but I just continued to walk away not to try to cause any problems. I was not in the mood of breaking law right now so I said nothing in particular, I had no chat with him at all.

"Your asking for it, walking away when am still talking to you, are you arrogant or you just lack some manners or something!"This guy Rocky really liked respect, he reminded me of Habibah "you only leave when am done talking to you". She is so proud of herself but according to Rocky, he just wanted everyone's attention because he already got it as many students started to gather some standing at the side waiting for a new beating to happen. Even their faces were filled with anxiety. This school, and these students both have no place in heaven I guess.

Seeing him not respond again but continued to walk, Rocky was about to attack he could allow this young guy who even had no hope of shaving beards to insult him in this many students but he was stopped by a sweet and crisp voice.

"Leave him be, he is our Agent the rapper of this school maybe that is why he is so cocky. What else can you do to him anyway" I knew this voice. The boasting sound of it reminded me of that young girl who brought the trouble i'm in right now and she was ounce again bringing me another trouble.

Looking at the direction where that voice came from, I saw these four girls again but this time I decided to have a closer look finding myself knowing two of the four girls of which one of these two girls was Kate and the one who just said all that shit was that girl who loved that Allan the book worm.

I even never knew her name but she had this hatred towards me, bringing me trouble whenever she wanted she was asking for it this time..

"Oh come on Astrid, Rocky here is a boxer with a junior boxer title, how can you compare him with this rap shit Agent whatever. He is not that talented in rapping even though he has a PHD in being a cocky bastard" This time Kate wanted her revenge too. She was very angry with Ken rejecting her collabo request but she couldn't say it in public fearing to make her status drop a level.

If they cried knew that she was rejected by Kevan,it will bece the trending news of the week.

"Haha, you guys really lack some work to do. How about this, I will forgive you two girls if you stop talking shit but for Rocky, dick head! you wasted my time but you found me in a good mood still so I will only forgive you and do the same. Piss off, I promise not to hurt you. You better remember my words big man." Ken was being for real because whenever he got angry he couldn't stop himself from hitting a girl who is making him annoyed. Even slapping her in the face would be called being polite. It was all called bad temper.

Ken's words were just so funny making the nearby students to laugh.

"He was dishonoured for being so cocky last time but this guy has a hidden big head inside his mind." Sarz as usual was standing in the crowd with Kinetic on the side watching how this guy brought himself into another trouble.

"Is he not afraid of Rocky or he is just an arrogant bastard looking for attention." Another one from the same area where Kinetic and Sarz stood was also in metal block right now.

"Well if he really wanted our attention, he has got it now in full relaxation"Kinetic sneered.

"Oh my God, are you for real right now! This guy ids talking like this after losing by your hands? I think you were just easy on him last time "

'Easy on me last time! He beat me up until I collapsed and you call that going easy on someone? This Astrid whatever knew how to bluff ' I was so pissed on what these fools said just now. Did they think that their Rocky guy was that strong to win a one on one street fight.

I never wanted to make any more attention through trouble though the disrespect, for ounce I decided to not let anger use me so I decided to leave before doing something stupid.

"Your asking for it again, am not done with you but your trying to leave! Do you even know the meaning if elders" Rocky was not happy with Ken's behaviour so he stepped infront of him.

"Piss off" This was Ken being patient. How dare he step on hos way, did he want to live.

"You really said it! " Rocky blurted in disbelief. He couldn't believe his ears.

Rocky couldn't hold it anymore, this guy was so cocky. He was wondering why he was this stupid to look for his trouble not knowing that Kevan was also wondering on the same thing.

Rocky used a left cross punch in mission of hitting Ken's right jaw but he could believe what he saw. Ken, the young guy he fought with recently. Who knew nothing about fighting and defending actually missed his punch. This was not all but he also dared to attack him this time.

Rocky sneered but the sneer did not last long as he found him self punched without knowing when the punch arrived to his left ribs just after Ken missing his punch of the jaw.

Rocky found it hard to breath so he decided to guard his ribs first displaying his face to Ken. By the time he made a decision of moving his guards to his lower body, he received another two punches on his faces, breaking his nose. Blood sipped out of his nose as if somewhere it was coming from was fiercely attacked.

Before Rocky thought that he undermined this young guy on the first punch but later it was too late knowing that he was actually a no match for this boy at all so he decided to use his full power though he was in the worst hand of the fight. He used is fake move.

