
Kenichi - [Nano Martial] (En)

Hard work beats natural talent. [Starting Activation] Natural talent without hard work is nothing. [Loading data] What happens when the least talented advances against those with natural talent? [Activation Complete]

_DemonLight_ · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

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"Kenichi shirahama I have come for you"

"I'm sorry miss, but I'm still in club time, come later"

"what did you say?"

"Yes Nano, why did I say that?"



"Seriously you're not even sure"

"Kenichi... since when do you have that courage?"

Miu asked to herself watching the interaction between Kenichi and the girl named Kisara.

She was surprised that she responded without a hint of fear or nervousness, considering that she wasn't like that and even more so when surrounded by ten people.

"Bastard how dare you..", one of the guys rushed to land a punch towards Kenichi's face, before he was easily dodged and sent to the ground by taking a punch to the jaw from him.

"It's not bad, but that doesn't change anything, now let's see how it goes with me"

"Wait", he stopped her with his hand seeing how she was going to start attacking.

"If we cause a fight here we will get in trouble"

"And why would I care?"

"You have a point..., I don't know, but I don't think you want someone to interrupt us, do you? Also, he didn't hit women"


"You heard it, you better calm down", Miu appeared stopping Kisara's advance.

They both looked at each other carefully before Kisara looked down at Miu's chest.

"Tsk, it's fine shirahama, but next time you won't escape", Kisara reluctantly backed away and those with her followed her.

"Well, it didn't get any worse, now..."

"Hello Keni-"

"Are you alright Yuka-san?"

"Oh, I'm fine"

"Come let's go to the infirmary"


"Don't complain, let's go"


Miu only stood when she saw how she was ignored, she was going to say hello when she saw how they started to walk away without even looking at her.

"Did he ignore me? No, maybe he didn't see me", she thought trying to find a reason for an obvious situation, even so she decided to wait for him at the exit.


"I already told you that you don't have to thank for anything"

"But you even accompany me to the infirmary, it really wasn't necessary"

"Of course I do, I'm not going to let anything happen to you Yuka-San"


"Oh yes, I'm sorry, if it bothers you that I call you that I can call you as usual"

"No, it doesn't bother me, I was just surprised...Kenichi-San"


"I can call you that right?"

"Of course"

They were both talking after leaving the infirmary, all the time, since he accompanied her to the infirmary, she was nervous, and even more so when she was called by name, but she was happy that he was there, and even more so now that they call each other by name. your name.

As they left the school they saw Miu standing.

Being close, she noticed them and smiled at them, apparently she was waiting for them, or rather for Kenichi.


"Hello," Kenichi greeted, stopping.

"Well I have to go now", Yuka spoke seeing that Miu wanted to talk to him and she would be bad company, so she decided better to let them talk.

"Goodbye Izumi-san"

"Yes, bye Furunji-san, bye Kenichi -"

"Bye Miu-san"

They both widened their eyes in surprise when they saw how she said goodbye and she began to walk in the same direction that Yuka was going.

"But Kenichi-san, weren't you going to talk to Furunji-san?"

"Yes Kenichi-san I need to talk to you"

"It will be another day, I need to take Yuka-san to her house"

Without giving time to answer, she began to walk and Yuka, seeing him, soon went with him, without first saying goodbye to Miu.

Miu just watched as they walked away, and she had various thoughts about Kenichi's attitude.

"Did he ignore me again? No, Izumi-san must be nervous because of what happened and he just accompanied her, if that's what it should be", again he was trying to find an answer to an obvious situation, so he decided to leave, he would talk with him later


"Am I that unlucky or is it just that the world hates me?"

Ahead of Kenichi was Kisara with her henchmen, he had barely left Yuka in her house and when they returned to his house they surrounded him.

"Maybe if I convince her again she will set me free"

"Kisara-san, maybe we could"


"Well there went the peaceful way"

Kenichi managed to dodge two blows that came towards him by ducking and instantly carried out a sweep, knocking them both to the ground, without wasting time he hit another in the abdomen with a hook that sent him flying until he crashed into two others that were coming behind him. , he began to dodge the other blows with simple foot movements, which was taught by Miu.

[Scanned Fighting Styles]


[Karate, boxing and judo moves were detected. Initiate counter options?]

"Nano...you're amazing"

[I know. Do you want to see counterattack options?]


As he continued to dodge, suddenly a small light covered all his vision and he saw how, just like the 3D simulation, they looked like an avatar, at the moment of launching a blow, a way to dodge and counterattack the blow appeared.

The most incredible thing was that he was not limited to just one opponent, he covered the ten surrounding him.

A smile appeared on his face.

Kisara watched as his 'companions' fell one by one, and whoever knocked them down barely made an effort.

Seeing that almost everyone had fallen, she decided to intervene herself. A kick was released and Kenichi blocked it by placing his hands in an x.

