
Kenichi - [Nano Martial] (En)

Hard work beats natural talent. [Starting Activation] Natural talent without hard work is nothing. [Loading data] What happens when the least talented advances against those with natural talent? [Activation Complete]

_DemonLight_ · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


"Move over, I'm coming through."

"Ouch... was the blow necessary?"

"I told you to move."

"My lollipop..." 

Kisara said with her usual superior tone to Kenichi who was eating a popsicle before she gave him a zape.

It had been a week where they had fought and formed a strange relationship for Kenichi.

She stopped looking for him to cause trouble, but now she looked for him to fight again. According to her it was her revenge and until she defeated him she would not be happy.

Kenichi had no problem with that, he was happy that she would no longer try to kill him, and that was enough.

They could consider themselves friends. Or so he thought.

Just like during that week Miu would try to talk to him, but something would always happen to avoid him or just avoid her.

"So you want me to sweep the floor with you again?"

"Tch, shut up or I'll rip your arms off."

"How scary."

[Various types of emotions detected in facial movements, concern, nervousness, and slight fear]

"Oh, thanks nano, now the question is what's wrong with her, But knowing her she won't tell me anything"

"Something on my mind"

"Nothing on your mind"

"I figured as much"

"You know you can ask for my help if you need anything"


"Well this is awkward"

"I'm leaving."

"A-a yes, bye"

"Something is going on with him, but well if he doesn't tell me there's nothing I can do"

<~~~~~ >

"Saying he can help me, who does he think he is, he's the one I'm in this trouble for, it would be easier if I just break their legs..."

She rebutted as she walked, she didn't like what was going on at all, but she knew it was because of her, even though she wanted to blame Kenichi, she knew he didn't have it in him.

But that didn't mean, she wouldn't hit him for causing her trouble even a little bit.


"... Well I'll think of something later, for now,...what a cute kitty~"

And so she stopped thinking and concentrated on playing with the cat.

<~~~~~ >

"Kenichi shirahama"

"Yes, I can help you."

"Here, if you're late we'll look for you."

"Eh, but this what, he left... I feel that if I open this letter it will cause me trouble, well, let's see."

-kenichi shirahama I will wait for you at 8:00 pm at warehouse 207 near the station, if you are late I will look for you and crush you, if you don't arrive I will look for you and crush you, if you refuse I will look for you and crush you.

Thor the Seventh Fist.

"What a pleasant invitation, because I am pursued by misfortune, it must be a curse, with whom I ran into so that they would put a curse on me."



"Now we have allergies, great"

"That's weird, it must be the dust."

"Apa pa"

"Maybe. Ser. Allergies."


"I guess I have no choice but to go."


"I just felt like someone was spying on me" desperately looking around "I guess it was my imagination" he found nothing.

As he retreated, he didn't notice how behind a tree a silhouette appeared whose eyes were shining and he smiled in such a way that a passing child saw him and started to cry.

<~~~~~ >

"Please take care of yourself."

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon, where's Honoka?"

"She's watching TV."

"If he asks tell him I went to buy something".


"I told you I'll be back soon, bye."

Closing the door, Kenichi walked out of the house, leaving Roberta with a deep expression on her face.

"She has become strong."

"Roberta-nee, let's play"

"Sure thing miss."

<~~~~~ >

"So this is it, because they're always in gloomy places."

He let out a sigh before continuing to move forward, when a shadow appeared above him.

"Hey, a giant cockroach!"

Instead of hitting, Kenichi preferred to remove himself and when he was on the ground he tried to step on it but it moved so much that he couldn't even touch it.

"Ku ku ku ku!"



A groan of pain was heard from the shadow that had stood up, when Kenichi hit the face with his fist.

"Nice punch."

"Huh, nijima?"

"The peerless one, I knew you were coming and that's why I also- woa, almost but no!"

"What's wrong with you stupid alien, I thought you were a mutant cockroach or something, I almost had a heart attack, let yourself get hit!"

After a few minutes of trying to hit Nijima they both calmed down to go inside the place.

"How did you know I was coming?"