It was said that when Rocky used his fake move, no one could stay on his feet but only one person did and that was Eddie but he was also heavily injured.

Rocky couldn't hold the beating anymore so he punched five times consecutively in the same manner and on the same point with a lot of energy in his punches making Ken stay on defensive. Seeing him guard his face where the five punches were directed, Rocky smiled wickedly and then used a very first speed punching Ken by the ribs with two punches on the same rib and the same area before Ken reacting putting on the guards and retreating three steps back.

This Rocky is so wicked, he even wants to break my right ribs when I was being so polite with him. You just asked for it.

Rocky was so shocked, no one has ever escaped his fake move apart from one who stayed on his feet but after having it all. His fake move contained of ten punches, five in the face which were just a bait and five on the right rib in one area which were intended on breaking the opponent's ribs.

This Ken guy escaped just on the second punch, but according to the power of that punch, when you are hit some times you can even collapse. He was still in shock when he saw Ken attacking again as if he received no damage.

Ricky hurriedly grabbed in his two pockets removing two pens holding the tightly, he decided to make it a death battle nit knowing that he was just a junior in using pens in a fight.

Kevan pretended to see nothing as he just punched giving Rocky a perfect hand spot to pierce his pens. Rocky did not hesitate a single bit and he stretched out his two pens in a one hand piercing them towards Ken's left hand but accidentally, the hand that was about to be pierced was nowhere to be seen.

Looking for it Ricky found him self not having his pens and his right hand was grabbed and punched from the shoulder making it pulverised. It was not the end of it, he was kicked under his manhood hardly making him bend a bit before receiving a hard punch which made him finally collapse on the ground.

Rocky fell down feeling a sharp pain beneath and on his head. It was very hard for him to breath. He couldn't feel the blood sipping out from the top of his left eye as Ken's punches made cuts on his head.

In just a count of minutes Rocky was defeated. According to what Job told Ken, if you dare to attack any of Rocky's guys, you would be gangbanged their and then by the rest of them so Ken was still in guard waiting for them to attack.

He took out his two pens and stared coldly to Rocky's friends who stood their with shock on their eyes.

Realising that no one would be stupid to attack after beating up their champ like that. He lasted no round in front of this Ken guy so no one dared to mess with him not knowing that he was also injured like him though it was not that worse but those two punches carried power which can break ribs.

I left Immediately leaving Rocky still on the ground groaning in pain moving strait to the girls wing. Maybe news of me fighting Rocky were not yet spread as I walked to the girls wing with no one looking at me weirdly.

"Here, have these before they get cold" I found Habibah sitting on her bed as usual and said with a no caring tone. She always wanted me to give her stuff and then tell her no to misuse them. It was like I looked like a father to her maybe.

I was used to it so turned to leave.

"Wait" not again, what now!

Instead of asking all of the shit in my thoughts, i instead turned around and looking and her with a questioning look.

"You broke into a fight again? "She asked with disbelief in her eyes.

"How did you know?" U asked knowing that news were not here yet.

"Your face is filled with blood and cuts. Who was it this time." knowing that she really knew nothing. it was really not like me to explain to her. Not even my thoughts could allow that.

"Yah I did, are you calling your dad to have me arrested. If he shows up, you send someone in my room I will be waiting but right now i'm leaving."

I really had nothing to talk about because I had to clean myself up or it will cause too much attention.

"Why are u always so arrogant, u don't think much before doing anything, sit hear I get you the first and kit to clean yourself and I don't think that you still have it in your room!" Is she playing nice or caring about me?

Caring about me! Or jst caring about her baby sitter not to get sick, who will take care of her anyway.

After getting the kit from her book case, she made him sit on her bed a pulled out some cotton before putting some spirit on it she started cleaning his wounds on the head.

Looking at her sitting so close to him, Ken felt her scent penetrating through his nose to his lungs, what was the name of this scent she was wearing? Leaving alone the scent, my eyes fell on her small heart shaped pink lips. This girl really looked good with no makeup on her face.

"Don't look at me like that, I don't like that look when we are just two in this room, am just doing this to stop you from making yourself sick. Who will bring me food when your sick? " Habibah tried to make things clear here as she never liked Ken's look at all.

Someone entered without knocking at the door abruptly finding the two closer to each other.

"Klara!" They both muttered at the same time.