Kisara didn't stop at any time and kept throwing kicks that Kenichi only blocked without moving from the spot.

She stopped when she didn't fight back and mockingly asked.

"Can't she go on anymore or do you know you can't beat me?"

"..., It's not that, it's just, he didn't hit women"

Anger welled up from the bottom of her, her expression twisted into anger and thinking of nothing more than to crush him, she charged at him, multiple kicks with more speed and force attacking.

[Anger, frustration, indignation and slight sadness are detected according to facial expressions]

"I know... not because of their expressions, but because of their eyes. I know that look, after all, it's the same one that greeted me every time I looked in the mirror. The look to show that you're not weak, to be treated as an equal. That of someone who wants to be strong"

He received the kicks still without moving from the place receiving injuries the more blows he received. She just kept attacking relentlessly with more anger each time she attacked.

"You are strong"


"Although until now I have said that he did not hit women, I know that before someone like her, someone who also works for what she wants, I cannot simply remain without responding"

A kick caused her to jump back to avoid the blow.

Kenichi pulled himself together, he was hurt, yet he struck a karate pose, and stared at Kisara.

"Kisara-San, I'm sorry for not attacking earlier, although I told you I don't because I didn't hit women and it's true... I didn't say it because I looked down on you or considered you weak, I did it just because I'm like that, but. .. I will respond to your resolve, not as a man or a woman, but as an equal and that is why you are strong"

Kisara was surprised at what was said, at first she only got angrier hearing it, but what she continued left her astonished.

She didn't believe any of it at first but the serious look she was giving him told her something else.

A smile unconsciously formed on her face, her previous angry look faded, now she was only focused and defiant before her opponent.

With all the speed they possessed, they simultaneously launched a kick that met in the air causing a gust of air.

A flurry of blows with his right leg was thrown at him, who, unlike the previous time, deflected the kicks with his own blows. Finding an opening in the attack he launched a blow to the girl's abdomen with his left leg destabilizing her for a moment, which he took advantage of and sent a straight right blow towards her face. Reacting in time she managed to dodge it by bending her body backwards and using her hands for support, and sent a right kick towards her face which she blocked using her left forearm.

They both jumped apart taking distance between them, still with their guard up.

Unlike the Kisara who came with the intention of making Kenichi ground meat, now she had forgotten her motive, she was with a genuine smile, she was enjoying this fight, what she was looking for, what she wanted to let everyone know, what she wanted demonstrate, what he expected, everything he was doing now, everything was accomplished in one afternoon.

Kenichi could see the change in her, and Nano confirmed his theory, so he also had a smile, maybe he can't help much but if this could ease her a bit, it was fine to help her, after all he wanted someone to have. helped like this.

They both smiled with emotion and went back to attack.


"Heh heh, I really lost, well I thought I'd feel bad, I guess not"

"Are you OK?"

"Yes, only the ground was cold and I gave him a hug"

"Ok, I get it, can you stand up?"

"Yes, I'm not paralyzed you know"

"Hee hee I'm sorry"

Kenichi extended his hand towards Kisara who was on her back on the ground, she looked at the hand for a few seconds before grabbing it and getting up from the ground.

They were both hurt and tired, yet they looked as if they had taken a stress out of themselves.

The others on the ground started to get up and saw Kenichi and thought about attacking, but a voice made them back off.

"Stop! It's over, go away"


"I said it's over! Didn't you hear me? Now go!"


They all started to leave, not wanting to face the woman.

"Well, and I thought they would attack me"

"Hum, I know losses"

She was even surprised, she didn't like to lose, be it a fight or something minor, her temper would come out, however, even losing didn't cause her as much discomfort as she thought it would.

"Kenichi Shirahama, thank you"

Kisara was about to withdraw from her but a pain in her ankle made her let out a groan of pain, Kenichi heard it so he got closer to her and put her arm under hers to support her walking.

"Hey what are you doing, you pervert!"

"Hey! I'm not a pervert! I'm just helping to walk!"

"I do not need your help"

"Are you sure? Maybe halfway down the ground will feel cold again and I need another hug"

"Tsk, you're annoying"

"Yes, yes, now walk"

"Next time I'll be the one to take you to the hospital"


"Sure, you thought just one fight would be enough"


"What? Did you get scared?"

"Not at all, I was just imagining how to defeat you next time"

"Huh! What are you saying you bastard? Next time I'll only need one kick to kick your ass!"

"Maybe I'll order a reward milkshake"

"What are you betting with, huh? The boy has pants"

"...Didn't I just defeat you?"

"Tsk, shut the fuck up, it was just a fluke"

"And a sprained ankle, hahaha"

"Shut up or I'll kill you!"

Both walked in the sunset while talking like old friends, both despite what had happened had a pleasant feeling around them, what remained was to see what was preparing the future for Kenichi.

If there is support more chapters, thanks for reading

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