"I heard you."

"You heard me?"

"Yes, in the park, after you got the letter."

"Oh, I didn't see you."

"Ku ku ku ku, I know."

"Because I feel like he was the shiver I felt"

"Oh look"

"They are a lot of people"

"The more the merrier, now go and smash his face"

"You.... Forgotten"


"Hahaha if you came, I introduce myself I'm part of ragnarok, I'm Thor the seventh fist, a sumo wrestler"


"... Well, now I challenge you to fight"

"Isn't that what we're here for?"

"Uhg, shut up and let's fight."

They both went down and positioned themselves to start fighting

[Sumo position detected, initiating transfer of movements to the brain].

"No Nano, not this time, I want to see what I can do, if I trust that it will always be this easy I'm not going to grow."


In one swift movement he closed the distance and threw a grab to throw him, Kenichi didn't stay back and ducked to avoid it, or so he tried to do, a palm strike came straight to his chest and sent him crashing into the wall behind him.

"What strength, it knocked the wind out of me for a moment."

"Heh, you're tougher than I thought, but let's see how much you can take."

Kenichi ran towards him and tried to push him but he didn't move him, however he was grabbed by the waist (sabaori*) and was thrown hard until he hit the other end of the wall.

The pain started to appear as he tried to get up, he used his forearms in the shape of an x to block the blow (harite*) that was going straight to his face, although he blocked it the blow sent him to hit the wall again.

For the next few minutes he was treated as a target for blows that sent him crashing to the ground.

"My arms hurt, if I keep taking the blows I'll end up breaking them."

"I must congratulate you for putting up with so much, but it's time for this to end."

He positioned himself to attack , but for Kenichi it was as if a bull was about to charge him, in one swift movement he stepped up and threw a palm strike towards his face to end this.

The blow made him spit blood and go flying towards the wall.

His head was spinning, he tried to stand up but fell back down sitting on the floor. Before nano spoke to him.

[Congratulations you won!]

A thud was heard as Thor had fallen backwards with his eyes rolling.

"Thank you, though it hurts all over."

"Ku ku ku ku, I knew you were going to win Kenichi, I always believed in you."

"You supported him, I heard you!"

"Shut up alien"

"But it ended well in the end didn't it?"

"I guess"

"But how did you bring him down if he sent you flying?"

"Well... "

As Kenichi took the blow and was thrown, before it went out of his reach, he threw a rising kick straight to the jaw, hard enough to cause a K.O.


It was 5 minutes before he woke up, and when he did he saw Kenichi sitting next to him, that was enough to know he had lost.

"I guess you won, good fight."

"Yeah, just the same, but I want to know something, why did he urge you to ragnarok?"

"I guess it's only fair, I want everyone to practice sumo, make sumo recognized, make everyone love sumo."

"That's a good goal, but to make the sumo you love so much of use to hurt people in a group where they are dedicated to that, is the opposite of what you want to do, fight, that's fine, but do it your way without anyone telling you what to do with what you know, after all only you yourself decide what to do with your life"

"... Who knew that the one they called the most cowardly ended up giving me advice, hahaha."

"I guess I don't believe it myself."

"And you, what goals do you have?"

"Goals... I used to have a different one, but now, to be strong I guess."

"Hmm, that's something, normal for someone like you, after all your teacher must be someone amazing to teach you like that"

"I don't have, I had, but I think I was the only one who saw them as teachers..., but I became strong on my own and I will continue to do so and with nano"

"Hahaha, well now there are two of us, from now on I will leave ragnarok, I will make sumo recognized based on my effort"

"I really hope so"

They both started laughing as if they were old friends.

None noticed the shadow on top of the second floor of the warehouse, all except Nijima who just smiled like a trickster.

<~~~~ >

"I hate you Kenichi, when I see you again I'm going to smash your face in.... , now what do I do with this"

"You know you can ask for my help if you need anything."

"Haa, you're the problem... I liked you better when I was just trying to hit you... if I keep thinking I won't sleep, and sleep is important, tomorrow's kisara will see what to do next, good night."

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all the best~